I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 816

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:50 AM

Chapter 816: Law confrontation

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According to Hei Jin’s initial idea, he was going to continue acting with Jade Lingxian, regardless of the purpose of Jade Lingxian, and let Jade Lingxian voluntarily cooperate with them to complete the cracking of the masks outside those areas. In this case, there is no need to do so. They forced the Jade Spirit Fairy to complete the process more quickly and perfectly if willingly. It was much simpler than they used other methods. After all, the light mask outside the first area of ​​the spiritual land was cracked. Quite well, if there are such examples before, Hei Jin and Ronghui naturally want to try their best to maintain this situation.

But I didn’t expect that Yu Lingxian would have thoughts about Qianjun. This was something Hei Jin and Ronghui couldn’t bear. You should know that Qianjun was a monk in the realm of real immortality who was completely controlled by them. It’s an absolutely rare combat power, and it’s also an important component of their subsequent cracking of those masks. If it is destroyed by the Yulingxian, then Hei Jin and Ronghui’s efforts over the years have been wasted. Under the circumstances, Hei Jin naturally wanted to give up his previous thoughts, and could only choose to force the Jade Lingxian to control it. Just like dealing with Qianjun, he also placed a seal in the body of the Jade Lingxian. However, although the autonomy is not strong enough and requires their own manipulation, it will not violate their will at a critical time, and it will also enable them to complete the follow-up plan according to their own wishes.

Hei Jin and Ronghui looked gloomy, they stopped talking nonsense with Yu Lingxian, they just started to solve the white film surrounding Yu Lingxian and Qianjun, and it was at this time that Yu Lingxian really felt it. At the strength of Hei Jin and Rong Hui.

Every monk in the realm of true fairyland has his own unique power of law. Even monks who are the same as the law of ice will have different cultivation directions, at most they are roughly similar, but in the subtle The place is definitely different, and after Hei Jin and Rong Hui took the shot, Yu Lingxian could feel it. Both of them were practicing the dark law, but the form of expression was very different. Hei Jin The law of darkness is a kind of extreme devouring. His spiritual power shows a dark color. The white film set by the Jade Spirit Fairy quickly dissipates after touching the spiritual power of the black brocade. Maintains a strong resistance ability, and Ronghui is different from Heijin. Her spiritual power is also black, but it is a kind of red with black. The performance of spiritual power is a strong adhesion. , It was very clear on the white film, and slowly began to erode against the white film.

However, even though the external manifestations of Hei Jin and Rong Hui's spiritual power and the subtle perception of the power of the law are different, they are all masters of the real dark law, and they have powerful capabilities in destroying and devouring erosion. Therefore, Yu Lingxian also knew that his estimated time was still a little longer, and this white film would definitely not be able to hold on for as long as he imagined under the attack of Hei Jin and Rong Hui.

Looking at Qianjun who still closed his eyes and imported the information in his mind into the jade slip, Yu Lingxian knew that he still needed some time for Qianjun. He still sat cross-legged with white spiritual power in his hand. During the surging, the power of the innate law was sent out, directly imprinted on the white film from the inside, and under the movement of the jade spirit immortal, a magical scene appeared, as the power of the innate law was injected, The pace of the white film being destroyed by Hei Jin and Rong Hui was also directly slowed down. Hei Jin’s dark spiritual power and Rong Hui’s black and red spiritual power also flowed slowly over the white film, and it was suddenly Can't invade the least!

This situation naturally caused Hei Jin and Rong Hui to be shocked. They frowned and analyzed the situation in front of them. After a while, Hei Jin also said in amazement, "Yu Lingxian, what you have is actually This most unpopular innate law?! What is your origin, this innate law is definitely not something ordinary forces or inheritance can master!"

Yu Lingxian didn't have the slightest intention to answer, but still looked at Hei Jin and Ronghui with a smile. His innate power is not particularly obvious and huge on offense, but the power on defense is still one of the best. After all, the basic function of the Innate Law is to resist the effects of other laws, making other laws lose their core offensive power. Therefore, Hei Jin and Ronghui's spiritual power that contains the power of the dark law will be in Yulingxian. Suffering from the inherent laws, it is impossible to make any significant progress again.

Seeing that Jade Lingxian did not respond, Hei Jin also snorted coldly. Although he had already felt something wrong, it seemed that calculating the Jade Lingxian this time was a very wrong thing, but now that he is now, Hei Jin It was already impossible to look back, his expression gradually darkened, and this time he would definitely not be able to make Jade Lingxian feel better, otherwise, if the powerful forces that might exist behind the Jade Lingxian get news, he will definitely come to his door.

The power of the law of darkness has no effect for the time being. Hei Jin also figured out the way to deal with it instantly. He whispered a few words to Rong Hui, and the two of them took back the power of the law attached to the white film. , And then carried a large amount of spiritual power, directly impacted the white film, and this impact was completely withstood by the white film, but I can clearly feel that the white film is this time Under the impact of his spiritual power, he began to become a little fragile.

Hei Jin is obviously also a well-informed person. After knowing that the power of the law cannot be effective for a while, he directly abandoned the idea of ​​using the power of the law and began to urge the spiritual power to carry out the most primitive and violent solutions. Although the method is rough, it is very effective. According to the progress of such a spiritual bombardment, the white film of this layer can not last long, and as the white film gradually fails to support, the black brocade The color in his eyes is getting deeper and deeper.

Yu Lingxian also showed a rare look of approval. In his opinion, although this black brocade is not simple in mind and wants to be disadvantageous to him, it is definitely a character. First of all, he has a very good experience, and the means and vision are all The best choice, his white film can be regarded as a unique means of self-defense. This black Jin can come up with the best way to crack it in such a short time, and it is also very powerful.

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