I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 798

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:38 AM

Chapter 798: Set off soon

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In Lin Hang’s observation, these disciples of "Huaxia Gate" were divided into multiple teams to act separately according to their requirements. According to the strength of each team, they also chose different areas suitable for them to act. In the early stages of such actions, they were still more cautious. They didn't rush to find the monster beasts to take action. Instead, they made inquiries and acted before proceeding with their hunting plan. Therefore, in the first week of this period, the disciples of "Hua Xia Gate" did not achieve very big results, but they also found out the tone of follow-up actions for themselves. When they saw this, Lin Hang was not What's more to worry about? The experience of these disciples of "Hua Xia Gate" in the sea outside the West will soon be on the right track. At this time, there is no need for Lin Hang 1 to stay here to coordinate things, and he I also wrote down the insights and experiences that Linhang-1 brought back, and Linhang-1 could already follow Yulingxian to explore the "Purple Cold Island" in the starry sky.

Because after Linhang-1 was far away from the purple emperor star, Linhang was actually unable to sense the position of Linhang-1 from a long distance, so he must take a stocking attitude on Linhang-1. , Is because he can't feel it at all. In other words, in the days that follow, Lin Hang can stay on top of this Ziwei Emperor, and he can complete his future breakthrough road with peace of mind, although he also wants to be able to Perceived things in the starry sky, but Lin Hang also understood that with his current realm, he could never do it. He could only pin up hope and hope that Yulingxian would successfully return with Linhang-1.

Jade Lingxian himself wanted to take Linhang 1 to the starry sky to find the location of the "Purple Cold Island", but the clone of Jade Lingxian No. 1 wanted to stay, and because Jade Lingxian had already At the point where it has reached the realm of real immortals, the distance between Yulingxian No.1 and Yulingxian is much longer than that between Linhang and Linhang 1. Under such circumstances In the early stage and even in the middle of the exploration, Lin Hang was able to obtain some news from Yulingxian No.1, which was also his final important source of news. In the later stage, as the distance increased again, Lingxian No. 1 was definitely unable to perceive anything. At that time, Lin Hang could only pray secretly that this exploratory team could have a good harvest.

And this time through experiments, after Lin Hang 1 entered the sea off the West Pole, because of the shielding connection, the contact between Lin Hang and Lin Hang 1 was intermittent and very uncomfortable, so Lin Hang was also very uncomfortable. Simply cut off the connection directly. In this case, Linhang-1 can still exist independently, and continue to perform his mission in the sea outside the west, without the risk of dissipating, so Linhang is also I came to the conclusion that even if Linhang-1 is far away from his deity, the most words are that Linhang and Linhang-1 cannot communicate with each other, but Linhang-1 is due to its manufacturing process. Because they are different, they can rely on their own existence. In this case, Linhang-1 can replace Linhang to perform this mission.

On this day, on Fenglei Island in the Western Antarctic Inner Sea, Lin Hang, Yulingxian No.1, Wang Lao, and Liu Ruyan were gathering together, bidding farewell to the starry sky and looking for the road to "Purple Cold Island" In fact, Lin Hang 1 is only incidental to the Yu Lingxian and Lin Hang 1. The most important thing is Yu Lingxian himself, because this time he was entrusted by Lin Hang to enter the starry sky. It is for Lin Hang. Hang took a big risk. After all, the starry sky is still extremely dangerous. There are actually not many places to settle like Ziwei Emperor Star and Earth Star. Most of the time, the two of them should be there. Drifting in the starry sky of, plus the fact that they don’t have a star map in their hands, they can’t accurately locate their position. They all need to rely on the coordinates of the icy blue five-pointed star to be able to determine the rough Direction, so the safety of Jade Lingxian is also what Lin Hang is most worried about. Jade Lingxian went to explore the starry sky for his affairs. If something goes wrong, Lin Hang will definitely feel sorry for it. of.

It is precisely because of this that during this period of preparation, Lin Hang also worked hard to prepare a lot of props and supplies for the Jade Spirit Immortal. Among them, there are hundreds of spiritual stones for supplementing spiritual power. Many, there are also some very useful special props that can make Yulingxian and Linhang No. 1 face and solve most situations. After all, what Yulingxian and Lin Hang No. 1 will have to face in the days to come is that In the mysterious starry sky environment, it is natural to think all things well before setting off. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang can be considered to have done everything he can do. What useful props are also to make jade Lingxian and Linhang No. 1 are packed full of things, for fear that they will encounter many problems that they cannot solve in the starry sky, and the most important thing in this is a powerful prop called a random teleportation stone. This prop can transport the monk who uses it to the desired location. As long as the distance does not exceed one million miles, it can complete such an operation. The principle of its use is also very simple. It contains a lot of space power. After the power of space bursts out, it is possible to create the space channel that connects the destination according to the user's wishes, so that we can use this space channel to go to the desired destination, although the use of this random teleportation stone is also It takes a little time, and it is not a special insurance, but in times of crisis, it can indeed be called an artifact of life-saving.

Jade Lingxian looked at Lin Hang with a solemn face, instead he laughed and said, "Lin Hang, why do you put on such a look? I just went to explore in the starry sky, not Don’t come back? Don’t worry! With my current cultivation base, coupled with the changeable abilities of Linhang 1, and the so many props with different functions we have brought, it is enough for us to deal with most According to our estimation, that ice blue five-pointed star token should be able to support a year, and our speed, a year is definitely enough to get there, as long as the journey If nothing happens, there should be no problem with the itinerary this time!"

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