I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 820

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:46 AM

Chapter 820: Windfall

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With the reading of this information, Linhang-1 also showed a weird look. After a while, Linhang-1 also slowly opened her eyes. Some of the jade slips in her hand did not know where to go. Place.

Jade Lingxian looked at Lin Hang One who was a little dazed, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, didn't you expect this to be the result? This Qianjun is actually a strong man from the human race above the Ziwei Emperor star. I can only say that it is really a coincidence, but being able to be met by us shows that there is still some guidance in the dark!"

Yes, that’s right, this is the true fairy cultivator Qianjun, who was hit by Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian, and controlled by Hei Jin and Rong Hui, was born on that piece of the Purple Emperor Star Continent. Human forces! Judging from the information left by this Qianjun, he reached the level of the realm of imaginary immortality a long time ago on the continent of Ziwei Emperor Star, but staying there all the time made Qianjun feel There is no hope of breakthrough. At that time, none of these major forces had discovered the location of the "Spiritual Fruit" in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei", so they didn't know such information. Under such circumstances Next, Qianjun also disregarded the opposition of other cultivators in the Void Fairy Realm in the clan, and resolutely embarked on the journey of the stars, because he felt that only in this way could he have a step closer.

And this Qianjun is also a real strong man with perseverance and perseverance. You must know that it is actually very difficult for monks in the realm of virtual immortality to survive in this starry sky. It takes a lot to adapt to the environment in the early stage. A lot of effort, not to mention that Qianjun didn’t have enough spiritual stones in his body at all, but even in this situation, Qianjun still relied on his own teeth to persevere and forcibly adapted to the starry sky. The environment, and being able to swim in the starry sky was not affected by anything. In the days that followed, Qianjun also traveled to many places in the starry sky, and saw various things, even other fragments of the universe light. There are also the outside world or other fragmented continents. Qianjun also visited and entered a lot. In this process, Qianjun also gained enough accumulation and insight, and successfully stepped into the real fairyland in the near future. territory!

However, because of the loneliness, Qianjun did not have anyone to protect the law during the breakthrough. Although he also deployed layers of defensive measures during the breakthrough, the inexperienced Qianjun obviously underestimated the movement of his breakthrough. , Attracted the attention of Hei Jin and Rong Hui who just passed by. At this time, Hei Jin and Rong Hui had just worked out a way to crack the outer masks of those areas. They were going out to find the monks in the realm of true immortals who were alone. Whether he was considering cooperation or forcing help, he encountered Qianjun who was in a breakthrough at this time, and the situation afterwards can be imagined. How can Qianjun prevent Hei Jin and Ronghui at the critical moment of breakthrough. The malice of these two true fairy cultivators? Therefore, even though Qianjun managed to make a breakthrough in the end, it was the result of Hei Jin and Ronghui’s special help, but in the process of'helping', Ronghui also used a secret method to plant in Qianjun’s body. The seal sealed Qianjun's original consciousness. In this way, Qianjun would become a monk in the realm of true fairyland controlled by Ronghui and Hei Jin.

And it is precisely because of this that both Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian can understand this Qianjun, why they left such a strong resentment at the beginning of the Yujian message. You must know that everyone can reach The cultivators in the realm of real immortality are absolutely proud of their own, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate to this stage, how can they be willing to be controlled by them? In Qianjun’s heart, in the days when he was controlled by Ronghui and Hei Jin, he could say that life is better than death. He did something he didn’t want to do, said something he didn’t want to say, so Qianjun always did it. Tormented.

In Qianjun’s jade slip, I just briefly introduced some of his own situation. The key things were all about the starry sky region he had explored over the years, turned into a huge star map, which is all Qianjun’s. Accumulation and wealth, in this huge star map, Linhang No.1 and Yulingxian even saw the existence of dozens of forces! Although these cosmic light fragments or large fragments of the heavens and worlds, broken continents, etc., are relatively far apart from each other, it takes a long time to rush from one place to another. , But the hearts of Yulingxian and Linhang No.1 are already at this time, and their perception of the starry sky is no longer as confused as before. After a little comparison, Yulingxian and Lin Hang Number One also determined its own course of action.

Because the ice-blue five-pointed star token in Yulingxian's hand has the function of sensing the position of "Purple Cold Island", which means that Yulingxian can vaguely feel the direction of "Purple Cold Island". After determining where he was at this time based on the star map provided by Na Qianjun, he followed the direction of the induction and found that on Qianjun's star map, there was no definite force in this direction. ! This situation is obviously very abnormal, and of course it has attracted Qianjun’s attention. In this area, Qianjun’s information is a big question mark. He has actually vaguely felt the Fragment Continent in this direction. Feeling, but ultimately unable to get the method and opportunity to enter. Through this, it is also for Yulingxian and Linhang No. 1 to determine that the location of "Purple Cold Island", the top ten is what Qianjun once sensed After all, the place I arrived, "Purple Cold Island" was very special and had hidden characteristics, and it was quite normal that Qianjun could not enter it.

It is precisely because of this that both Yulingxian and Linhang No. 1 felt that the decision to follow Heijin, Ronghui and others on this trip was very correct. Looking at the current situation, they not only won It is possible that the resource is extremely rich, and they also received important information about the "Purple Cold Island". If this is the case, their search for the "Purple Cold Island" is definitely a big step forward, with a star map. Based on the approximate location, they are short of where to find out. They are different from Qianjun. Qianjun can barely feel the existence of "Purple Cold Island" by relying on his years of experience in mixing the stars. Among them, Jade Spirit Fairy had a token to guide the coordinates, and entering the "Purple Cold Island" was already a certainty.

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