I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 808

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:00:58 AM

Chapter 808: arrival

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At this time, Yu Lingxian heard Rong Hui's slightly urging words, and did not have any special reaction. He smiled and nodded, and then followed Rong Hui's guidance and slowly went to the core of the formation, and The Qianjun little fat man who stood still and closed his eyes and meditation stood together.

At this time, just as Ronghui said, Hei Jin also completed his actions, slowly recovering his spiritual power. After he was completely completed, Hei Jin also came to the core of the formation. Nodded to Ronghui, and then said, "Everyone! The formation has been set by me, and it will be fully activated in ten seconds. The energy this time has been accurately calculated by me, and the energy spent just It’s good enough for the four of us to complete the teleportation. After the teleportation is over, this place will return to the original broken state. Fellow Jade Spirit Immortal Daoist, this time the teleportation distance is relatively long and there will be some special bad responses. You can do it in advance. Some preparation!"

After hearing the words, Yu Lingxian also nodded. He knew that Hei Jin's remarks were also for him to listen to. It was the first time for him to walk with Hei Jin and others, unlike all of them. He is familiar with the road, but Jade Lingxian can be sure that the distance of this teleportation cannot exceed the distance of the random teleportation stone. Therefore, the Jade Lingxian is not in a hurry. He even has some expectations. After Hei Jin and Ronghui's lair, how would they treat him? Will they show their true colors directly? And what purpose did Hei Jin and Ronghui try their best to bring him to the nest?

After Heijin spoke, it took a few more seconds. Yu Lingxian felt a strong spatial force envelop him, and then began a long-distance teleportation, but this kind of teleportation was in Heijin’s Jade Lingxian could not even feel the bad reactions in his mouth. He even felt that this kind of teleportation was too low-level. After thinking about it, Jade Lingxian could know the truth. In the days when Mr. Wang got along, he had experienced countless spatial teleportation, and he was already familiar with this feeling for a long time. Under such circumstances, the teleportation circle today is relatively far away. , But because of the protection of the formation power, it is actually more comfortable to transmit. And from here, it can be seen that Hei Jin and others have not yet reached the point where they can see it. Now they really want to talk about jade. Lingxian brought it to a place, so there was really nothing to do with this aspect of the teleportation array.

The reason why Jade Lingxian dared to step into such an unclear formation with Heijin and others is because that powerful random teleportation stone gave Jade Lingxian his confidence, which he brought from ancient times. From the experience returned, the level and priority of this random teleportation stone are very high. In most cases, it can be opened directly regardless of many restrictions. It naturally includes a variety of arrays. Law restrictions, so no matter what the formation is, whether it’s a teleportation formation or not, Jade Lingxian doesn’t really care, because even if the formation is for his killing formation, he can still use random teleportation stones to break directly. Open the formation and go to the destination he set. This principle also applies to the people of Heijin. No matter what different purposes Heijin and others have, as long as the Jade Lingxian perceives danger, Being able to use the random teleportation stone at any time and leave quickly, this is the fundamental reason why Jade Spirit Fairy has been able to be as confident as a fool until now.

In fact, the most important thing is that Linhang-1 was secretly released in advance. The existence of Linhang-1 gave Yulingxian the confidence to play such a big game, because Linhang-1 gave Yuling If the immortal is positioned, Yulingxian can instantly enter the location of Linhang-1 based on the bridge built between two random teleportation stones. It is completely capable of ignoring a lot of the power of bans. Yulingxian also wants to see it. What kind of wonderful expressions will Hei Jin and Ronghui look like when they see the situation.

The Jade Spirit Immortal, wrapped in the power of space, did not feel any danger or discomfort during the transmission, but was somewhat slow in time. This transmission process also took a full three minutes. This is in the transmission circle. In the operation of, it is considered to be a relatively long time, and the reason for this is that this teleportation circle is still relatively low-level, so if the distance is slightly longer, it cannot be reached in a short time, which will consume a lot of time. , And the distance is a little far away, only then will there be such a strange thing that lasts three minutes.

And after the three minutes were over, Yu Lingxian also felt that the power of the space that enveloped him was slowly dissipating, and then he could feel that his perception was also restored. After opening his eyes and unfolding his consciousness, He found that he had arrived in a slightly gloomy environment. After a closer inspection, he found that it seemed to be a huge low cave with some sharp stones like stalactites on the top. , From time to time, some water droplets fell from the top of the rock, making some noises in this slightly quiet cave.

Before Yu Lingxian sighed, the unique voice of Hei Jin came from the side, "Welcome to our secret base! This is one of the worlds that used to be broken and broken. A huge fragment formed, and the area here is also very huge, which is thousands of times larger than the fragment we just came! And because of some special reasons, it will not be easily perceived by people. Now, I am drifting quietly in this starry sky. If it were not for some special reasons and coincidences, I would not be able to find the existence here, and now this small area of ​​this huge fragment is also our success. It has been transformed into a secret base, connecting many hidden receiving points to the outside world, and those places will also be the first places we will eventually leave here."

After the follow-up introduction by Hei Jin and Rong Hui, Yu Lingxian was able to understand the general situation here. In general, it was Hei Jin and the others who accidentally discovered this huge continental fragment and settled in it, after some modification. After that, I also regarded this as my base. Although it has not been thoroughly explored, the results are obviously very good. If it can be developed further, it may not be able to become one of the heavens and the world again.

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