I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 819

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:48 AM

Chapter 819: Introduction

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Yu Lingxian laughed again, and then replied, "The relationship between Hei Jin and the three of them is indeed as you guessed it. They are not the same person at all! Hei Jin and Rong Hui are on the same side. The last Qianjun Daoist was controlled by the two of them, so it appeared to be like this, not in harmony. I also followed them, went to their nest, and learned One of their big secrets!"

Jade Lingxian looked around and found that there was no danger in this broken continent, and it was particularly quiet. It was obviously the result of careful selection by Linhang 1. After learning of this situation, Jade Lingxian also put down My heart came, and continued, "The so-called lair of Lin Hang, Hei Jin and Ronghui is the fragment from the outside world of the ancient heavens that I and you just mentioned, and this fragment is usually due to special reasons. It is also hidden in the starry sky and cannot be easily discovered at all, but I don’t know what luck this Black Brocade and Ronghui have taken. They accidentally entered this fragment and established a connection from this, and then they can enter directly. Among them, they found that above the debris in that place, there are still many areas that are blocked by some light masks, and from the outside, they can vaguely see the resources and treasures in these areas. In the case of, Hei Jin and Ronghui naturally wanted to occupy this fragment and obtain the treasures in it. However, the blocked areas on this fragment were not the outer masks. It is so easy to crack. Hei Jin and Ronghui should have spent a long time and a lot of energy before they finally found a way to crack the mask."

Lin Hang One has been listening attentively to Yu Lingxian’s words and descriptions. At this time, he heard Hei Jin and Ronghui found a way. They thought of the controlled Qianjun, and they warmly invited Yu Lingxian to join them. From the performance point of view, there is definitely a relationship, so Lin Hang 1 also directly said, "This black brocade and the way Ronghui came up to crack the mask should be divided with that Qianjun and fellow Daoists. Doesn't it matter?"

Yu Lingxian smiled and nodded, and then said, "Well, yes, when I followed them into the fragment, they also directly told me the secret of the fragment. I hope I can help them go. To crack such a mask, after their introduction, I realized that the method they came up with to crack the mask requires four monks in the realm of true fairyland. They are different in the four directions of the mask. The frequency of change injects spiritual power into the mask at the same time, so that the four entrance holes can be opened in a short time, and this is a way to enter the mask. And I also agreed to them out of curiosity. The request for the experiment, after the experiment, really completed such a process and successfully opened the four portals to enter it. This shows that there is nothing wrong with the method they have studied over the years. It is indeed possible to use four true fairyland monks. Conditions to achieve the effect of entry."

Yu Lingxian uttered his guess, "I think Hei Jin and Rong Hui must be together when they first started, and Qianjun, who claimed to have met Hei Jin in the tribulation period, was caught by them recently. Captured and controlled, and prepared for the subsequent cracking action. The same was true for me. Because of the single relationship, the two of them were watching. The reason why they didn't shoot me was definitely because they controlled one. The cultivators in the realm of true immortality also need a lot of investment and energy. They didn't think about using me strong at the beginning, but to see if I could complete such a process on a voluntary basis. And when I volunteered to help them verify their ideas, I must have become more important to them. Later, when I didn’t fully enter, my safety would not be a problem.”

Speaking of this, Yu Lingxian also sighed slightly, and then said, "Lin Hang, in fact, if we hadn't had a mission at this time, we needed to find the location of the "Purple Cold Island", I could stay there. Take a longer time to see if you can get more benefits when the following areas are opened. After all, when Heijin has taken me down, let me get some benefits and sweetness in the early stage. , There is absolutely no problem. At that time, I will use the "Random Teleportation Stone" to leave, it will be different from now! However, it is more important to find the "Purple Cold Island" now, as for the black brocade lair in that place. , I have already entered once, and I believe that when you or Taoist Wang Min break through to the realm of real immortals, relying on the induction of space, you should be able to enter it again!"

With that said, Jade Spirit Fairy also took out the jade slip that Qianjun made for him at the last moment, and introduced, "This jade slip is the short time I spent with that Qianjun, using " "Soul Clock" liberated his controlled consciousness for a short time, and then obtained the information. I promised him, and I will definitely go back to rescue him. This point requires your help from Lin Hang in the future. I hope you can help by then. Busy, I don’t want to lose faith to others!"

After the Jade Lingxian nodded on Linhang No. 1, he also stuck this jade slip on his forehead, closed his eyes and released the divine consciousness, searching for the information in it, and as the Jade Lingxian read the information , The expression on his face gradually became more exciting.

As for the performance of Jade Lingxian, Linhang-1 was naturally very curious, but at this time he did not intend to disturb Jade Lingxian. After waiting for a period of time, Jade Lingxian finally opened his eyes and moved the jade slip. Put it down.

Lin Hang No. 1 could no longer suppress her curiosity, and hurriedly asked, "Jade Lingxian, what did you see in this jade slip? How could such a weird expression appear?"

Jade Lingxian didn't know what to say, so he handed the jade slip to Lin Hang One, and then said softly, "It's hard to say a word, Lin Hang, look at it for yourself!"

Lin Hang 1 had to take the jade slip, and put the jade slip on her forehead in the same way, released the divine sense, reading the information in it, and just as the divine sense entered, Lin Hang 1 felt it. A relatively strong impact seemed to be a form of resentment that had become substantive. Needless to say, it was known that this resentment came from the master of Yujian, who was sadly controlled by the seal of Hei Jin and Rong Hui. And after this resentment, it was Qianjun's message left in it.

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