I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 8

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:10 AM

Chapter 8: Fight outside the city

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Lin Hang knew that although Liu Ruyan had no pretensions in front of him, she had always looked like a big sister, but once someone offended her, the anger of the Liu family was not easy to bear.

That night, Liu Ruyan came to Lin Hang’s room and looked at Liu Ruyan in front of him in a tight black dress. Lin Hang couldn’t help but ask, "Sister Yan, are you?" Liu Ruyan did not answer, and threw it to Lin Hang. A black suit.

After Lin Hang was replaced, Liu Ruyan smiled mysteriously, "Xiao Hang, sister will take you to a good show tonight!"

Then, Liu Ruyan stood by the window and threw a thick vine toward the building in front. After the vine wrapped around the railing on the top of the opposite building a few times, Liu Ruyan kicked her back and swayed forward quickly. Lin Hang came to the window, and Liu Ruyan's voice was still floating, "Xiao Hang, keep up!"

Lin Hang did not hesitate. Obviously, this is not the first time that such a thing has happened during the ‘special training’ for more than a month.

Then Lin Hang followed Liu Ruyan and leaped rapidly through the city, and soon the two approached the suburbs. Liu Ruyan put away the vines and said, "Xiao Hang, let's go quieter next, and ran over slowly, almost here."

Ten minutes later, Lin Hang followed Liu Ruyan up a small hill and saw that there were about two dozen people looking for something in the clearing in front of the mountain. Liu Ruyan made a'hush' gesture and said in Lin Hang's ear, "Don't disturb them, the good show hasn't started yet."

Lin Hang nodded. The two dozen people below were all supernatural beings. Two of them stood by and watched the others search. One of them wore conspicuous gold-rimmed glasses, it was Zhou Mo, the Patriarch of the Zhou Family!

"Why are they here so late?" Lin Hang was puzzled. But seeing that Liu Ruyan didn't mean to explain, she waited patiently.

After waiting for about half an hour, Lin Hang realized that they still didn't seem to find what they wanted. Zhou Mo and the young man beside him looked a little ugly.

Liu Tianlin is in a bad mood now. He was sent to Huicheng by his family this time to do a major event with the Zhou family. Obviously, the old man in the family wants to experience him. Once this is done, when he returns to the capital, no one can compete with him in the younger generation at home.

"Uncle, the intelligence shows that this is correct, right?" Liu Tianlin couldn't help asking Zhou Mo next to him.

Zhou Mo habitually helped his glasses, and said in a deep voice, "It must be right here. I have been in Huicheng for 20 years. I have been investigating this matter for these years, and I will definitely not make mistakes in the position. Yes. Tianlin, let them expand the search range by another 20 meters."

As the search scope expanded, a voice came from the east of the search circle, "Young Master, Mr. Zhou, there is a reaction!" Zhou Mo and Liu Tianlin hurried over, and a thin man said respectfully, "Da Master, you see, there is an abnormal psionic fluctuation here. The key to the ruins should be here."

Zhou Mo and Liu Tianlin also felt it carefully, and as expected, there was a special psychic energy fluctuation in the place where the man's hand was pointing. Liu Tianlin said immediately, "Six sons, this time I really found the key, and I will give you head skills!"

Just when they were about to start digging, a group of people rushed over from the opposite hillside, about a dozen people.

"Zhou Mo, you don't sleep at night, and it's so leisurely to run into this wilderness." The leader of the crowd said.

"Li Haoxuan! How could it be you?" Zhou Mo asked in a cold voice, losing his usual calmness.

Li Haoxuan spread his hands and smiled, "Why can't it be me? This is your house? It's you, who brought so many people here at night. There must be something shameful."

Zhou Mo knew that he was a little gaffe, and quickly controlled his mind, and ordered the people around him, "Tianlin, you take ten people to dig quickly, I will block them first!" After all, Liu Tianlin is the eldest grandson of the Liu family. There was no panic in this situation. He didn't hesitate to listen to Zhou Mo's words, and started digging with someone.

Zhou Mo said fiercely to Li Haoxuan, "Crazy Li, in Huicheng for so many years, our Zhou family and your Li family can be considered as flooded and not in the river. Doing this today is not afraid that I and you will lose out?"

Li Haoxuan smiled indifferently, "Don't talk nonsense, I've solved you, and the kid from the Liu family." After that, he rushed towards Zhou Mo.

When Zhou Mi heard Li Haoxuan's words, he was shocked again, "Does this lunatic even someone from the Liu family know?"

Because of the nature of things tonight, the people Zhou Mo brought out were all non-combatants who tended to search and perceive. He himself was also a mentally enhanced superpower and was not very good at fighting.

Seeing Li Haoxuan rushing over, Zhou Mo gritted his teeth, took out a golden steel ring from his arms, and threw it into the air with a bit of pain, only to see that the steel ring slowly grew larger, turning into a huge ring of fire to Li Haoxuan and the others. A dozen people all circled in.

"Crazy Li, how does my golden circle of fire feel?" Zhou Mo said triumphantly, but he didn't forget to urge the excavation team to speed up.

The frustrated voice of Li Haoxuan that Zhou Mo expected to hear did not appear. He secretly said a bad sound, and saw that a dozen people beside him were instantly attacked. Zhou Mo was also approached by Li Haoxuan, and the two handed over.

Zhou Mo complained in his heart, this Liu family's unique spirit soldier Golden Circle of Fire, although powerful, it has a good way of being trapped. But there are two weaknesses, one is that it consumes too much psychic energy, and the other is that, as it is now, fighting in an open space, if you encounter an earth-type supernatural power, it will lose its effect. Just now, Li Haoxuan and others were trapped inside. Obviously, there was an earth-type supernatural player in their team, passing through the underground, and instantly out of the golden circle of fire.

As Liu Tianlin and others excavated in the distance gradually became effective, Zhou Mo felt that Li Haoxuan's offensive was becoming more and more difficult to resist. Li Haoxuan is a power-strengthening superpower, without any fancy skills, but his powerful fists also show that the phrase'One Power Drop Ten Meetings' can be passed down, and it makes sense.

On the other side of the hillside, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan were watching the battle in front of them with relish. Liu Ruyan was nothing, but it was the first time that Lin Hang saw so many supernaturalists fighting. Although Liu Ruyan had introduced many supernatural powers to Lin Hang, what he described was far less exciting than what he saw in reality.

Lin Hang asked while watching, "Sister Yan, how do you know there will be a fight here tonight?"

Liu Ruyan smiled and said, "It's not about how I knew it, but I directed this scene!"

It turned out that Liu Ruyan knew through family intelligence that the eldest of the Liu family had come to Huicheng to do a major event, so he secretly sent someone to follow the Zhou family and stabbed the matter to another big family in Huicheng. ——Li Family, this is the scene of tonight.

The Li family is also a native family in Huicheng, but their previous generations were gangsters. It was only in the generation of Li Haoxuan’s father that they slowly whitewashed the family’s business and started a serious business. Now, like the Zhou family, Huicheng is second only to the Ye family.

When he knew what the Zhou family was conspiring with the Liu family in the capital, he naturally couldn't sit still. Originally developing in Huicheng, there was already a lot of friction. How could he see the Zhou family become stronger again? As the saying goes, what the enemy wants, he must not be able to get him, so Li Haoxuan brought someone tonight without saying a word.

At this time, the fighting between the two sides had become fierce, and the defeat of Zhou Mo's people had gradually emerged. Although the number of people on both sides was similar, the difference in strength was still quite obvious.

Just when Zhou Mo and the others couldn't hold on immediately, Liu Tianlin's side suddenly shone brightly, and saw a beam of light shoot into the sky, and a jade plate floating in it with strange lines on it. Liu Tianlin grabbed the jade card and quickly withdrew it towards the distance.

When Li Haoxuan saw this, he immediately prepared to chase him, but Zhou Mo turned his head and entangled him, Li Haoxuan shouted angrily, he could only solve Zhou Mo first.

But Liu Tianlin took the jade medal, and the direction he retreated was exactly on the **** of Lin Hang's side.

Liu Ruyan looked at Liu Tianlin who was getting closer, rolled his eyes, and said to Lin Hang, "I will stop him later, and while I fight with him, you can grab his jade medal."

Lin Hang nodded.

Liu Tianlin climbed the hillside, but saw a figure jumping out from behind a huge boulder, and started to attack him without saying a word. Everything went wrong for Liu Tianlin tonight, his heart was holding fire, and he thought that there was still Li Haoxuan behind him that the threat had not been lifted. A ruthless look appeared on his face, and he was ready to fight quickly.

Liu Tianlin pushed forward with his right hand, and a basketball-sized fireball quickly flew towards Liu Ruyan, but about a meter in front of Liu Ruyan, it split into ten tiny pillars of fire and attacked Liu Ruyan from different directions. Liu Tianlin in the rear showed a smug smile. This is the development of the ability that their Liu family has specially researched. Such sudden changes will be hard to prevent.

But the next moment, Liu Tianlin's smile solidified on his face, and he saw the figure on the opposite side. He dodged from left to right, and even avoided all the ten fire pillars!

"This is impossible! Who are you? Why are you so familiar with my Liu family's abilities?" Liu Tianlin cried out in disbelief.

Liu Ruyan obviously didn't want to expose his identity in front of Liu's family, so he didn't answer, but he didn't use the ability. But she also knew that this was basically impossible. Liu Tianlin must have a life-saving thing given by the elders in the family, so he still focused on entanglement.

When Liu Tianlin and Liu Ruyan confronted, Lin Hang suddenly got out of Liu Tianlin’s shadow, punched Liu Tianlin’s lower abdomen, took the jade card from his waist with his left hand, and took the opportunity to copy Liu Tianlin’s ability, another He flashed and entered the shadow of Liu Ruyan.

Seeing that Lin Hang had succeeded, Liu Ruyan waved to Liu Tianlin, turned and retreated into the darkness.

Liu Tianlin reacted, a fierce pain came from his lower abdomen. Looking at Li Haoxuan who had already got rid of Zhou Mo behind him, he didn't care to chase Liu Ruyan, and disappeared in the other direction.

Li Haoxuan saw that Liu Tianlin had been robbed of the jade medal midway, so he did not continue to pursue him, but turned to deal with Zhou Mo and others. Zhou Mo saw Liu Tianlin had left, and snorted, "Madman Li, you wait. ! Nothing happened today!"

Zhou Mo winked at the person next to him, who knew, folded his hands, and then a thick black mist emanated from his body, wrapping up the twenty people present.

Soon the fog dissipated, but Zhou Mo and the others were no longer there. Li Haoxuan found that they had escaped while wrapped in the black mist, and now he had to give up and take the people back to the city.

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