I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 81

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:43 AM

Chapter 81: inherited

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Zhou Sheng began to introduce and asked, "Brother Lin, when you usually practice psionic energy, you can feel the spirit between heaven and earth, right?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Yes, I usually absorb spiritual energy, transform it into psychic energy and store it in the dantian, and turn it into a sphere that gathers psychic energy. We call it the psychic energy ball."

Zhou Sheng understood a little bit and said, "Well, it seems that the psychic cultivation method you later studied also has merits, so that you can also display some of your natural abilities. The same is true for our physical cultivation. It's just that absorbing the spirit child into the body does not enter the Dantian, but to let our flesh absorb it, and enhance the vitality of every part of our physical body, including bones and internal organs. All of them must be cultivated. Therefore, the road to physical cultivation is a long one. It's a difficult road, and it is difficult for people with insufficient perseverance to achieve great results."

Lin Hang nodded to express that he understood that he knew that cultivating the body was definitely not easy, and he was also ready to endure hardship.

Lin Hang said to Zhou Sheng, "Brother Zhou, I was prepared for what you said, so please teach it to me, I will definitely stick to it!"

Zhou Sheng nodded and said, "Okay! Let's start now!" With that, Zhou Sheng began to make a few moves on the spot, slowly finished the fight, and then closed his fist.

Zhou Sheng introduced, “No matter how strong or weak our physical bodies are at the beginning, there is a limit to the total amount of spiritual children absorbed. Therefore, we need to constantly exercise our bodies and increase the total capacity of our bodies. I just did it. These moves are the most basic exercise moves. You are just getting in touch with them. These moves are just right."

After that, Zhou Sheng taught Lin Hang the Tuna method that absorbed the spirit child into the body. Lin Hang carefully felt this set of methods, and found that it was somewhat similar to the Tuna method of cultivating psychic energy, but there were many differences. . Lin Hang had some guesses about the ancestors who pioneered these psychic cultivation methods. They must have obtained the incomplete cultivation methods in ancient times, and then created completely new cultivation methods from them. Although much cruder than those, it is also an amazing feat.

Lin Hang sat on the ground and began to adjust his breathing, breathing according to the vomiting method taught by Zhou Sheng. After a while, he felt the spirit of heaven and earth pouring into his body, slowly being caught in his body. The flesh is absorbed. This process lasted for two hours before Lin Hang slowly recovered his strength and retreated from the state of cultivation.

Opening his eyes, Lin Hang saw that Zhou Sheng was still by his side to protect him. Lin Hang stood up and gave Zhou Sheng a punch to express his gratitude.

Zhou Sheng waved his hand and asked, "Brother Lin, how do you feel about your first cultivation practice?"

Lin Hang touched his head and said, "When I started this practice, I felt that my body was like a river that had been dry for a long time. Suddenly, it was watered by rain. It felt so refreshing. Now after two hours of cultivation, my physical body should be stronger than a lot, and I really don’t want to feel the kind of pain you mentioned. What is going on?"

Lin Hang thought that there was a problem in his cultivation. He was very comfortable when he was practicing, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, so he hurriedly asked Zhou Sheng to answer, fearing that he would have gone the wrong way.

After listening to Lin Hang's words, Zhou Sheng also felt that Lin Hang's talents still exceeded his expectations. Lin Hang was only practicing for the first time, and it lasted for two hours, and looking at Lin Hang's appearance, this was not his current physical limit. Zhou Sheng understood the power of the half-human and half-witch bloodline. Lin Hang didn't have the strong body of the Witch Clan from the beginning, but he had gained supreme growth potential.

Zhou Sheng said, "No, Lin Hang, your cultivation is very smooth, there is nothing wrong. As for the problem you mentioned, it is because your physical body still has a lot of room, so at this stage, it is still the physical body to absorb the spiritual child and improve The process of strength. Now it will only make you feel a huge increase in physical strength. After a while, your physical capacity has reached the limit, and you need to exercise to increase and expand your capacity. At that time, it is the process of enduring hardship."

Lin Hang nodded, he understood the principle of physical exercise. It's like a balloon, which can only be filled with a certain amount of gas, and it will explode after more. But if the outer skin of the balloon is replaced with a higher quality material, the balloon can also contain more gas. Physical exercise is the process of strengthening.

Zhou Sheng said again, “Lin Hang, let’s stop here today. It’s too late. You can also get familiar with the strength you just improved. Generally, the first time you absorb it, there will be an explosive improvement. You need to adapt. Something."

After speaking, Zhou Sheng left the open space, leaving Lin Hang alone to explore silently.

Zhou Sheng went to the village head's room again, reporting Lin Hang's situation.

After listening to Zhou Sheng's description, the village head was also lost in thought.

After a while, the village chief said, "Lin Hang is better than we thought. I'm afraid we will delay his growth. I decided to send him to the great elder and let him try to get in touch with the heritage."

Zhou Sheng exclaimed, "The village chief, do you mean that you want Lin Hang to try the inheritance that no one has obtained so far? But this inheritance is very dangerous, and you will die if you are not careful! We finally discovered Lin Hang like this Exist, in case something goes wrong..."

Zhou Sheng didn’t finish his words, and the village head already understood what he meant. He silently placed the crutches and said, “We have no choice now. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is coming. If we don’t have enough strength, Lin Hang will only It will become a loess. And according to my observation, Lin Hang is not a character who retreats when something happens. We made it clear to him that he will make a choice, and I will support his choice. Besides, the reason why the inheritance is so long It hasn't been obtained yet, just because our talents have not reached the level of the former great witch, Lin Hang is by far the most promising."

Of course Zhou Sheng also knew this truth, but he had also participated in this inheritance when he was a teenager. At that time, he was full of confidence, and in return it was indeed almost lost. He knows that inheritance like this is not intended for him at all, and only those who are truly amazing and gorgeous can be favored by inheritance. In fact, Lin Hang was very suitable in Zhou Sheng's heart, but this inheritance left a big shadow in Zhou Sheng's heart, so he dare not face it.

The village chief said, "In two days, let's find a time to tell Lin Hang about these things. Explain the pros and cons of the matter to him clearly, and then let him make his own choice. This is the way to respect him."

Seeing that the village chief had already decided, Zhou Sheng did not refute any more, and he responded and left the village chief's room.

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