I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 813

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:00:09 AM

Chapter 813: time out

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Hearing what Hei Jin said, Yu Lingxian also nodded. He knew what Hei Jin meant. This time the first area was just a simple test of the water, but the result was actually quite good. At least it has been proved that these previous methods are completely feasible. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for the people of Heijin to just be satisfied with opening such a spirit that is not particularly helpful to them at present. Earthly, so Jade Spirit Immortal can also predict that in the days to come, Hei Jin will inevitably enter those other areas more on the earth, after all, it can be seen and touched, not anymore. He couldn’t touch it like before, so Hei Jin’s attitude towards Jade Lingxian became more eager. He was actually a little scared at this time. Jade Lingxian suddenly chose not to help him. In that case, he was not afraid of Jade. Lingxian left like this, but if you want Yu Lingxian to help obediently, it will cost a lot of hands and feet.

Therefore, in the face of Hei Jin’s compliments and subsequent discourse interest seduce, Yu Lingxian's heart was like Ming Jing'er, and he was not moved at all, but in terms of face, Yu Lingxian smiled and nodded and said, " Um, haha, since Fellow Daoist Black Brocade said so, then I won’t refuse! Don’t worry, in the follow-up actions, I will spare you all to complete the opening of those areas, but we’re done. When opening, let me choose the same baby that suits my heart!"

Seeing that Jade Lingxian agreed, Hei Jin and Ronghui showed smiles on their faces. They only need Jade Lingxian to agree. As long as Jade Lingxian can agree, they will be among all those areas. What if the treasures in are all said to be given to Yulingxian? Anyway, in the later stage, when they worked out a way to keep the mask open in some areas more stably, it was the death period of the Jade Spirit Immortal. At that time, no matter how much benefit the Jade Spirit Immortal swallowed during this period, it would Spit out one by one.

Hei Jin was excited, but his face didn't show any signs. He kept nodding his head and said with a smile, "Of course, we can't just let the daoists work for nothing. It is also because the daoists have joined. We can only have the opportunity to enter these areas, so what if you say that friends get some benefits? I believe that Daoist Ronghui and Daoist Qianjun have no opinion?"

Ronghui and Qianjun both shook their heads at this time to express that they had no objection, and Yu Lingxian was a little surprised by Qianjun's state at this time, because although Qianjun was smiling, his smile seemed a little bit different. Stiffness and falsehood are completely different from the previous Qianjun Fatty's performance, but Yu Lingxian's heart is extremely surprised, but he did not show it, just watching Ronghui and Qianjun's performance, the same It responded with a smile.

Yu Lingxian nodded, and then said, "Haha, fellow daoists are really generous! I want to go back and bring all my people over. I believe that under the generosity of fellow daoists, my The people of the tribe will definitely be able to make greater progress! It’s just that we have just completed the experiment in that area, I think we still have to rest for a while before proceeding with the cracking of the masks in those areas! I am really tired. Now, the feeling of being fully absorbed is really not so good!"

What Yu Lingxian said is really not a lie. Although this process of spiritual power injection does not require so much operation, the most important thing is not the consumption of these spiritual powers, but the input of the mind that controls this process. , Because the four people must reach an agreement. They can successfully break the mask when they use it in the first time. This is the result of the four of them working together. So at this time, in addition to the Yulingxian, the Heijin three All of them are more exhausted, especially the black brocade who is responsible for leading this spiritual power link, the consumption is even greater, but his cultivation base is higher among several people, so the state of the four is not much different at this time. , All belong to the stage of fatigue and need to rest.

Hei Jin naturally has no objection to Yu Lingxian’s statement. He also wants to take a good rest. After all, the areas that are to be cracked next are more important than this spiritual area. It’s a lot more. In this case, it’s not like this time. It may take double or even more time before it is possible to turn on the blockades of the masks. This is undoubtedly more consumption. Mind, so Hei Jin is also preparing to raise everyone's state to the peak before proceeding to the next step.

Hei Jin glanced at Rong Hui, and then said, "Well, there is really nothing wrong with what Daoist Jade Spirit said. After all, this is the first time we have performed such an action. We dare not be distracted. It’s really normal to spend a little bit of God’s consumption. I believe it should be much smoother next time. At that time, we not only have experience to help, but the tacit understanding between each other will definitely be better! Now, we are all Go back and take a good rest. When we are all restored to our peak condition, let's proceed to the next step of cracking the regional mask!

After Hei Jin finished his decision, he said to Qianjun who was behind Yu Lingxian, "Daoist Qianjun, I have to trouble you to take Daoist Yulingxian to find a place to rest! Daoist Ronghui and I There are still some things to discuss. Remember, you must make arrangements for Friends of the Jade Spirit Immortal!"

There is nothing wrong with what Hei Jin said to Qianjun, but in the last sentence, Heijin deliberately increased his tone. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. The increased tone just made Qianjun want Treat Yu Lingxian more warmly and friendly, but Yu Lingxian originally had some doubts about the relationship between Hei Jin and Yu Lingxian, so he just smiled and nodded, followed the front silently and led the way without saying a word. Jun returned to the underground cave.

After Yu Lingxian and Qianjun entered the underground cavern, Hei Jin's original smile disappeared directly. He gently touched his two moustaches with his right hand, and said to Rong Hui on the side. It was cold, "Rong Hui, is the seal in Qianjun's body unstable again? Since encountering this jade spirit fairy, his performance has become more and more abnormal. Fortunately, there was no problem when he cracked the mask just now. , Otherwise I really can't spare him!"

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