I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 821

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:46 AM

Chapter 821: "Barren Star Field"

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And in the jade slips of Qianjun, there is not only this information, but also some understanding of Qianjun about Na Hei Jin and Ronghui these days, according to the information left by Qianjun , Hei Jin and Rong Hui are not unknown people. Among the stars in this area, they are relatively famous. Of course, this reputation refers to notoriety, not a good reputation. They are the most representative of people. What they are familiar with is the style of burning, killing and plundering. If they encounter forces and teams whose cultivation base is weaker than theirs, they will basically eat all of them, and there will be no chance of letting go, and they know how to avoid something better than them. A stronger power, so in these years, in this area, there has never been a missed situation. Before, it was directly captured and sealed a true fairy cultivator like Qianjun. This line has reached its peak.

According to Qianjun’s information, the origins of Hei Jin and Rong Hui are no longer exquisite, but because of their cruel temperament, the speed at which they can improve their cultivation is also fast, and Hei Jin is in the realm of true fairyland. Among the cultivators, they can also be regarded as top players, so fewer and fewer forces will find their troubles. Yu Lingxian also feels a bit tricky at this time. The strength of Hei Jin and Rong Hui is indeed not. Weak, and will judge the situation. If they have to deal with these two people in the future, they cannot act easily without thorough preparation.

With a wave of its big hand, Lin Hang 1 created a physical star map based on the information left by Qianjun in the jade slip. This star map showed a dynamic appearance, and various places were covered. Qianjun determined that the cosmic light fragments and broken continents where the major forces he explored were all emitting different rays of light, and the location of him and the Jade Spirit Fairy could be determined at any time according to their location. The changed light spot, as well as the area where Qianjun has not yet determined the suspected "Purple Cold Island", is red, waiting for Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian to set foot.

Seeing that Linhang-1 made such a convenient star map so lightly, Yu Lingxian couldn't help but sighed, "This supernatural power of virtual reality is indeed powerful. According to your thoughts, it is directly transformed from nothing to nothing. Really creating such a physical star map is really an eye-opener for me! If I reach a higher level of cultivation, wouldn't the magical power of this change of virtual reality be eternal in one thought?"

Lin Hang No. 1 is obviously very satisfied with the physical star map he has created. Listening to Yu Lingxian’s sigh, Lin Hang No. 1 also smiled and replied, “I can’t imagine this for the time being. Yes, but when I reach the realm of immortality, I will directly master the law of virtual reality at that time. Under the blessing of the power of law, this magical power will of course be more powerful, and I am quite looking forward to the effect in time. !"

Both Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian are in very good mood at this time. You must know that according to their original plan, if you want to find the "Purple Cold Island", you need to hurry up in that year. , Before the ice-blue five-pointed star token was completely dissipated, she kept advancing under the guidance of the token. In the end, it might not be possible to find "Purple Cold Island" and lose the guidance of the token. The reason why Jade Lingxian did not dare to waste time on the fragmented continent of Heijin and Ronghui. His mission this time was to find the location of the "Purple Cold Island". When time was tight, of course he did not dare. I was delayed, but the situation is different now, because a sudden whim by Yu Lingxian and the sudden appearance of Hei Jin and others made Yu Lingxian inadvertently get such important things in the hands of that Qianjun Intelligence, in this intelligence, the precise location is directly out of the location that may be "Purple Cold Island". In the following days, Linhang-1 can refer to the guidance of this ice blue five-pointed star token. Moving forward towards the red-marked area, both Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian were very sure that that location should be where the legendary "Purple Cold Island" was located.

What made both Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian very surprising was that the starry sky area in this place, including the area where the Earth Star Ziwei Emperor Star Continent was located, all the way to the location of the "Purple Cold Island" Collectively referred to as "The Wild Star Territory", the title of this "Wild Star Territory" is naturally a strange existence to Linhang-1, who entered the starry sky for the first time. Xian is also very unfamiliar with this name. There is no information about "Desperate Star Territory" in his mind. After a while, Yulingxian also reacted. The star map in his mind also has some outside worlds. The location of the cosmic light fragments are all in the ancient times, and in today’s situation, even the Ziwei Emperor Star that once shocked the heavens and the world has been broken, so the pattern in the starry sky will naturally occur. It has changed a lot. Under such circumstances, whether it is the division of regions or the names of some regions, of course, they will not be the same as those in ancient times. And the so-called "Desolate Star Territory" in this film must be in Jade The division and naming of the area after the immortal.

In this wandering career, Na Qianjun has always acted in this "Desperate Star Territory", and did not go to other places, because according to Qianjun's message, this The area of ​​the area is also very vast. It was a very adaptable monk in the virtual fairyland like him. It took countless hours to roughly explore this area, and the most important thing is, The scope of "Desperate Star Territory" is not artificially defined. At the edge of "Desperate Star Territory", there is a natural barrier. Although this barrier is not particularly difficult to cross, it also divides the "Desperate Star Territory". And the basis of other starry sky location areas, because of the unknown and insufficient cultivation base, these barriers have not been crossed. He was originally prepared to wait for his cultivation base to reach the realm of real fairyland before considering leaving this "Star Territory", go to other starry sky regions to experience, but people are not as good as the sky. At the critical moment of the breakthrough, Hei Jin and Rong Hui found the opportunity to seal and control, and can no longer proceed with follow-up plans.

Yu Lingxian sighed and said, "The division of these star areas, and the barriers that isolate the major areas, I have never heard of it in ancient times. It should have changed later. Sure enough, there is only one trip out. Only then can we get more news!"

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