I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 802

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:04 AM

Chapter 802: Forward

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At this time, Lin Hang-1 was standing in the starry sky, and there was no spiritual stone supply that he had been holding tightly in his hand, but the spiritual power of his body emerged, constantly absorbing spiritual power in the external environment, maintaining With the balance between itself and the outside world, after such a situation occurred, both Yulingxian and Linhang-1 had already understood that at this time, Linhang-1 was perfectly able to survive on its own ability in this starry sky. Go down.

Jade Lingxian looked at Lin Hang 1 and said with a smile, "Ha, Lin Hang, now you are perfectly adapted to the environment in the starry sky, and after completing this step, you can The ability to change, in this environment, you can be called an invincible existence, at least among the cultivators in the imaginary realm, your ability makes you have a greater chance of survival than other cultivators in the imaginary realm Much! However, this is only on this level of the cultivator of the virtual fairyland. If you encounter a real fairyland cultivator like me, then don’t mean to fight with it, you definitely will. Lost in the first time!"

Lin Hang No.1 nodded, indicating that he understood what Yu Lingxian meant. He also knew his current situation. Although he was perfectly integrated into the environment in the newly arrived starry sky, he could use the spirit that was already there. Forces and elements are used to survive and fight, but this situation is only for the cultivators of the virtual fairy realm in the same realm, and his changeable abilities are indeed more suitable for fighting in this complex starry sky environment. However, if Linhang-1 leaves the range of Jade Spirit Immortal now and encounters other true celestial cultivators, then no matter what this cultivator looks like and what rules he practices, if he encounters it , Lin Hang No. 1 has no possibility of confronting it except for a little more rules. This is because the real fairyland comes with the ability to change the laws and the environment. As long as the monks in the real fairyland hook a little, Lin Hang The environment in which No. 1’s body fits would become the target of attacking him, making the environment in which it took him a long time to finally adapt to become unfamiliar. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang No. 1 even survived. It's a problem, how to fight against the monks in the realm of real fairy?

Therefore, although it is not as difficult to break through from the virtual fairyland to the real fairyland as before crossing the fairyland gate, the difference in combat power between them is actually getting bigger and bigger. After all, after this stage, they are considered to have a comparison. The cultivation base of the profound power of the law, once the attack of the power of the law is brought in the battle, then it is definitely not the cultivator of the virtual immortal realm who has learned the law.

Lin Hang No. 1 nodded to Jade Lingxian, and then said, "Well, Jade Lingxian, I understand everything like this, and I can see the current form clearly. Originally, my deity was This time, I’m fully responsible for your actions. I am an auxiliary existence. As long as you don’t encounter any problems, our team won’t be in danger of destroying the group. Moreover, Yulingxian, you really are at this time. The cultivation base of the fairyland cannot be considered low in this starry sky. With my assistance, I believe that even if you encounter other monks or teams, you should not want to provoke you easily. !"

The reason why Lin Hang 1 said such words is because no matter how independent he is now, he still belongs to Lin Hang's clone in essence. This cannot be changed, and his core is Lin Hang who made him. The spiritual power and spiritual power used at that time can be supplemented by external objects. Therefore, under such circumstances, Linhang-1 has turned part of its core spiritual power and spiritual power into a seed to preserve In Yulingxian's place, if Linhang-1 had an accident due to some accident, he could also be reborn through this seed, which is why the team he said was immortal.

Yu Lingxian also nodded. He also knows the current situation. The situation now is no longer compared to the ancient times. At that time, although the monks in the realm of true immortals were relatively rare, they were not as big as they are now. The original fragment of Ziwei Emperor Star, there is no real monk in the realm of immortality! This is actually an incredible thing from Jade Lingxian's point of view. Although Jade Lingxian has accepted this fact now, he will still miss the grand occasion in the starry sky of ancient times in my heart. It’s called the paradise of true fairyland monks, because the environment here can’t pose any threat to them, and you can also encounter true fairyland monks from other forces here. If you stay with them, you can increase your knowledge. Although Jade Lingxian entered the realm of true immortals for the first time, in the ancient times, there were definitely a lot of monks in the realm of real immortals, and even the monks above the realm of true immortals, Jade Spirits I have seen a lot. It can be said that the experience and knowledge of Yulingxian is not comparable to that of Linhang 1. He is actually looking forward to it. When he really finds the "Purple Cold Island", he has seen the practice of "Purple Han Jue". What kind of experience will the island owner of "Purple Cold Island" be like?

And just like Linhang No.1 said, if they encounter real fairyland monks from other forces during their journey in the starry sky, there is a high probability that the two sides will maintain peace and vigilance, and separate silently and not interfere with each other. After all, everyone should be well aware of the current situation of the world and the earth. There will not be conflicts easily. Jade Lingxian even has some expecting to meet other true fairy cultivators and communicate with them. After all, he is breaking through. After entering the realm of true immortality, I have always been with Lin Hang and others. There are no other realm of true immortal monks to explore some problems together, although the knowledge and experience of Lin Hang is definitely not weak. But after all, none of them are true cultivators in the realm of true immortality. Some personal experience is absolutely not obtained, so it is said that Jade Lingxian cannot have a perfect experience. Such insights are only other cultivators who are also in the realm of true immortals. It can be brought to the Jade Spirit Fairy, so before meeting the owner of the "Purple Cold Island", Jade Spirit Fairy is also very much looking forward to encountering a true fairy cultivator from other forces and discussing with him. Fan practice matters.

Now that the two have settled on the Linhang No. 1, Yulingxian began to move in the direction indicated by the coordinates according to the direction he had chosen before. This walk is only half a month passed.

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