I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 826

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:42 AM

Chapter 826: emergency

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You must know that what Jingjing knows best is definitely not Lin Hang, who has only been with Jingjing for half a year, but Zifeng and others who have been with Jingjing day and night during the growth of Jingjing, so Zifeng also understands himself very well. This daughter’s temperament, with her incomparably simple and unsuspecting character, was easily deceived by all kinds of malicious people, and this was also when she decided to let Jingjing enter the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" alone , Zi Feng and others worry the most. Although they also gave Jingjing a lot of life-saving items, it is enough for Jingjing to safely obtain the inheritance of the secret and return safely. As for Jingjing may be in the "Ziwei Zi Feng had already prepared for some people in "Mystery", but when Jingjing really returned, only the name of one monk was mentioned, and when he was still with him, Zi Feng I couldn't help but doubt Lin Hang's purpose, and only then did his attitude change at the time of meeting.

Faced with Yu Lingxian’s speech, Zi Feng did not feel annoyed at all, but said directly, “Hehe, I naturally understand my daughter, and her growth has been under our care and has reached the present level. Yes, so I will use my own eyes to see the facts. It’s impossible to listen to your words. Now Jingjing’s journey of retreat and breakthrough is at a critical moment. You should just wait quietly for a while. After the Jing breaks through successfully, we will be able to understand the true situation of the matter!"

Yu Lingxian felt uneasy, and when he was about to speak to fight back, there was a shock of space in this huge room. Then Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian both saw a figure appearing next to Zi Feng and looked carefully. She is a beautiful woman. Although her appearance is not particularly young at this time, the mature charm is definitely not so easy to obtain, and it takes time to reach the level.

However, the woman who suddenly appeared at this time had already lost her calm expression, and said anxiously to Zi Feng, "Brother Feng, don't worry about things here! There is a problem with Jingjing's breakthrough. It seems that the accumulation is still not enough now, and it may not be possible to enter the realm of the real fairy in this retreat! And lost the excellent opportunity to enlighten this time, and then want to enter the realm of the real fairy. It's easy, Brother Feng, what should we do now?"

After hearing this woman's words, Zi Feng's expression also changed drastically. Obviously Jingjing's impending failure was not an easy thing for him to accept. After all, Jingjing's trip to "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" was also arranged by him. Yes, after absorbing the seeds and fruits he left behind, he has greatly improved his grasp of the law of ice. It should be a great help for breaking through the realm of real immortals. Now I don’t know what the situation is, Jingjing is actually here. In a retreat, the opportunity to break through was lost. In this situation, Zifeng's brows were directly frowned.

Seeing such a situation, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian still don’t understand. The woman who appeared suddenly should be the wife of the owner of the Purple Sealed Island, and it was Jingjing’s mother. At that time, the news she brought also shocked both Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian. Obviously, they did not expect such an accident to happen. Lin Hang 1 also had a better understanding of Jingjing’s situation. When absorbing the fruit prepared by Zifeng, Jingjing had already reached the pinnacle of the realm of imaginary immortality, so when this time the retreat breakthrough, there should be a great possibility of success, but This time, I don't know what the reason is, this situation will happen.

At this time, after learning the news, Zi Feng was temporarily not prepared to pay attention to Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian. When he was about to leave with the woman, he was directly called by Lin Hang 1. Up.

Zi Feng was very anxious at this time. What he most wants to do now is to check Jingjing’s current state and see if there is any remedy. You must know that Jingjing is not only his daughter, but also He is the most outstanding monk in the realm of virtual immortality among the disciples of this generation, otherwise it would not be for Jingjing to accept the inheritance of the seeds and fruits of the law of ice that he left in the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm". So, this Jingjing’s breakthrough actually involves a lot of arrangements, including the maturation of seeds thousands of years ago and the training of their follow-up disciples in "Purple Cold Island". Once Jingjing fails in this breakthrough, then treat them The whole "Purple Cold Island" caused a shock that can be imagined.

Zifeng heard the voice of Linhang-1 at this time, turned around, looked at Linhang-1 with cold eyes, and stopped at this moment. From Zifeng's perspective, it was very untimely. If Linhang-1 was taken If there is no suitable reason, then Zi Feng doesn't mind letting Lin Hang One taste his anger.

Lin Hang 1 naturally understood the situation at this time. After all, what Jingjing's mother said to Zi Feng just now did not avoid them. He naturally understood the urgency of the situation at this time. Jingjing encountered some breakthroughs. In the special situation, at this time, facing Zifeng anxiously, suddenly shouting to stop him, it was indeed not a suitable thing.

But even if he knew the urgency of the matter in his heart, Linhang-1 spoke resolutely and resolutely, he explained, "Island Master Purple Seal, I know that the situation is very urgent now, Jingjing’s situation cannot be delayed, but I think since this Once Jingjing is preparing to enter the realm of real fairyland in a rush to retreat. At this time, if some conditions may fail, then this thing may be of help!"

With that said, among the puzzled expressions of Zi Feng and the woman, Lin Hang-1's right hand slightly lifted, and then a bright red peach appeared on the right hand, which looked like it had just been picked from the tree. The same, very fresh.

Seeing the appearance of this peach, the color of doubt in Zi Feng's expression and the woman's expression increased even more. Just when the woman couldn't help but want to speak, Zi Feng remembered Lin Hang-1's The words, combined with what Lin Hang No. 1 said in the words, can help Jingjing break through to the realm of real immortals. Zi Feng thought of something in an instant. After all, he has a higher cultivation base and has experience and knowledge. Not a woman can compare, Zi Feng said in surprise, "Is this fresh peach-like thing, the legendary "Heavenly Fruit"?"

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