I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 818

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:48 AM

Chapter 818: judgment

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After Hei Jin’s explanation, Rong Hui understood a little bit in her heart. If there is nothing unexpected about the situation at this time, it is indeed as the Hei Jin guessed that "Random Teleportation Stone" is not only very rare and precious, but also It is indeed impossible to easily reach an area with a very large space limit. As long as they hide this fragment better, it can indeed prevent the Jade Spirit Fairy from coming to them again through this "Random Teleportation Stone".

Rong Hui nodded, and then said, "Well, I understand, but Hei Jin, let's seal off the space above this fragment for a while. In this case, it is not only the random "Teleportation Stone" cannot come to us, and some other means of transmission are also impossible. The numerous teleportation arrays we are outside, although it is not so easy to crack, but in case of an accident, here is it Enough mistakes to make us fall into the abyss! Anyway, in the current situation, we don’t want to leave here in a short time. Let's spend this period of time with peace of mind and consider the future! Anyway, we have waited for so many years. Come here, don't let us lose all the game just because of a momentary negligence!"

Hei Jin obviously agrees with Rong Hui's words very much. He nodded and said, "Well, I also have this intention. This time we are actually too confident! The mysteries and methods of this world are true. We can't count all of them, and now we think about it. How can such a lonely monk in the real fairyland who dare to travel and explore in the starry sky alone be a simple figure? Even at that time we It also took a lot of thought and effort to control Qianjun, so this time it can be regarded as a bit of a tragedy and gain a wisdom. Let’s keep a low-key hiding for a while! But this time the Jade Spirit Fairy will join For us, it is not without gain. At least we have proved that our method of breaking the mask is completely feasible. If we continue to explore in this direction in the future, we may not be able to find more convenient and quicker. The way to enter, maybe you don’t need the fourth true fairyland monk to join. We can meet the conditions for entering those areas by relying on the existing personnel. If this is the case, we will get After having enough resources, you can improve yourself, so you don’t have to worry about revenge from Yulingxian and the forces behind him!

Here, Hei Jin and Ronghui have determined their future course of action, which is to keep a low profile for a period of time. Not only will they not leave this piece of debris, but they will also strengthen and block the entire space of the debris. Under such circumstances, ordinary methods are absolutely impossible to enter here, so they can have more development time, and after they have gained more, they will no longer be afraid of possible revenge from the Jade Spirit Fairy. Up.

It's just that all these are the thoughts and speculations of Hei Jin and Ronghui. Generally speaking, there is no problem with what they imagined, but the people of Yulingxian and Lin Hang can't handle it with common sense. Of course, just like the extremely rare "Random Teleportation Stone" believed by the two of Heijin, there are still a lot of pieces in the hands of the Jade Spirit Fairy, which is completely impossible to consume, although this method of blocking the space of the landing is indeed It is possible to achieve the goal of restricting Jade Lingxian and the others from entering this fragment easily, but Jade Lingxian will not only have this way. What he is waiting for is Lin Hang or Wang Lao breaking through and entering the realm of real immortals. Under the human space law, it is actually very easy to break through the blockade of Heijin and others. After all, the three of Heijin are not specializing in the law of space. Although the cultivation base is higher, the art industry has specialization. The confrontation will definitely not be Lin Hang and Wang Lao's opponent.

Therefore, Jade Lingxian did not mean to deceive Qianjun. He did have many ways to achieve the effect of entering this fragment, but to ensure that Qianjun could be rescued perfectly next time, Jade Lingxian naturally It was a lot of preparation. After all, although the methods of him and Lin Hang and others are much stronger than those of the three black men, and the background is more profound, their current strength is still slightly lacking, and only When Lin Hang, Wang Lao and others have broken through to the realm of real immortality, and even Liu Ruyan has also entered such a realm, they should be able to rescue Qianjun perfectly with the power of four people. And destroyed the stronghold of Heijin and Ronghui.

In a starry sky very far away from this hiding place, above a floating mainland fragment, the figure of Linhang-1 stood in place, and the "Random Teleportation Stone" in his hand also flickered With fluorescence, then a silver portal opened, and the figure of Jade Spirit Fairy emerged from it.

After Jade Lingxian walked out of this teleporting portal, he sensed the breath of Linhang No.1, and the alert that he had kept in his heart was a little relieved. As the portal behind him slowly closed, Jade Lingxian He also smiled and walked to the front of Linhang 1.

Yu Lingxian smiled at Lin Hang One and said, "Lin Hang, have you been waiting for a while? I have made some special discoveries and gains among those people, so I also delayed some time. But the time it took is worth it. I have obtained a lot of information in the starry sky. Although there is still no chance to investigate it, it is definitely a lot, especially the large area nearby. The star map of the area is definitely contained in it, and the most important thing is that I also entered a very hidden fragment, which was formed after the fragmentation of the heavens and the world in the ancient times. Fragments, many areas of which are even closed and inaccessible at all. This fragment is now under the control of the black brocade and Ronghui. I follow our agreement. Use "Random Teleportation Stone" to leave there, now they should be very depressed!"

Lin Hang-1 waved her hand, and then said, "Well, fortunately you didn't have any problems, otherwise I really can't feel at ease! And the combination of the three of them always gives me a very strange It feels like, but I can’t tell what it is. What are the three of Hei Jin and the others?"

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