I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 804

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:03 AM

Chapter 804: MLM Organization

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Just when he was on the spot, before too long had passed, Jade Lingxian felt the mysterious power and began to approach his position quickly, obviously also feeling that Jade Lingxian had stopped. After a while, the three figures also appeared within Yu Lingxian's line of sight, and finally landed in the starry sky at a distance from the Jade Lingxian, looking at Jade Lingxian from a distance.

Yu Lingxian looked at the three figures that appeared in front of him. They were a middle-aged low man with a two-handed moustache, and a woman with revealing clothes and a smile on her face. The last one was rather strange. Now, it's a fat little boy, and his pink jade appearance makes people have an urge to squeeze his face.

The Jade Lingxian looked at the three suddenly appeared from a distance, and did not immediately use the "Random Teleportation Stone", because the distance that the three people stayed was very measured, and they did not lean too close to the Jade Lingxian. , Obviously did not mean to be directly hostile. Jade Lingxian looked at these three people, did not speak first, but waited for the people on the opposite side to express their intentions. Jade Lingxian knew that for this, they should have a tacit understanding. existing.

Sure enough, after the first time we met and looked at each other, the male Xiu with a mustache who was opposite took the lead and said, it sounds like a pure ancient common language, "I don't know where this fellow Daoist came from? The three of us? They all met in this starry sky. They became partners because they wanted to experience something. I wonder if fellow daoists are interested in joining us? In the days to come, we can also discuss some matters of cultivation together?"

The reason why the mustache male repairer would say this is because the three of them are actually the cultivation base of the real fairyland! Indeed, only the cultivation base of the real immortal realm can attract the attention of the same level. The Jade Spirit Fairy also understands the meaning of these three people. They are obviously from the outside world or the fragments of the universe. In order to gain more experience and opportunities for progress, the cultivators who came out of the real fairyland left their original hometown and traveled in the starry sky, hoping to obtain further opportunities, and such experience exchange Nothing can compare to a monk of the same rank. The collision of different rules and experience may produce different sparks.

Observing the cultivation base of these three people, Yu Lingxian felt a little shocked in his heart, because he discovered that the cultivation base of these three people was able to faintly stabilize his head, and the one who seemed to be the leader The moustache male cultivator, even his cultivation base is much higher than him. He is obviously a cultivator who has been exploring the realm of true immortality for many years and has gained a lot. This situation also makes Yu Lingxian somewhat believe in the moustache male. Xiu's words, these improvements between them, it seems that the exchange of experiences between them also played a lot of role.

Jade Lingxian also thought about it at this time, and then smiled and said, "You fellow Taoists don’t know how to call it? In Xia Yulingxian, I just entered the realm of real immortals, just like all the Taoists. Those who have entered this starry sky to travel, but below are incomparable to the three fellow daoists, I am afraid there is no way to help them!"

Hearing Yu Lingxian’s response, the man with a mustache and the enchanting female cultivator exchanged glances, and then the male cultivator with a mustache smiled and replied, “Ha, it’s a fellow Jade Lingxian! Jin, this is Daoist Ronghui, and this is Daoist Qianjun. Actually, Daoist Jade Spirit Immortal is too self-effacing, and we can all feel it. Daoist Fellow, even though you have just entered this true immortal The realm, but the perception of the power of the law is definitely not low, otherwise it will not be so comfortable in this starry sky. Several of us will tell you that at the beginning, it is definitely not as good as you. It’s not because of the accumulation of time and discussions that we have reached the point where we are now! So as long as the daoists don’t dislike it, then after joining our team, we won’t have any hidden acts. I will discuss matters of cultivation in a friendly way with Dao. With the talents of Daoists, I will definitely be able to reach a higher level in a short time!"

Jade Lingxian looked at Heijin, Ronghui and Qianjun with a smile on their faces, and the doubts and vigilance in his heart became deeper, because no matter how passionate people are, it is impossible to meet them for the first time. , He directly proposed to bring people into the team and promised future benefits. This is almost the same as the "MLM Organization" that Lin Hang once joked and he said. First promised to bring people into the team, and finally organized Under the brainwashing and operation, the people who joined were turned into their own community of interests. In the end, they could not leave. Although it is not marked, these three people have already turned into Na and "MLM Organization" in the consciousness of Yulingxian. The equivalent exists.

When the three people on the opposite side did not pay attention, Yu Lingxian also directly released the seeds in his arms, only to see an invisible light leaving from the kind, gradually moving away from this area, Yu Lingxian The situation at this time is almost understood. It is impossible for him to join the team of Hei Jin and others. Let’s not say that Yu Lingxian has important things to complete at this time, even if he is really here at this time. It is also impossible for the cultivators in the realm of true fairyland to join the team of this black brocade, and that kind of malice is too obvious.

Therefore, after Jade Lingxian communicated with Lin Hang 1 in my heart, he also determined the action plan for the future. They did not want to use "Random Teleportation Stone" to go back to the previous place, so Lin Hang 1 was now Leaving secretly is also to be able to go to distant areas secretly, and then the Jade Lingxian and the black brocade will make a fool out of the snake, and then at a critical moment, Jade Lingxian can use the "Random Teleportation Stone" to go to the forest. The location of Hang 1 can not only get rid of the constraints of these three people, but also continue to move forward, which is a very good situation.

And the reason why this process can be completed is because at this time the three of Hei Jin appeared in front of Jade Lingxian for the first time, so they did not scan the divine consciousness toward this side unscrupulously, so in Under the cover of Jade Spirit Immortal, Lin Hang 1 can be regarded as successfully completing this process. He secretly moved towards the distance, while the seeds of spiritual power and Jade Spirit Immortal remained in place, and this The Hei Jin trio continued to struggle.

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