I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 824

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:43 AM

Chapter 824: Island owner

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The greeting nodded slightly, and then disappeared directly into the portal, and the portal slowly closed at this time.

After Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian left in the greeting, they also waited quietly in the same place. In fact, Lin Hang 1 was not very clear in my heart at this time. Look at the greeting when he finished his speech. The expression can also be seen. The greetings are not at all surprising to Linhang-1's encounters. It is too common for Jingjing to think about such things, so Linhang-1 is not Make sure that after Jingjing’s return and before she rushed into retreat, did he tell her parents and elders about him? If not, then during the period of Jingjing’s retreat, it is difficult for Linhang-1 to let this " Everyone in "Purple Cold Island" believes his one-sided words.

With this feeling, Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian waited about a quarter of an hour for their positions in the same place. At this moment, the position of the original portal slowly opened again, wearing ice blue armor. The greetings came out again, but this time the expressions of the greetings became more cordial. Obviously, it was because of some news from the island owner of "Purple Cold Island" that it was such a performance.

Greetings at this time is completely different from the previous indifference, smiling and whispering to Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian, "Come here, two fellow Taoists, our island owner invites you!"

Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian glanced at each other, and there were some guesses in their hearts. Then Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian entered the portal with the greeting, and all three of them entered After that, the location of that portal disappeared completely, and could no longer be simply detected.

And after entering this portal, the sights in front of Linhang-1 and Yulingxian also changed instantaneously. A whole icy blue huge island appeared, and their position at this time was floating on this huge island. Above, and Linhang-1 can also feel it. Although it is called an island, it is no different from a whole continent. The overall area is not much different from the inland area of ​​the Ziwei Emperor Star continent. , If it weren't for the existence of the more expansive West Pole Sea in the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent, then it was actually the same scale as the "Purple Cold Island".

This whole continent, under the preliminary exploration of Lin Hang No. 1 and Yulingxian, showed an icy blue feeling, and it must be because of the inheritance of "Purple Cold Island". The relationship between "Zihan Jue" requires such an environment to provide the cultivation of these younger disciples. The cultivation level of Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian also felt some cold at this time, although it would not treat them What is the big impact, but it can also reflect how cold this environment is.

On the overall ice-blue island, Linhang No.1 and Yulingxian can see that some of the buildings distributed here are far apart. On the whole, the population here is not very large, so The number of direct disciples of "Purple Cold Island" is certainly not too much, but from the breath of these buildings, it can be seen that the overall quality of the disciples of "Purple Cold Island" is definitely very good, not those. The bloated and huge forces can be compared, and this is also the ideal development direction in Lin Hang's heart. He hopes that the future "Huaxia Gate" can also develop in this direction and become a powerful elite that everyone can call. power.

After a brief adaptation, the greeting also smiled and said, "Ha, two fellow Taoists, we will have a lot of time to visit our "Purple Cold Island" afterwards! The first time guests will be you. With this kind of performance, we still want to meet the island owner now, his old man has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Lin Hang No.1 nodded and stopped observing more here. Instead, together with Yu Lingxian, they continued to follow the greetings towards the central area of ​​this huge island. The greeting master was the "Zi The island owner of "Cold Island" should be waiting for the arrival of Linhang-1 and Yulingxian in this central area.

Soon, Linhang-1 and Yulingxian came to the central area of ​​the island. Under the careful guidance of greetings, Linhang-1 and Yulingxian also entered a building, this place The height of the building is obviously much higher than that of the surrounding buildings, and the area is also large enough. After Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian entered, they saw that there was only one person in this vast building space. The middle-aged man with ice blue hair stood in the middle of the room, and after guiding the two of them to arrive here, the greeting also closed the door and left here, obviously not planning to participate in the next dialogue.

Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian slowly approached the man, and stopped after reaching a certain distance. After that, the middle-aged man with his back to Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian also turned slowly. After turning around, appearing in front of Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian is a face full of determination. At first glance, it gives Yu Lingxian and Lin Hang 1 an extremely reliable feeling, just like Wannianjian. Like ice, it is cold and unshakable.

It’s just that the middle-aged man looked more majestic when he was expressionless, but the next moment he showed his smile, he felt like a spring breeze. After sensing this, Jade Lingxian was also shocked and excited. Lulu, because the performance of this middle-aged man at this time is incomparably the same as the higher-level monks he had seen in the ancient times!

You must know that if a monk wants to break through from the realm of virtual immortality into the realm of true immortality, he needs to master a law and cultivate to a relatively advanced level. In this case, he will use the law of ice. For example, if little girl Jingjing enters the realm of true immortality this time, the cold and resistance in her body will definitely be extremely strong. This has nothing to do with the personality of the monk, but is directly brought about by the law of ice. Change, and this feeling of the peak of the realm of real immortality will become extremely obvious, but if the monk can master the opposite or relative law in addition to the law he has mastered, then this name The monk will have the opportunity to step into the realm above the realm of immortality. At this time, the change of the power of the law will change with the change of his thoughts, and it will not be affected by the power of the law.

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