I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 806

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:01 AM

Chapter 806: Accompany

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Hei Jin laughed, and then said, "Well, Daoist Jade Spirit Immortal also seems to be very knowledgeable. The three of us can be regarded as being in this starry sky for a long time, and we have never returned to each other during this period. Hometown, so just like the fellow Taoist asked, we naturally have a fixed foothold. Every time we go out to explore the starry sky, we always give ourselves a fixed time, and when the time comes, we will return. Go to the resting point of that place to rest, communicate with each other about the gains of this trip, and after the digestion is completed, we will proceed to the next exploration, so we will definitely reserve time for ourselves to rest, after all, practice It must be the best combination of work and rest!"

Rong Hui also smiled and said softly, "Yes, fellow Jade Spirit Fairy Taoist, in fact, although we are in the same team, the three of us are all members of the team, but we are not all together every time. Acting, this time you are really a coincidence! Sometimes we will travel alone or in pairs. Only at certain times, we will make a fixed group of three people. This is also our specific contact. The way of feelings, and the direction we are heading now, is where we stand. In terms of this time, the action of the three of us has no special feelings. Fortunately, the appearance of fellow daoists made us The action this time seems to be very meaningful and valuable! When we reach our foothold in a while, fellow Taoists will be even more surprised. It is definitely an unexpected scenario!"

Yu Lingxian also raised a hint of curiosity at this time. Although Hei Jin and Rong Hui and others, although they did not know why they wanted him to join the team, they were definitely veterans in the starry sky. The environment and situation in the starry sky are absolutely incomparably understandable. Under such circumstances, Yu Lingxian also has a different mind in his heart.

Because it was the first time for them to set off from above the Ziwei Emperor star, Lin Hang One had never entered this starry sky, and was completely unfamiliar with the situation in the starry sky. Although the seniors of the Wu clan There are some relatively complete star maps, but they are all from a long time ago, and can only be used as a reference and not of great value. The situation of Yu Lingxian himself is even more needless to say. In the memory in his mind, there are indeed a lot of starry sky conditions and star maps. These are all his accumulation in ancient times, but such information is placed in In today’s era, it has also lost its timeliness and has no value. After all, in the era of Jade Lingxian, Ziwei Emperor was even in a prosperous stage. Many years have passed. Jade Lingxian has a lot of information. And intelligence has no value anymore. The reality is indeed cruel, but there is no way. The fact is that, although Yu Lingxian is very helpless, he can only accept it.

So this time, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian had already made various plans and preparations before entering the starry sky, and one of them was to find a monk who was very familiar with the starry sky. The forces, from them, see if they can get some intelligence about the starry sky and star maps of some areas. Of course, the starting point for Linhang-1 and Yulingxian is to communicate in a peaceful mode, and even accept certain To obtain this information at the cost of the starry sky, this information is equivalent to being scarce and precious in the starry sky. Every force that wanders through the starry sky wants to obtain such information as much as possible. It's normal to pay some exchange price.

According to the thoughts of Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian, the two of them are facing the monks or forces in the unfamiliar starry sky, although they both remain vigilant, but if those forces can communicate, the two of them He wouldn’t object, but in the current situation, Hei Jin and Ronghui obviously had bad intentions, and Yu Lingxian no longer had the intention of communicating with them. He just wanted to continue with these three people. , See if you can get some of the information and news you want. If you can, it will earn you blood. If you don’t succeed, you won’t lose anything. Therefore, Jade Lingxian is happy to follow these three people and go to what they said. Where to stay.

The various thoughts in Yu Lingxian's heart also flashed by, and he had a plan in his heart. He also said with a smile, "Haha, good! I also want to see what Daoist Ronghui said would surprise me. What is special about the place of footing! Is our current route heading towards the place of footing?"

Hei Jin nodded, and then said, "It is not particularly accurate. In fact, the place we are heading to is a transit point, not our final destination. You also know how much the starry sky is. The ground is dangerous, so our base camp is naturally to be placed more tightly. For this, we have set up such transfer station locations on many small fragments everywhere, so that we can return to ourselves. The base camp is located. The place we met just now is not much away from the nearest transit station, so we will be there soon."

Yu Lingxian nodded, and then said somewhat clearly, "Well, I understand what the daoists mean. When going out, such a hidden safe place is indeed worthy of such caution, then we have arrived. After the transfer station, did it go to our destination through the teleportation array?"

Hei Jin smiled and replied, "Well, yes, in the end it is indeed through the teleportation formation to reach our destination. However, this teleportation formation is not the same as the general teleportation formation, and requires specific techniques and spiritual power. The mode of operation can be activated, otherwise, it is just an abandoned formation in the eyes of others. It is precisely because of this that our base has never been exposed, and it has always been extremely safe!"

Yu Lingxian nodded. According to Hei Jin, their approach is indeed foolproof, because they not only have a lot of transit stations, but they can ensure that they can quickly meet in a large area. Their destinations are connected, and there are some special insurance measures, basically they will not be tracked by others, that is, they can guarantee real safety.

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