I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 797

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:40 AM

Chapter 797: action

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After the two determined the action plan, Yu Lingxian also agreed to Lin Hang’s request. In fact, in most cases, as Lin Hang’s "Servant", Yu Lingxian generally would not oppose Lin Hang. What Hang meant was that he would sometimes express his own different thoughts, but as long as Lin Hang persisted or made sense, Yu Lingxian would still agree with Lin Hang’s views. In his view, he and The relationship between Lin Hang is not a simple "Follower" affiliation, Lin Hang treats him like a friend, he will naturally treat Lin Hang sincerely, and now Yu Lingxian further realizes the horror of Lin Hang’s talent. Under such circumstances, it has deepened Yu Lingxian's recognition of Lin Hang's decisions and plans.

After the decision was made, Lin Hang said, "Okay, Jade Spirit Fairy, we will probably arrange things like this! Wait some time, wait for my clone Lin Hang No. 1 to arrange the current "Huaxia Gate". Those disciples’ experience in the West Pole is on the right track. We can start the plan this time. According to my idea, we are going to let Linhang-1 go to the stars with you to explore the " The location of "Purple Cold Island" will be supported by your realm and sentiment at that time, plus our supplies are almost infinite, so there is no need to worry about battery life, as long as the ice blue five-pointed star token is completely dissipated. , To find some clues to the "Purple Cold Island", then this time the exploration is quite successful!"

After Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian finished their discussion, they also went back to prepare separately. Because Lin Hang 1 will be leaving with Yu Lingxian later, Lin Hang will not be able to sense the existence of Lin Hang 1 in the future. Yes, this is also the reason why he vigorously built Linhang-1, that is, Linhang-1 can exist a long distance away from his deity for a long time, so that Linhang's arrangement can be completed, so Linhang needs During this period of time, I connected those experiences and insights that Lin Hang 1 had in the mind of the West Antarctica. Otherwise, wait until Lin Hang 1 is done with things here, then follow Yulingxian. Lin Hang would not be able to get these insights anymore if he left Ziwei Emperor Star and went to the starry sky.

According to Lin Hang’s arrangement, Lin Hang 1 and Yulingxian 1 only need to coordinate the current "Hua Xia Gate" disciples' experience. There is no need to pay too much attention to the implementation of every detail. Naturally there will be others. Arrangement, so in Lin Hang’s view, this process shouldn’t take too long. The facts are exactly what Lin Hang expected. He felt the experience and experience brought back by Lin Hang 1. Soon after seeing them, that is, in more than a month, Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 have also completed the framework for many disciples of "Huaxiamen" to experience and act.

In the framework arrangement this time, in order to ensure the safety of the disciples of "Hua Xia Gate", the green islands set up at various node positions, according to their ideas, are at best a place suitable for the disciples to stay temporarily. The right place still has to go back to the West Antarctica inland sea to rest, and what connects all of this is naturally the teleportation circle. As long as the teleportation circle is assisted, the commander-in-chief of this experience and the general assembly location can still be Placed on Fenglei Island, then these disciples can choose different green islands for teleportation according to their own suitable cultivation level, and then they can start the subsequent experience, still following the previous mode and proceeding in the team situation. With experience, this is what Lin Hang has always thought. Only by exercising the cooperative consciousness of these disciples of China at all times can they enable them, who are not strong in their individual strengths, to have greater opportunities for cooperation in the future. Possibly survive.

And many of Huaxia’s disciples, when they learned of such a plan, were very excited, and did not have the slightest intention of resisting. Although they had already heard about the dangers of the West Polar Sea, they were also in the previous "Ziwei In the shallow experience of Secret Realm, I got some news from the disciples of the four major inland forces, knowing that it is definitely not accessible to ordinary people or forces, but they still believe in Lin Hang’s arrangement even more, they know Lin Hang has always taken care of them incomparably. Basically, there has been no mistake in the arrangements for them. Under such circumstances, the specific training matters are also shown in front of them, and there is no omission. Faced with such complete information, these disciples discovered that the environment and conditions in the West Antarctica were indeed extremely bad, but Lin Hang and their arrangements were also extremely comprehensive, as long as they could be a little more cautious and recognize their own strength. If you don’t challenge the existence that they can’t fight, you can actually survive in the part of the outer sea of ​​the West Pole, and you can always fight against the monsters in it. Of course, it is the most suitable venue for them to experience. .

Therefore, under the arrangement of Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1, the first batch of "Huaxiamen" disciples also began their journey of experience. After they received the exclusive mission from Fenglei Island, they too Starting from the teleportation formation on Fenglei Island, they went to the green island in the middle where they were going. And because it was the first experiment, the disciples of the "Huaxiamen" who entered the West Antarctica this time were all those of higher realm. There are a group of hundreds of people, all of whom are at least the Nascent Soul stage or older. In addition to those disciples from China, there are also many casual practitioners from the Western Antarctic Inland Sea. People can be called the elite of "Hua Xia Gate", so this first exploration task is directly handed over to them, as long as the result can be waited for Lin Hang's satisfaction, then the follow-up experience can increase the investment of the disciples.

In fact, Lin Hang didn’t need to wait for a long time to see the results of this experiment. It only took a week to see the results, and it was also a week after this group of disciples entered. Lin Hang was also relieved. His clone had always been paying attention to the performance of these disciples. After watching it during the last week, Lin Hang could not help but nod his head. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the performance of these Chinese disciples. A group of disciples deserve to be the elites of "Huaxia Gate" today, and their quality is indeed very high.

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