I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 832

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:59:22 AM

Chapter 832: Cooperation possible

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Lin Hang's remarks also resonated with Zi Feng, because this time the end of the world is a matter of great importance, and without knowing the specific information, Zi Feng did not let many people know about this time. , Only the core personnel, including his wife and some of the most outstanding disciples know about the situation of the catastrophe this time, so in fact, in Zi Feng’s heart, sometimes there is still a lot of pressure, listen at this time After Lin Hang’s remarks, it is obvious that Lin Hang and his have in common. Lin Hang must also carry a force on his shoulders. Otherwise, when it comes to this catastrophe, it will not. This is the general performance.

At this moment, Lin Hang eased a little and continued, "So, when we don’t understand the situation of this catastrophe at all, there are many things we can’t do, the only thing we can do. , Is to find a way to improve ourselves. Only when we become stronger can we have greater confidence to face these subsequent situations. And I think based on the threat of this catastrophe, our two forces can develop some deeper levels. The cooperation is about the promotion of our younger disciples. This is also the most correct thing we can do. If we can’t do this, then in the future, we will not only be unable to keep them, but also Because their relationship led to a series of subsequent reactions, in the midst of the catastrophe, maybe there is really little hope!"

"Deep-level cooperation?" Zi Feng frowned slightly. It was not that he didn't understand what Lin Hang meant. He even agreed with Lin Hang's idea deep down. He wanted to Improve the strength of his entire "Purple Cold Island", and only then will Jingjing break into the realm of true immortality. What Zifeng doesn't understand is that the deep-level cooperation mentioned by Lin Hang, in the end, What are the specific aspects, and how to proceed.

Lin Hang smiled and nodded, and then explained, "Island Master Purple Sealed, this time our relationship is a step closer because of Jingjing, but we are actually not in each other's power. I’m particularly familiar with this. Under such circumstances, we should go to deep-level cooperation at the very beginning. Presumably, the owner of Zifeng Island is somewhat unacceptable, but we can start from the simplest to the deeper, and start with the simplest situation first. Some relatively shallow transactions are used to strengthen the cooperative relationship between our two parties. In this way, as we gradually become familiar, there will be more room for future development. I don’t know about such things, the owner of Zifeng Island What do you think?"

Zi Feng also understood what Lin Hang meant at this time. He nodded at this moment, then laughed and said, "Well, Lin Hang, I also understand what you mean. To be honest, I have your help. With Jingjing’s kindness, I actually trust you more, but it’s just the first contact between our two forces. Under such circumstances, in order to ensure that many of our disciples Your approach is indeed more appropriate, but we don’t actually need so many trials and preliminary preparations. As long as the sincerity of both parties can be guaranteed, I believe that our cooperation will soon reach depth. The degree of it!"

This time, Lin Hang and Zi Feng’s conversation did not mean to conceal Jingjing. In fact, Jingjing did not want to burden Jingjing with her growth because of her ideological protection before today. In fact, there are many things. Zi Feng and Jingjing’s mothers didn’t tell her, and this included the end of the world, and Jingjing’s growth process was extremely smooth, until now it’s true fairyland. , Still maintains a carefree temperament, all the results are due to the care of her parents in the process of growing up. However, although Jingjing grew up in such a process of growth, her temperament tends to be simple and easy to believe in something, but in Jingjing's heart, she must have her own judgment. In such a situation Under the circumstances, good and evil are distinct, and Jingjing will not be lacking in battle and other things in the process of growing up, so Jingjing's combat experience is actually very rich, but her temperament is slightly weak. , But it was something that could make up for it, and could not conceal the fact that Jingjing had already become a cultivator in the realm of real immortals.

It’s just that Jingjing now has successfully entered the realm of true immortals after all, and can be regarded as the second highest cultivation level in the entire "Purple Cold Island", second only to the owner of the island, Zifeng. Under such circumstances, Jingjing's shoulders will naturally take some responsibility. This is completely unavoidable. Although Zifeng and Jingjing's mothers are a little reluctant to let Jingjing participate in these things, there is no way. , Jingjing’s cultivation level has reached this point, she must take on what she should be responsible for in her current realm. After all, in the process of Jingjing’s growth, whether intentionally or unconsciously, she has consumed a lot of Because of the resources of "Purple Cold Island", Jingjing must truly be a monk in the realm of fairyland in the days to come, and assume some of her responsibilities for "Purple Cold Island".

Although Jingjing is simple, she is not stupid after all. Now she has become more mature after entering the realm of real immortals. Her views on many things have become different from before. Although I will still maintain my own nature in front of me, I will appear to be a little naive, but I understand a lot of things, and is no longer the same indifferent attitude as before. Just now Lin Hang 1 and Zi Feng discussed these matters, although Jingjing is not interested, but it involves the life and death of the two major forces, so Jingjing has no meaning for fun, but listened very carefully. Finally, When it comes to the possible cooperation between the two major forces, Jingjing's eyes gradually brighten up.

However, for this meeting and discussion with Lin Hang 1, Jingjing did not mean to interrupt. She knew that her personal relationship with Lin Hang would make the cooperation a little bit different once she participated in order to maintain follow-up. For the best stability of cooperation, it is enough to leave everything to Zifeng to solve at this time.

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