I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 83

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:42 AM

Chapter 83: Make a choice

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Lin Hang walked out of the light gate, and now it was like "Emperor Realm" outside, it was the night time. Lin Hang did not hesitate, a space teleportation arrived at the Ye Family Villa.

After notifying the night guards of the villa, Lin Hang saw Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan.

Lin Hang didn't talk too much nonsense, and said directly, "Lao Ye, Brother Guangyuan, the ruins this time are different from the others. It is a "Dongtian" with a group of witches passed down from ancient times!"

In the shock of Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan, Lin Hang informed the two of his experiences in "Emperor Realm", including the entanglement between the Human Race and the Witch Race, as well as the news of the Great Tribulation.

Ye Lao said with emotion, "Lin Hang, according to your statement, what a colorful world our Divine Land was in ancient times! And our memories of that era are all lost, I don’t know if it’s the human race you said. The reason for submission."

Lin Hang continued, "Lao Ye, they said that there is a supreme inheritance that has been passed down from the ancestor witch. They hope that I will try to accept this inheritance. But according to them, this inheritance is not only extremely difficult, but also The risk is also very high, so I haven't promised them yet. I also want to ask for your opinion when I come back this time."

Hearing this, Ye Lao also felt that the matter was of great importance. He did not answer Lin Hang for a while. He pondered for a while and said, "Lin Hang, I think all this is possible based on the premise that they have not deceived you. Yes. If you think they are credible, then you might as well be bold and try it. My suggestion is that you should do it from your own heart. If you believe in them, they will not harm you naturally, just let go go a head!"

Because Ye Lao hadn't experienced what Lin Hang had experienced, he felt that he could not make decisions for Lin Hang. After all, it was about Lin Hang's life and safety, and he could only look at Lin Hang's own plans.

Lin Hang hugged Ye Lao and expressed his gratitude, and then said, "Thank Ye Lao for his guidance, but this matter is very important. I need to inform my teacher. Therefore, Ye Lao, I have to trouble you again! "

Ye Lao knew that there was no delay, and arranged a plane overnight to send Lin Hang to the military base where Wang Lao was located.

As soon as Lin Hang got off the plane, he went straight to Wang Lao's residence. Because of the notice in advance, Wang Lao and Tian Dayong were already there waiting for him.

When Lin Hang and the two met with the ceremony, they directly talked about their discovery of the ruins this time.

The reaction of Tian Dayong and Wang Lao Lin Hang was in sight. What puzzled Lin Hang was that Wang Lao didn't seem so surprised.

After Lin Hang said briefly, Tian Dayong touched his face, and asked incredulously, "Lin Hang, you mean, I can start "Korillara" because I have this kind of witch blood in my body. Isn't this true!?"

Before Lin Hang nodded, Mr. Wang said, "Tian Dayong, it's true. I didn't intend to tell you about it. I didn't expect that Hang'er, you actually came into contact with it now. Is this God's will?"

Lin Hang did not expect that Mr. Wang would have known about this a long time ago, so he couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, have you known that the Wu Clan still has such a "Dong Tian"?"

Old Wang nodded and said, "Yes, because all the relics that appeared in China were first entered by our military. When we excavated, we learned some real things from ancient times from the information left over. , But the strange thing is that there is nothing left in our history in China. Our military has been exploring. This was originally an absolute secret of our military, but it’s nothing if you two know it, Hang'er, you Tell me in detail about the situation inside. It is the first time we have discovered the ruins of a living witch like this."

Because Lin Hang had already asked about it in advance, it was no problem to tell them now. Following Lin Hang's introduction, he slowly talked about the inheritance.

After hearing this, Tian Dayong said directly, "Brother Lin, we can't agree to this! We don't understand at all, who knows what the inheritance is like! In case they have any other purpose, we are not going to make a fool of ourselves. Is it? Since they said they will try their best to train you, why are you taking this big risk?"

In fact, from Tian Dayong's point of view, what he said is fine. After all, Lin Hang and them have just met, and you can't completely trust them just because of their side words.

Lao Wang finally spoke after being silent for a long time, "Hang'er, what do you think?"

Lin Hang replied in a deep voice, "Teacher, for some reason, I feel that they have nothing to do with me. And in my heart, I still believe in what they are saying. So, I actually want to agree. Their."

As soon as Tian Dayong was about to speak, Mr. Wang raised his hand to stop him and said, "Hang'er, I am very relieved of your performance all the time. Now that you feel this way, of course I am a teacher. They support you! And, after hearing what you said, they gave you the right to choose after clarifying the pros and cons, so from this point of view, they should not harm you."

After listening to Wang Lao's analysis, Lin Hang strengthened his inner thoughts. He decided to follow his inner choice and accept the inheritance that Zhou Sheng said.

Lin Hang did not choose to inform Liu Ruyan of this matter, because he was afraid that she was worried, but he didn't want to make it difficult for Liu Ruyan.

Lin Hang returned to his wooden house, and before going to sleep, a figure of a person appeared in his mind. Lin Yi got up, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Beep, beep, beep..." After more than a dozen beeps, the opposite party finally got the call.

"Hey! It's Xiaohang, why, what can I do for you so late?" There was a hearty laughter on the phone.

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Uncle Zhao, I do have one thing to tell you this time. Uncle Zhao, I entered a ruin this time and I found..." Lin Hang began to talk to Zhao Kangping I learned what I saw in the ruins.

After listening to Lin Hang’s words, Zhao Kangping on the other end of the phone fell into a long silence. It was not until Lin Hang opened his mouth that Zhao Kangping finally spoke, "Xiao Hang, if you are here to ask me what I have suggestions, I hope You can agree to their suggestion and try to accept this heritage."

After understanding Zhao Kangping's reaction, Lin Hang already knew that his Uncle Zhao also knew a lot about these things. And Zhao Shu suggested that he accept the inheritance, obviously because he has some understanding of this inheritance.

Lin Hang didn't ask the question in his mind. He knew that Zhao Kangping would tell him when he wanted to tell him.

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