I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 801

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:20 AM

Chapter 801: adapt

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Lin Hang 1 began to follow Yu Lingxian in the starry sky. Along the way, Yu Lingxian also introduced the situation in the starry sky to Lin Hang. "Lin Hang, I am not the first in this starry sky. I entered this time. In that ancient period, my cultivation was only in the realm of virtual immortality. I have already entered the starry sky. According to the experience of some seniors, it is not so difficult in the starry sky. Survival, you just reacted to the starry sky just now. The chaotic spiritual powers, elements, and broken rules can actually be adjusted and sorted out by us. As long as you can adapt to the environment here, then your body will be too. Automatically filter these psychic powers and find the best psychic powers for your use. It is considered to be supplemented. Therefore, although I can maintain such a safe and comfortable circle of rules, I still recommend that you rely on your own strength. Using such an environment in the starry sky will make more sense to you!"

After Lin Hang 1 heard the words of Jade Lingxian, he was also lost in thought. In his heart, he also felt that Jade Lingxian’s words made sense. Why did the starry sky treat the monks in the virtual fairyland? Called a restricted area? It is because of the complex and mottled spiritual power here, as well as a mixture of different elements, and the power of broken laws. Under such circumstances, if you can’t adapt to the environment here, then you are in the realm of virtual fairyland. The monks are unable to resist, so in the following days, when Linhang-1 is in this starry sky, it is impossible to stay with Yulingxian all the time, accepting the help and protection of Yulingxian. Yes, under such circumstances, Linhang-1 must be able to adapt to the complex environment in the starry sky, otherwise, during the next journey, Linhang-1 will not only be unable to help Jade Lingxian, it will become his drag.

Lin Hang 1 took a deep breath, then nodded and said, "Well, Yu Lingxian, what you said is very reasonable, I really need to adapt to the environment here, otherwise my follow-up time will not help you at all! I've decided, Yu Lingxian, now you let go of the rule control over this area, I'm ready!"

Jade Lingxian smiled and nodded, then waved his hand, and saw that the spiritual power and elemental power that had been suppressed by the Jade Lingxian to be quiet had also become violent again. The Jade Lingxian was still in it, still safe and sound. As he said before, Yu Lingxian has already adapted to such an environment, so he can survive in such a starry sky perfectly without using the power of rules.

After Yu Lingxian withdrew from his suppression, Lin Hang-1 felt the original feeling again, but he was prepared this time, and the best spirit stone was held in his hand as a support for his experiment. A large amount of mixed spiritual power and chaotic elements launched an impact on his body. Lin Hang 1 began to work hard to find those that he could absorb from these spiritual powers, and directly eliminated those that were too messy. As well as those elemental powers, Linhang One also relied on its ability to control the major elements and began to sort out one by one. This is not the difficulty of sin. The most difficult thing is the broken laws. Power, this is the most terrible thing for Linhang No. 1 in today's realm. Most of Linhang No. 1’s energy is also spent on this aspect. With the actions of Linhang No. 1, the A top-grade spirit stone also quickly exhausted its spiritual power, turned into crystal powder from Linhang No.1's hand, and fell to the ground.

Although the process of Linhang-1 at this time seems to be very scary, the spirit stone reserves of Linhang-1 are still relatively sufficient this time. This is also why Linhang is responsible for this time Yu Lingxian and Lin Hang One’s starry sky journey, the most prepared thing. After the first piece of the best spirit stone was consumed, the same spirit stone immediately appeared in the hand of Lin Hang 1. He continued to maintain a large amount of spirit in his body. Force consumption, this is also a process that has to be experienced. Linhang-1 wants to survive in the starry sky at this time, and can only continue to experience this process, and finally let its body gain such adaptability, just like Just like natural selection, as a great monk in the realm of virtual immortality, Lin Hang 1 has a very strong ability to adapt, so he can rely on his physical adaptability to adapt to the complexity of the starry sky. environmental.

It's just, why are so many monks in the realm of virtual immortality unable to complete such a process? It’s because they don’t have sufficient conditions like Linhang-1, which means that they don’t have sufficient reserves of top-quality spiritual stones like Linhang-1. You know, in the ancient times where the jade spirit fairy was, these spiritual stones and the like Things can be regarded as rare resources, that is, the status and importance of Jade Spirit Fairy at that time, so that there are so many spirit stones that can give him such an opportunity to adapt in the starry sky, but even In this way, Jade Spirit Fairy also spent a lot of time before finally gaining the ability to adapt to the virtual fairy realm in the starry sky, and some other virtual fairy realm cultivators don’t even think about it. It is simply impossible to complete such a process.

But the current situation is just entering the starry sky, so the two of Yulingxian and Linhang No. 1 do not have any sense of urgency. They will have to stay in this starry sky for a year. Under the circumstances, it is natural that the best choice is to allow Linhang-1 to adapt to the environment in the starry sky as soon as possible. Otherwise, in the days on the road, Linhang-1 will become jade regardless of whether it wishes or not. There is no other possibility that the spirits are dragged down.

Therefore, under Linhang-1’s uninterrupted investment in the best spirit stone, Linhang-1 has initially adapted to the environment in the starry sky in a short period of time, and at this time , He also gradually released his blockade of the whole body, allowing those spiritual powers and elemental powers to enter his body. This is also a process that must be experienced. Only in this way can Linhang-1 be able to completely The earth survives in this starry sky, does not rely on the supply of spirit stones, only its own ability, can rely on the original spiritual power and elemental power in this starry sky to complete its own supply and the supply of subsequent battles.

And this follow-up step is different from the initial integration. It took hundreds of spiritual stones for Linhang One to finally reach a balance with the outside world.

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