I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 807

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:00:59 AM

Chapter 807: discord

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Soon, under the leadership of Hei Jin and Rong Hui, Yu Lingxian followed them to a fragment of a fairly good size. On top of this fragment, there was actually nothing special, only Some rubbles that seem to be placed randomly, and these rubbles look like fragments of the formation of the ancient period, which have already lost their effectiveness.

When he saw the scene above this fragment, some memories from before appeared in Yu Lingxian's mind instantly. He remembered that He Linhang-1 had also passed through such fragments in the previous actions. At that time, it was out of curiosity that I went up to check it out, but I didn’t see anything. It’s just that Linhang-1 seemed to perceive a trace of spatial fluctuations, but there was no discovery of the specific situation. Linhang-1 only guessed that this is a remnant teleportation formation from the ancient times. It just lost its effectiveness after the passage of time. I never thought that it would be an external deception, and some techniques were not available. With the way the spiritual power works, it is completely impossible to activate the teleportation circle in this place.

Although he was surprised in his heart, Yu Lingxian did not show it at all. He followed Hei Jin and Rong Hui to the fragment, and said with a trace of emotion, "Hei Jin Daoist, here is what you said. Is that one of the transfer stations? That is to say, the teleportation array in front of us now is the teleportation array we are going to use next? But in my opinion, it is just a very small fragment. Incomplete formation! The methods of fellow daoists really made Zaixia rise insight!"

Jade Lingxian's words are not all false words. Although there is a little flattery in them, the surprise in the words is not fake, because he now has the hint and then carefully looks at the scene here, and still has no discovery. , I can only vaguely see some traces of space power. As for the formations mentioned by the people in Hei Jin, it is really safe and impossible to feel.

With Yu Lingxian’s sigh, Hei Jin certainly felt quite useful. Hei Jin pointed to the randomly arranged gravel in front of him, and said with a smile, with a hint of pride in his words. "Haha, little tricks, it’s not worth mentioning! Friends of the Jade Spirit Immortal Daoist, these broken stones seem to be arranged randomly, but they are actually the same, but after our techniques and the special operation of spiritual power, these broken stones The arrangement will be carried out according to our intentions. As long as the arrangement and combination are completed at that time, then a complete formation will be directly formed. At that time, fellow daoists can check again to see if some of us are cheating you, this The formation is indeed a transit point for transmission to our base."

Yu Lingxian nodded, and then said, "You don't have to say this to fellow Daoist Black Brocade! Since I have already agreed to walk with you, I naturally have some trust in you! Then you can just start the formation. I really want to see what kind of strange existence your hidden base is!"

Hei Jin and Ronghui also glanced at each other again, and they saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes. Hei Jin nodded and did not say anything, but directly pointed his finger at the gravel, and then several strange Yinjue unfolded. Here, it’s just that these seals and black brocades were deployed very quickly, and Yu Lingxian ended directly before they could see clearly. And after these seals were cast, Yulin was able to see the places that were originally placed on the ground very randomly. The gravel also floated one after another. Obviously, the actions of the black brocade caused a series of chain reactions, and then between the spiritual power surging in the black brocade, the broken stones also directly ended in one body, turning A huge light array, this light array at this time is completely different from the broken array before, emitting strong spatial fluctuations.

Jade Lingxian is actually not everyone in space, but he has also been with Lin Hang for a long time, and he has a lot of understanding of space. At this time, this huge light array is unfolding, and Jade Lingxian is also After being able to know the strong spatial fluctuations emanating from it, and then being able to barely feel this formation, there is indeed a channel that leads to another place.

Hei Jin is still maintaining the activation and operation of the light formation. At this time, Rong Hui said to Yu Lingxian, "Father Yuling Immortal, let’s go? Let’s go to the center of the formation, and wait for fellow Daoist Black Jin. This formation is stabilized, and we can start teleporting together!"

Rong Hui hadn't finished speaking yet, the little fat man beside Qianjun had already stepped into the center of the formation on his own, and then stood motionless, seeming to be closing his eyes and resting.

Seeing Qianjun's actions like this, both Hei Jin and Rong Hui, who maintained the formation, showed a slightly gloomy look. Rong Hui's right hand guiding Yu Lingxian also showed a trace of stiffness, but Rong Hui was not after all. Ordinary people quickly stopped their feelings and continued to speak to Jade Lingxian, explaining Qianjun’s abnormal actions, "Don’t be offended by Daoist Jade Spirit, Daoist Qianjun has such a temperament for the first time. It’s still a bit difficult to meet each other, but when Daoist and Daoist Qianjun get acquainted, you will understand that Daoist Daoist Qianjun is actually very good! Now, let’s hurry up and get into the core of the formation, Hei Jin Fellow Daoist actions should have been completed!"

How could Yu Lingxian not notice such a thing? In fact, when we first met, Yu Lingxian had already noticed that Qianjun seemed to be different from Hei Jin and Rong Hui. I don’t know why they left with Rong Hui and Hei Jin. Together, but Yu Lingxian has his own plans, so he didn't express his doubts about such things. This time he just wanted to see if he could get some star maps from the hands of Hei Jin and Rong Hui. And information only, if you can, that’s fine, if it doesn’t work, it won’t delay things. He has already received the news from Linhang-1, and can use the random teleport stone to go to the location of Linhang-1 at any time. .

Therefore, Yu Lingxian is not in a hurry at this time. He has the kung fu to go on acting with Hei Jin and Ronghui. He really wants to see what the base is so praised by Ronghui. Such a mystery can be so solemnly hidden by them.

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