I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 822

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:45 AM

Chapter 822: Arrival location

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Lin Hang 1 also laughed, and then said, "Yu Lingxian, wait until I have solved this time, and then wait for my deity to break through to the realm of true immortals, solve the Hei Jin and Rong Hui, and rescue them. After being fellow Daoist Qianjun, we can consider going to other star regions! After all, looking at Qianjun’s exploration, we can get the result that the power system of this piece of "Desperate Star Region" is not particularly powerful. Except for the "Purple Cold Island" that Qianjun has never entered, among the other major forces, the highest cultivation level is only the cultivator in the realm of real immortals. Under such circumstances, we will stay in the future. In this "Desolate Star Region", the improvement and growth that can be obtained is definitely very limited. It is better to go to other star regions to explore and see if we can get the follow-up promotion opportunity again!"

Jade Lingxian had no opinion on Linhang-1’s statement. He was very regretful in ancient times. In order not to harm the world with his other consciousness, Jade Lingxian wasted a lot of time to cultivate and improve himself. He has stayed in the realm of imaginary immortality, otherwise, with his talents, as well as his identity and connections at the time, he should be able to break through and enter a higher realm. Now it is finally solved with the help of Lin Hang. The problems in his body have the capital to re-cultivation and upgrade. Under such circumstances, Jade Lingxian certainly wants to pursue his own limits, and will not be stuck in a realm forever.

After discussing and looking forward to the future, the two of them began to follow the direction of the star map created by Linhang-1 and the coordinate guidance brought by the ice-blue five-pointed star token in the hands of Yulingxian. Go in the predetermined direction, and the direction this token is pointing to is the suspicious area marked on the star map. Therefore, Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian suspect that this area is the "Purple Cold Island". "Is also reasonable, and the most important thing is that even if this area is not the real location of the "Purple Cold Island", but the direction of the token is also with this area, so Lin Hang 1 and Yulingxian dare In this way, although they are sure of this point ten percent, they will not blindly believe their guesses. If the tokens are not guiding the same direction, they will not make a hasty decision.

At this time, after all these explorations, the ice-blue five-pointed star token is a little smaller, and in the eyes of Linhang No.1 and Yulingxian, the speed of dissipating seems to be even greater than that of earlier times. A little bit faster, this discovery also made Lin Hang No.1 and Yulingxian secretly grateful. If they hadn’t obtained the complete star map, they would just look for the "Purple Cold Island" based on the trace of the instinct. The location might not be able to keep up with the dissipating speed of the five-pointed star token in the end. The year that Lin Hang had predicted before, at this time, was definitely not that long in Yu Lingxian's view.

In this way, Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian did not delay anything, and proceeded directly in the established direction, facing the suspicious area marked by Qianjun. This time, because the destination was relatively certain, they moved forward. The speed is not comparable before, and there is no need to stop too much along the way, because the spiritual power is completely supplemented, but even so, the journey time still took more than a month for Yulingxian and Linhang 1. This can also vaguely feel how big the area of ​​this piece of "Desperate Star Territory" is. They moved forward for a while, and then the Jade Spirit Fairy traveled a long distance through the "Random Teleportation Stone". At this time It took more than a month before finally approaching the suspicious area marked by Qianjun.

And the reason why Linhang-1 and Yulingxian kept advancing in this more than a month was because as they got closer and closer to that area, the ice-blue five-pointed star token was also guided It is getting stronger and stronger. Although the volume of the token is getting smaller and smaller, the sense that it radiates does not seem to weaken at all. It is precisely with this sense that Lin Hang No. 1 and Yulingxian are also very smooth. Arrived at this place.

According to Qianjun’s meaning, this area is because there are usually no powers that are displayed outside. The only possible power "Purple Cold Island" also hides its body shape and cannot find a location, precisely because In this way, this area seems relatively deserted. Along the way, there are fewer and fewer other cultivators that Linhang-1 and Yulingxian can meet. Recently, they have not seen anything. Only the two of them are here. In the starry sky, moving forward alone.

I don’t know why, as they get closer and closer to that area, the ice-blue Pentagram will dissipate faster and faster. When they reach that area, the ice-blue token will disappear. It was also somewhat unsupported, turning into an ice blue light spot, attached to the arm of Jade Lingxian.

After feeling a little bit, Yu Lingxian also let go of his heart. Although the ice-blue five-pointed star token has dissipated, I don’t know if it has arrived at the destination because it has changed into such a light spot. The form, but the sense that it exudes has not changed much. Under such circumstances, Jade Spirit Fairy can still sense the hidden true location of "Purple Cold Island" through this token.

However, when Linhang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian began to follow the induction of the light spot and searched for the traces of "Purple Cold Island" in this area, Yu Lingxian also suddenly felt the light on their arms. The dot burst out with a strong light, and then an icy blue circular portal slowly opened in the starry sky. Before Linhang No. 1 and the Jade Spirit Immortal could explore, from within this portal, it was also slowly He walked out of the figure of a male cultivator. This male cultivator looked only in his twenties. He was wearing an ice-blue battle armor. The powerful aura exuding all over his body indicated that he was one. A real monk in the realm of virtual fairyland.

After stepping out of the icy blue portal, with a look of doubt on his face, he also muttered to himself in a low voice, "There is no disciple who has gone out recently.. What is the sudden induction?"

And when the man was talking to himself, his spiritual consciousness showed the two figures of Lin Hang 1 and Yulingxian, and immediately put on a posture of waiting, how he still didn’t understand, causing that The door suddenly opened, it must be the two in front of you.

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