I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 814

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:52 AM

Chapter 814: ask

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At this time, Ronghui was also completely different from the enchanting look before, but showed a cold color like Hei Jin, and said softly, "There is nothing wrong with the seal, this is just after encountering a strange monk. Qianjun’s instinctive reaction is the only way to have such a different performance. Qianjun’s seal was imprinted by me personally, so I am not worried about this at all, but you said whether this matter will be affected by that jade Has Lingxian noticed? Actually, according to the situation, Qianjun’s performance is a bit different from ours, especially when I was about to enter the teleportation circle, Qianjun’s performance really made me a little difficult to deal with. You said, Jade Lingxian had already noticed something, but didn't show it to us?"

Hei Jin also nodded at this time, and then said, "According to my observations, this person Jade Spirit Immortal was definitely not born into a simple little force. Although he has not seen him take action before, his every move is still normal. Some of the details of, can show that he is definitely not as unbearable as he said! It’s just that, I don’t know why he maintains such a strange relationship with us. Although I am very puzzled, But now it’s not that important anymore. If he doesn’t pick out the words himself, I’m happy to pretend to be stupid. Anyway, we still need him in our plans. I now hope that he is dazzled by the greed in his heart. I am willing to pretend to join us and explore the area above this fragment with us. If this is the case, then this Jade Spirit Immortal is also not to be afraid of!"

Rong Hui also nodded. One thing, she and Hei Jin are extremely confident, that is, as long as Jade Spirit Fairy enters this fragment, there is no chance to leave. So from start to finish, Rong What Hui and Hei Jin worry about is whether Jade Spirit Fairy will cooperate with them obediently, devote all efforts to the subsequent opening of multiple areas, and cooperate with them to take out some of the resources and treasures, and other things they do not. I’m not particularly worried, because no matter how powerful Yu Lingxian’s power is, how many things he has experienced, whether he hides himself in front of them, Rong Hui and Hei Jin don’t mind, they just need Ensure that the cultivators of a real fairyland like Jade Spirit Fairy can stay on top of this fragment, and help them complete the follow-up plan.

After Hei Jin and Rong Hui discussed again, Hei Jin made a summary of this conversation, "Well, this is the case now. We have to keep an eye on this jade spirit fairy. He is our follow-up plan. The point is, you also know how difficult it is to find a stranger in the realm of true immortals acting alone. We have waited so long for the fragments in this place, and finally came across such a jade spirit immortal. I can miss it!"

Rong Hui also nodded. They did prepare for such a plan for a long time. In the previous days, they had gone out to explore many times. They all wanted to find unfamiliar monks in the realm of real fairyland. Once they met forces that were in groups, they didn’t have the opportunity and ability to shoot, and they didn’t want to share the resources here with other forces, so it was for them to meet the Jade Spirit Fairy at this time. , It is really a very lucky thing.

What they didn't know was that the encounter with Yu Lingxian this time was not an opportunity for them to rise, but directly caused their own destruction.

At this time, Jade Lingxian followed Qianjun’s little fat man into the underground cave. Qianjun brought Jade Lingxian to a stone room, and when he was about to leave without saying a word, Jade Lingxian said "Qianjun Daoist, it’s the first time here in Xia. I don’t know if I can communicate with Daoists on cultivation matters, and about the information in the starry sky, Xia is also the first time I came here. Because I’m not familiar with the place, I don’t know if fellow Taoists can answer some questions for me?

At this moment, Qianjun turned around and showed a confused expression. It was also very cute in line with his own image of a short, fat man. The doubtful expression was a little sluggish, and he returned to the original state for a moment, he said. Said, "Well, since Ronghui and the others asked me to entertain you well, then I can't refuse your request at this time! Let's proceed in this stone room, and I will pay you later. I need to go back and take a good rest. The action of breaking the mask just now really took a lot of my mind!"

Yu Lingxian smiled and leaned slightly to introduce Qianjun into the stone room behind him, and then he stepped into it, waving his hand to put a layer of barriers against divine sense detection, this layer of barriers. In fact, it can only achieve a simple isolation effect. It is very simple for a monk of the same rank to crack it by force, but if it is cracked by force, the Jade Lingxian can also be directly sensed. He knows in his heart that he has not helped yet. When Heijin finished their plan, Heijin probably wouldn't do it like this. To pierce this layer of window paper would be of no benefit to Heijin.

When Jade Lingxian arranged this level of restriction, Qianjun’s eyes also flashed divinely, but then fell into silence. When the two of them sat down, Jade Lingxian also smiled and said first, " Fellow Daoist Qianjun, I am actually very curious about you. I can see that you, Daoist Heijin and Daoist Ronghui are not the same at all, but why are they together now? I can clearly feel the malice of the two of them, but you seem to mean that you sometimes let me leave, Fellow Qianjun? I don’t understand the truth, so I want to ask you, this is what I want to be with you The real question to explore!"

Qianjun heard this series of questions from Jade Lingxian, and did not react at all. His head, which was originally slightly lowered, was also raised at this time. What he replaced was a brilliant smile that Jade Lingxian looked at. The Jade Lingxian replied, "What are you talking about, fellow Daoist Jade Lingxian? When we first met, I had said that the Daoist Heijin and I met at the end of the day. Our cultivation bases are only at the level of the tribulation period, and now they are supporting each other, and we have come together to this day! Of course, the relationship between me and fellow Daoist Heijin cannot be like what fellow Daoist said, and I don’t know. Why do you have such thoughts and guesses?"

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