I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 800

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:21 AM

Chapter 800: Into the stars

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After Lin Hang figured it out in his heart, he no longer felt sullen. After nodding, he left this area with Wang Lao and Yulingxian No.1 Liu Ruyan, and returned to their own practice. So, now that Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian set off from the starry sky to find the location of "Purple Cold Island", they also need to practice hard and strive to be able to move towards the realm of real fairyland.

At this moment, Yu Lingxian took Lin Hang 1 directly into the starry sky. At this time, Lin Hang 1 was in the starry sky without any cover or defense, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. The look, in fact, strictly speaking, this is the first time that Lin Hang-1 has come into contact with the starry sky. Before that, Lin Hang traveled between the earth star and the purple emperor star on the starry sky route set by the alliance of ten thousand races. Those who are walking are all broken stone fragments, in which there is the existence of the teleportation circle, and the teleportation circle can exist because of the effect of isolating the starry sky on these broken stones, otherwise it will definitely be The harsh environment in the starry sky was destroyed.

Therefore, even though Lin Hang had entered the starry sky before, he was still protected by some gravel, and he did not have any deep impression of the harsh environment in the starry sky. It was the physical body that directly touched the starry sky, and immediately felt a different place. Numerous chaotic elements and fragments of the law constantly impacted his physical body, making him must spend all his spiritual energy to resist the intrusion of these things, Lin Hang It can also be found that under such circumstances, his spiritual power is consumed extremely quickly, and in this starry sky, the spiritual power is so mixed that it cannot be directly absorbed into the body, and if you want to absorb it, it has to go through complicated refinements and the efficiency is very low. , In other words, the cultivator of the Void Fairy Realm lost a great advantage in this starry sky, that is, the powerful resilience disappeared directly.

Lin Hang I understood why the monks in the realm of virtual immortality could not rely on their personal strength to cross the starry sky and find the location of other cosmic light fragments and the heavens and worlds, except that it is difficult for them to sense the location coordinates of other worlds. In addition, the more important point is that their ability to survive in the starry sky has been greatly weakened, and they are almost unable to survive for a long time. Of course, if there is this infinite supply of spirit stones, they should be able to stay, but Even Lin Hang did not dare to say that his spirit stones were infinite, so if he had been in this starry sky, then the monks in the realm of Void Fairy would not have to do anything else, they would have been absorbing spiritual power to resist the outside world. Intrusion is enough, and there is no way to perform other actions. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the monks in the virtual fairy realm will not easily step into the starry sky without the leadership of higher-level monks. It is because their qualifications are indeed. Not reached.

It took only half a minute for Linhang-1 at this time, and felt that some of the spiritual power in her body could not support it. Because of the inability to absorb the mixed spiritual power of the starry sky, Linhang-1's body His spiritual power can't be replenished. He hurriedly took out a top-quality spiritual stone from his portable space and held it in his palm to absorb the spiritual power, just like a desert traveler got a glass of water when he was extremely thirsty The same, that kind of feeling made Lin Hang 1 want to let out a sigh of relief from the bottom of my heart, it was indeed too comfortable.

At this time, Lin Hang No.1, which had received some relief, also turned his attention to the position of Jade Lingxian. It was just different from the embarrassed Lin Hang No.1. At this time, Jade Lingxian seemed to be okay, among those stars. The harsh environment could not affect him at all. At this moment, Yu Lingxian was holding the ice-blue five-pointed star token in his hand, sensing the coordinate position information in it. After a while, Yu Lingxian also noticed Lin Hangyi. The abnormal situation of the ship hurriedly waved his hand to stabilize the chaos around him. Linhang No.1 also felt that the chaotic spiritual power, elements, and the law of shattering were no longer shocking him, and it was the most amazing. What's more, in this circle of his body, he has magically restored the previous feelings on the Ziwei Emperor Star, and he can absorb spiritual power and use the power of his own elements and laws unscrupulously.

Lin Hang One knew what this was. The cultivation base of Jade Spirit Fairy at this time was the realm of true immortals. In this realm, Jade Spirit Fairy already possessed the power of its own laws, so Jade Spirit Fairy appeared. In a certain place, then that place will become the realm of the Jade Spirit Fairy in a short time. Within this realm, as long as there is no influence from other true celestial monks, then Jade Spirit Fairy can be said to be invincible, and he can specify this The rules of an area can be changed arbitrarily, and the magical situation that Linhang-1 is currently experiencing is due to the ability of Jade Spirit Immortal.

Yu Lingxian also said to Lin Hang 1, "There is no problem. I have already mastered the direction of this token. Let's move directly toward this coordinate!"

After his thoughts drifted back, Lin Hang cleared his throat and said, "Seniors, I believe you have already known our plan this time before. That's right, this time we are not a simple plan of action, but to leave Earth Star. , To go to the grander Ziwei Emperor Star full of opportunities! During these days, I believe you already have some understanding of the general situation of Ziwei Emperor Star. I won’t go into more details here, just one thing I want I want to emphasize that this trip to Ziwei Emperor Stars is just an experiment. Although I have been there, there is no guarantee that the experience that I have had in these days will not be useful, so I hope you can listen to me. Arrangement, I’m ugly in front. This time if you have no objections and agree to go to Ziwei Emperor Star with me, then after arriving at Ziwei Emperor Star, if you do not obey the command, I will directly send you Send it back, and there will be no chance to go to Ziwei Emperor Star again! So, now I ask again, do you have any comments on what I just said?"

In fact, the news that Lin Hang is about to take some people to Ziwei Emperor Star this time, these people have also learned from Ye Lao Wang Lao and others, and they also know that they can go to Ziwei Emperor Star this time. What a great opportunity, maybe their breakthrough opportunity is this time, if they miss it, then I really don't know how long it will take. Therefore, they didn't have any opinions on the arrangements and requirements mentioned by Lin Hang, which were related to their own breakthroughs, and they would never be sloppy. Moreover, don’t look at Lin Hang’s current call of respect and kindness by a senior, but they also know in their hearts that Lin Hang is no longer a junior they can easily handle. The peak cultivation level is enough to make them respectful, rather than almost equal as they are now. All this is because Lin Hang himself is very friendly, but they also know that this is only the appearance of harmony between the two parties. If their performance is in line with Lin If Hang's expectations didn't match, then Lin Hang might face them in another way.

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