I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 830

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:24 AM

Chapter 830: Reunion

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After the two noticed such a breath of breakthrough, it didn't take long for Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian to also feel a wave of fluctuations in the space in front of them, and then three figures appeared in this room. In the middle, apart from Zi Feng and the woman who left in a hurry just now, there was another short figure, the little Jingjing girl who had been separated from Lin Hang for a long time.

However, when Jingjing and Lin Hang were separated last time, they were obviously different. Although there was no change in appearance, the temperament of the whole person was completely different, especially the whole body. His breath is indeed a real cultivator in the realm of fairyland!

You know, in the last time "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", Jingjing refined and absorbed the seed and fruit that contained the law of cold ice left by Zifeng in the mysterious space under that dense cold spring. The breath of her whole person reached the peak of the virtual fairy realm, and because of the ice laws in this seed, Jingjing's ability to manipulate and control the ice laws at that moment greatly increased. Jingjing can be regarded as the strong power of the law of ice radiating from all over her body, which makes people feel shuddering.

And after seeing Jingjing again this time, both Lin Hang-1 and Yulingxian felt the changes. The first thing was that the powerful aura that had been exposed all over Jingjing's body was also gone, and she was converged to it. In the body, this is obviously Jingjing's powerful control over her own power manipulation. Another point is that Jingjing's knowledge of the law of ice is obviously more advanced, not from the outside to feel cold, but from a higher level. Freeze everything directly!

It can be said that although Jingjing has just entered the realm of true immortality, because of the degree of control of the law of ice, it can be said that at the level of the entire realm of true immortal monk, it is definitely not the bottom existence, and the combat power can basically be calculated The upper level is the middle level.

Jingjing's originally serious expression without a smile gave Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian a sacred and inviolable feeling, but it didn't last long before this feeling lasted, and she saw Jingjing facing Lin Hangyi. The show showed a sweet smile, looking very simple, Jingjing bounced away from Zifeng and the woman, came to the front of Linhang No. 1, and said with a smile, "Uncle! Come here to find Jing. Jing! I also heard from my father and mother just now that the successful breakthrough this time depends on your help from your uncle! Jingjing is here to thank your uncle for your generous help. In the future, Jing Jing is also a great cultivator in the realm of true fairyland! If you need any help, please speak up, uncle, Jingjing is definitely the uncle who points to me, and there won't be any comments!"

While Jingjing was talking, she also patted her chest heavily. The appearance of pretending to be proud also made the other four people present with a smile. Zi Feng and the woman both shook. Shaking his head, they did not have the slightest way to get Jingjing.

And Lin Hang 1 hasn’t seen Jingjing for a long time. I actually miss this simple but extremely violent girl. At this time, I saw such a lovely scene of Jingjing when I met again. Lin Hang 1. He also smiled and replied, "Well, Jingjing is the best! This time I came here to find you, and I have completed the agreement with you. In the days that follow, Jingjing will also welcome you to play with us. Our environment is completely different from this "Purple Cold Island". Jingjing must be able to experience a completely different scenery. That is definitely a very interesting thing!"

In this way, in the eyes of Zifeng and the woman, Lin Hang 1 and Jingjing also began their reminiscence. They really haven’t seen each other for some days, and in the "Ziwei Secret Realm" In half a year, the two can be regarded as the best partners. Because of the casual nature of Linhang-1 and there is no need to achieve, So Linhang-1 can meet most of Jingjing’s requirements. Under the circumstances, Jingjing naturally feels extremely satisfied, so the relationship with Lin Hang has also progressed extremely fast. Under such circumstances, of course, Jingjing’s favor with Lin Hang has increased tremendously. When I saw Lin Hang again, Jingjing was still in a very good mood.

Especially before such a meeting, Jingjing had just passed a major hurdle and successfully entered the realm of true immortals, becoming the second master of "Purple Cold Island" at this time. The most important thing is to be able to To reach this point, it is also thanks to the help of Lin Hang, if it were not for the massive "Spirit Fruit", Jingjing would inevitably lead to the failure of this breakthrough due to some special reasons. After losing this best opportunity, Jingjing's subsequent breakthroughs will become more difficult, and he will never be able to take this step anymore. Therefore, Lin Hang's help to Jingjing is actually very huge. , For the entire "Purple Cold Island", it is definitely an extremely huge contribution.

Although Jingjing has a simple mind, she is not stupid. She also knows that this time Lin Hang's arrival has changed some things, so Jingjing's attitude towards Linhang-1 has become more intimate, Jingjing and Zi The two people in the front cover are different. She can be considered to have been with Lin Hang for a long time, so just like Lin Hang knows Jingjing well, Jingjing also knows Lin Hang well, knowing that Lin Hang will do it this time. Therefore, he will provide help so generously. It is absolutely the same as what he said. It is only based on the relationship with her good friend. He does not want any return or compensation. It is also because of this that Jingjing I want to thank Lin Hang even more, and I am also very happy that I can meet such a good friend.

In this way, the dialogue between Lin Hang-1 and Jingjing also lasted for a long time, but the other people in this room, Yu Lingxian and Zi Feng, didn’t mean anything to urge them. They all watched the chat between Lin Hang-1 and Jingjing with a smile, knowing that this process is not so easy and can be ended.

After a while, Zi Feng felt that the situation was almost the same, and also waved to Jingjing, and then said, "Okay, Jingjing, it's almost done. There are a lot of things that can be said later, this time, we and Lin Hang, there should be a lot of topics to be discussed!"

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