I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 828

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:40 AM

Chapter 828: Shock

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In fact, it’s no wonder that Zifeng thinks this way. He also has a certain understanding of this "Sky Spirit Fruit". According to his intelligence, there is no fixed form restriction for a spiritual thing like "Sky Spirit Fruit". Everything depends on the appearance and performance of the fruit of the ordinary plant fruit tree where it was born. They will also pretend to be what they look like, but I have never heard that there will be so many exactly the same at one time. The twenty-odd identical fresh peaches that Lin Hang No. 1 took out from the birth of "Tian Ling Guo" clearly did not conform to Zi Feng's perception.

At this time, looking at the two Zifengs who gradually turned from dumbfounded and shocked to suspicion, Lin Hang-1 also understood the thoughts in their hearts, so it said that there was no meaning of delay, laughed, and then his divine sense came out. It directly activates the "Heavenly Spirit Fruit" in front of you. This "Heavenly Spirit Fruit" exists as a heaven and earth spiritual thing. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to find their abnormality from the appearance and spiritual sense, but as long as the spiritual energy Prompted, then this "Sky Spirit Fruit" will show its true situation.

And now, the "Sky Spirit Fruit" in front of Linhang No.1, after being inspired by his spiritual power, directly bloomed with a different light. With the blooming of light, a trace of the purest law Power emerged from this "Tian Ling Guo". Seeing such a scene, Zi Feng and the woman didn't understand why this fresh peach-like thing was the genuine "Tian Ling Guo"!

Seeing such a scene, Zi Feng also secretly felt that it was a pity. You must know that each piece of "Sky Spirit Fruit" is a very precious existence, because of the superimposable characteristics, each additional piece is for the peak of the virtual fairyland. For the monks, there are also great breakthrough possibilities. In order to prove the authenticity of the "Sky Spirit Fruit" this time, Lin Hang 1 directly and rudely inspired a "Sky Spirit Fruit". It is undoubtedly a very wasteful behavior, because such an explosion of the power of the law that no one understands is irreversible. This "Heavenly Fruit" will also lose its effectiveness directly after completing the explosion of the power of these laws.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Zi Feng is naturally a little self-blame. He knows the meaning of Lin Hang-1’s move. It is undoubtedly just to prove his suspicion, but for such a proof, he wasted one. Zi Feng still felt it was a pity for the precious "Heavenly Fruit".

Of course, Lin Hang-1 also saw Zifeng’s dilemma at this time. He didn’t mean to blame Zifeng, because if he stood on the position of Zifeng, he would behave the same way. After all, Zifeng treats him This is unfamiliar. It is only through Jingjing’s description that he has some understanding of him. Under such circumstances, it is normal for Zi Feng not to trust him, especially the more than twenty " A normal person would be suspicious of the impact of "Tian Ling Guo", but Lin Hang No.1 actually didn't care much about such "Tian Ling Guo". After all, he wanted to produce such "Tian Ling Guo". It's all very easy. Zi Feng doesn't know this. Of course, he feels very uncomfortable for the loss of every "Sky Spirit Fruit".

Zi Feng didn't mean to hide his thoughts, and directly said to Lin Hang One, "Lin Hang, I shouldn't doubt you. It caused you to lose such a "Sky Spirit Fruit"! Don't worry, we "Purple Cold Island" is not so greedy for cheap, so we will definitely find a way to compensate for your loss in the later stage. You don't have to worry about this at all! It's just that this time we really want to use yours brazenly. These "Sky Spirit Fruits" are provided. After all, Jingjing’s breakthrough is indeed extremely important at this time, but in the follow-up, we will definitely give you enough compensation!"

Lin Hang 1 waved his hand, and then said with a smile, "Island Master Purple Sealed’s words are a bit serious! I have stated it many times. Because of Jingjing’s reasons, I voluntarily give this help, I just hope I can help Jingjing through this difficulty, and I haven't thought of anything in return! Moreover, there is one thing that you may not know about the owner of the Purple Sealed Island, that is, this "Heavenly Spirit Fruit" is indeed rare in the world. Spiritual thing, but it's not that important to me! The "Sky Spirit Fruit" just now is an experiment to prove the authenticity to you. It is indeed a waste, but it is not a big deal! "

With that said, in the curious and suspicious gazes of the two of Zi Feng, Lin Hang-1 waved his hand again, and saw that more than a dozen "Sky Spirit Fruits" appeared again. This time I saw Lin Hang-1 again. Zi Feng suddenly felt a little numb in performing such a performance. How much inventory of "Sky Spirit Fruit" does this Linhang No. 1 have, how can it be taken out like no money?

Lin Hang No. 1 continued, "Purple Sealed Island Master, you can accept all these "Spirit Fruits", and use them to provide some help for Jingjing to attack the realm of the real fairy. I believe that with these "Spirit Fruits" To help out, Jingjing's subsequent breakthroughs should be able to become easier again, and the rest will be discussed after Jingjing successfully exits! Today's things are still focused on Jingjing's situation!"

At this time, after listening to Lin Hang 1, Zi Feng and the woman also looked at each other, and then Zi Feng nodded heavily at Lin Hang 1, and then said, "Okay! I'm not hypocritical at this time. Little friend Lin Hang, and fellow Taoist Jade Spirit, I beg you two to wait here for a while, after Jingjing completes her retreat, I will bring her over again and have a good chat with you!"

After that, under the nodding and gaze of Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian, Zi Feng directly put away the "Sky Spirit Fruit" that Lin Hang 1 had released with a wave of his big hand, and then he and Jingjing's mother left the room together.

After Zi Feng and the woman left, only Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian were left in this room. This is obviously a more confidential place, so there was also Zi Feng 2 when the two parties met before. During the time when people were away, no one would come to disturb Linhang-1 and Yulingxian, so the two of them were also bored at this time. Linhang-1 still had some concerns about Jingjing. Circumstances, the reason why he was willing to pay so much for "Sky Spirit Fruit" was that he didn't want to see Jingjing's breakthrough failure, but at this time, Linhang-1 could only stay here, waiting for Zifeng. Return and news.

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