I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 82

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:42 AM

Chapter 82: Lin Hang's hesitation

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When Zhou Sheng returned to the open space behind the village, Lin Hang was still adapting to the suddenly strengthened physical body.

Seeing Zhou Sheng coming over, Lin Hang greeted him and said with a smile, "Big Brother Zhou, I feel that I can almost adapt to my current strength. Do you see if I continue to absorb spiritual power or wait for a while?"

Zhou Sheng nodded and said, "Don't be too eager now, wait until tomorrow! Brother Lin, come with me, the village chief has something to tell you."

Lin Hang was a little confused. He didn't know what the village chief wanted to say to him, but he followed Zhou Sheng to the village chief's room. After arriving, Zhou Sheng got up and left, leaving only Lin Hang and the village chief.

The village chief motioned to Lin Hang to sit down, first asked about Lin Hang's practice, and made some suggestions for Lin Hang's problems, and then he entered the topic.

The village chief said solemnly, "Lin Hang, do you know why we are willing to teach you the method of physical cultivation?"

Lin Hang shook his head. Although he proposed this matter himself, Zhou Sheng didn't actually mean to refuse, and he didn't know why the villagers treated him so well.

Lin Hang said, "The chief of the village, you mean, what is special about me?"

The village chief nodded and said, "I mentioned to you before that our witch race and your human race have always lived together, and now there are no purebred human races and witch races. In fact, the original intention of our ancestors was to combine the two races. The specialty of the two races creates a brand new race. But everything cannot be as we wish. The offspring of the two races will only show the characteristics of the same race, and at most will only have a small inheritance. This is because the blood of the two races is always strong. Because of the weakness, there is no way to obtain the descendants of half the Witch and half the human blood. But until I met you, I realized that the original ancestor's idea was correct, but it has not been achieved."

Lin Hang was a little surprised after hearing the introduction of the village chief. He asked in disbelief, "Me? The village chief, you mean, I am the half-man and half-witch?"

The village chief nodded and said, "Lin Hang, I don't know what happened to cause this situation, but your bloodline is fully in line with this condition. I will ask Zhou Sheng to try to teach you the cultivation methods of our witches. We have verified our guess that your cultivation speed and physical potential are rare in ancient times. I tell you this today because we cannot fully develop your potential. I am afraid that you will delay the cultivation process with us, so I want to make peace You can discuss the next cultivation steps."

Lin Hang understood a bit. Although he could not fully accept the information the village chief told him, he knew that the village chief had no reason to harm him. He asked, "The village chief, if you are looking for me, it should be me. Suggestions for one-step practice, right?"

The village chief said with a smile, "Our small village really has no good solutions, but our "Emperor World" has a supreme heritage, allowing our ancestors to be rewarded by the ancestor witch. According to your talent, I Look, only this inheritance can match your growth."

Lin Hang asked, "Inheritance? The village chief, since it is the inheritance of your "Emperor Realm", just give me an outsider. I am afraid that many people have opinions?"

The village chief shook his head and explained, "Although we all know the authenticity of this inheritance and the strength of this inheritance. But after so many years, our generations of attempts have not yet appeared to be able to contact this inheritance. People. So if you can truly get this inheritance, not only will we not embarrass you, but also thank you!"

Lin Hang pondered for a while and asked, "The village chief, as far as I know, such an important inheritance shouldn't be so easy to get, right?"

The village chief nodded and said, "Lin Hang, I don't want to hide it from you. Over the past few years, we have passed on generation after generation for this inheritance, and many people have fallen on the path of inheritance. So what I want to tell you is this Inheritance is very dangerous. Even Lin Hang is your talent, and I cannot guarantee absolute safety. As for going or not, we will respect Lin Hang’s opinion. If you are willing to go, we will fully support you. If you don’t want to Go, we will still try our best to train you!"

Lin Hang didn't answer the village chief immediately, he couldn't decide this matter now, because he had a lot of concerns in his heart. Not only has no news from his parents, but also a group of friends, Lin Hang really has no way of contacting this heritage with all his heart.

The village chief also saw Lin Hang's struggle, and he also understood that making this kind of decision is not a simple matter. He left the room, leaving Lin Hang alone to think about the next decision.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Lin Hang and everyone gathered again.

Zhou Sheng looked at Lin Hang’s heavy expression and asked with some worry, "Brother Lin, are you okay? The village chief told you everything? Don’t look like this, just relax. No matter what you decide, we Will support you!"

Lin Hang barely smiled, took the barbecue that Zhou Sheng handed over, and ate silently. When the dinner was over, Lin Hang found the village head and told his plan.

"Do you want to think about it for a while?" the village chief asked.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "The village chief, I am going to leave "Emperor World" for a while. The information you told me is too big. I can't make a decision alone, so I I want to discuss with my elders. Village chief, can I tell my elders about the matter here?"

The village chief thought for a while and said, "I was a little bit mindful at first, but now I want to come, when the world is coming, no one will be able to stay out of the matter, and let others know what's the matter? Of course, Lin Hang, at this time, I still hope you don’t bring other people in. We still need a period of calm."

Lin Hang nodded and replied, "The village chief, I understand what you mean. I will grasp the scale and will not embarrass you."

The village chief smiled and said, "Lin Hang, I believe you! It's just that we have to make a goodbye time, otherwise there is no fixed number! The time flow of our "Emperor Realm" is the same as the outside, so let's set one The seven-day agreement, no matter what your decision is after seven days, I hope you can come back here and tell us, how?"

Lin Hang thought about it and said, "Okay, village chief, then we will make this seven-day appointment! Anyway, after seven days, I will be back!"

Lin Hang did not stay any longer, he bid farewell to everyone in the village and left the village. Taking out the jade card and opening the light gate, Lin Hang stepped into it and left the "Emperor Realm".

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