I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 831

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:23 AM

Chapter 831: discuss

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After Jingjing heard what Zifeng said, although she was a little reluctant, she still obediently retreated to Zifeng and the woman's side, plunged into the arms of the woman, even if she had become a realm of real fairyland. The great monk, Jingjing is still like a child in front of her parents. She knows that this time, even though Linhang No.1 is holding an agreement with her, it will come to this "Purple Cold Island". But things have developed to the point where they are now, and with the help of the kind just now, it is no longer such a simple thing. Although Jingjing doesn’t care much about such things, she understands it. It’s reasonable to know that there will definitely be other things to discuss between Lin Hang and her father Zi Feng, and Jingjing doesn’t want to be too involved in the situation, because she and Lin Hang Jingjing thinks that it is best for Jingjing to keep simple and pure as he does not want to mix with other things.

After Jingjing came back, Zi Feng also smiled at Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian, "Lin Hang, thank you again for your help! What you don't know is that Jingjing’s situation is actually better this time Imagine it is more serious. Without the help of those "Spirit Fruits" you provided, Jingjing would not be able to successfully break through and enter the realm of real fairy this time! And our preparations for thousands of years are similar. It is equivalent to abolished directly, that is definitely not what we can accept! Fortunately, this time, Lin Hang, you came to us, and generously helped Jingjing solve this sudden crisis. It can be said that it is very good for our entire "Zihan "Island", you have played a very important role in Lin Hang. In the days to come, whether you need our compensation or not, we "Purple Cold Island" will always regard you as our closest friend, many Every place can communicate and cooperate in the follow-up!"

When Lin Hang heard what Zi Feng said, he also felt some of the true feelings. He knew that this time Zi Feng was indeed moved by his actions. This is also the great effect of the "Tian Ling Guo". , Is definitely more persuasive than Jingjing’s words, and Lin Hang’s inner mind is slowly changing at this time. He is thinking about how to carry out follow-up cooperation in order to be able to respond. Both sides are favorable options.

Lin Hang laughed, and then replied, "Ha, the words of Zifeng Island Master still have some serious words! The next one is only to provide some "Sky Spirit Fruit", after all, the effect of this "Sky Spirit Fruit" No matter how strong it is, it is not a 100% guarantee that the monk who uses it can successfully break through. After all, it is a treasure of external stimulating effects. The most important thing is Jingjing itself. She has the conditions for such a breakthrough. The appearance of "Tian Ling Guo" just smoothed out some unexpected troubles for her. It is absolutely impossible to ignore the outstandingness of Jingjing itself!"

Lin Hang's remarks really touched Jingjing's heart. When Zi Feng spoke, the little girl had some unhappiness on her face. Obviously, she ignored her own efforts for Zi Feng. I was very dissatisfied with this point, but after hearing Lin Hang’s answer, Jingjing also felt a sense of comfort in her heart. Obviously Lin Hang’s words were finally above her thoughts, making Jingjing very satisfaction.

Lin Hang also saw the change in Jingjing’s external expression, and he smiled and continued, “However, the follow-up communication and cooperation that the owner of the Purple Seal Island said just now is a very good thing. Do you know if the island owner knows the imminent catastrophe?"

Lin Hang's words of the Great Tribulation at this time immediately caused Zi Feng and Jingjing's mother to be shocked. Both of them involuntarily shook. Obviously, they also knew about the Great Tribulation. He also nodded solemnly, and then said, "Well, according to the information left by the help, there are also changes that have been observed in the starry sky in recent years. It is indeed a catastrophe! And this time the catastrophe is. It is the end of heaven and earth that the ancestors had foreboding from the ancient times. That is to say, in the face of the end of heaven and earth, no creature can rely on the way of living in seclusion to survive this time. People of the robbers, and if they don’t deal with the ground well, it’s not impossible that the whole world will be destroyed together and turned into chaos again! I don’t know what Lin Hang’s question you raised, what kind of situation you want to share with us, Or is it based on this end of the world, what do you have to cooperate with, Lin Hang?"

When Lin Hang proposed this great disaster of heaven and earth, countless thoughts flashed in Zi Feng's heart. He knew that this great disaster was aimed at all living beings. With a certain scale and inheritance of forces, the books and information uploaded by their ancestors will almost contain the records of this catastrophe. As far back as the ancient times, the top elders of the major forces of various races The ancestors have some premonitions about this end of the world, knowing that this is what all creatures must experience, but for this, they have no particularly good way to deal with it, because even though they know this world The final calamity is difficult, but I don’t know the specific links and the extent of the outbreak. Under such circumstances, of course, there is no way to formulate a suitable response. Therefore, the ancestors of the major forces are asking the disciples of the next generations to demand Be wary of the end of the world this time, but can’t leave a suitable method, so including the major forces of the monster clan and witch clan that Lin Hang contacted before, as well as the current "Purple Cold Island", all only know the big The incident that Jie is about to come, but some of the specific circumstances, are not understood.

Lin Hang also shook his head at this time, and then said, "Island Master Purple Sealed, you must also understand that this time the Doom of Heaven and Earth is called Moment because of its existence and arrival to the outside world. Life is a test. If it cannot be passed through, it is not impossible for the world to be completely destroyed and re-turned into chaos. Under such circumstances, of course we are extremely careful and vigilant about this end of the catastrophe. However, because of the relationship that no one has experienced, we are completely ignorant of the situation of this catastrophe. Only when it really breaks out can we have a way to deal with it!"

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