I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 833

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:59 AM

Chapter 833: difficulty

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Therefore, when Lin Hang and Zi Feng were discussing, Jingjing stayed with her mother, staring wide-eyed at the development of the situation, and did not intend to participate.

And Lin Hang-1 listened to Zifeng's slightly moved appearance at this time, knowing that this time there should be no problem with the cooperation, so he laughed directly, and said, "Haha, since the owner of Zifeng is willing to be with us If we work together to face the end of the day, then we naturally have to show our sincerity! So, how about our first cooperation is limited to the exchange of various items? I believe that the world today is completely different from before, similar The central contact point like the giant Ziwei Emperor star in the ancient times is gone, completely lost. Under such circumstances, it has become more difficult for us to obtain some of our scarce resources than before. So, I believe that the owner of Zifeng Island, in the treasure house of "Purple Cold Island", there must be some rare treasures, but the disciples on your side can't use it? Now it’s not like before, the exchange of similar items It is also a lot of trouble, and it is unavoidable to be a bit tasteless in the treasure house. Therefore, the first step in our cooperation can start from this aspect, and see if we can temporarily use the accumulated accumulation in our respective treasure houses. After some exchanges of those treasures, the effect of mutual benefit can be achieved in the end. I don’t know what the owner of the island of Purple Seal feels about what I said?"

When Zifeng spoke on Linhang-1, he had been listening carefully, and as Linhang-1’s words advanced, Zifeng felt that Linhang-1’s remarks were very reasonable. After Lin Hang 1’s final questioning, he also nodded, and then replied, “Well, Lin Hang, what you said is really not a problem! In fact, after the great change of heaven and earth, the whole starry sky did happen. A big change! Think about it, even the Ziwei Emperor star that once shook the heavens was finally broken and turned into today’s fragmented continents! After that drastic change, the starry sky is now present. In this piece of "Desolate Star Territory", although there are still many forces, they have no climate. The most important thing is that among the major forces, the highest cultivation level is only Only when you reach the realm of real fairyland, you will be able to have some freedom of movement in this piece of "Desperate Star Territory". As for the "Desperate Star Territory", you should have never set foot. Under such circumstances, Just that there are no large-scale contact points. Without such a platform for the major forces to communicate, there are really too many restrictions!"

Lin Hang No. 1 nodded and expressed that he understood the meaning of Zi Feng. This piece of "Desolate Star Territory" also had some impressions in Lin Hang No. 1’s mind at this time. Thanks to Na Qianjun for leaving behind. With the help of the information in the jade slips, Lin Hang No.1 will not be embarrassed in front of Zi Feng. You must know that although the area of ​​this "Desperate Star Territory" can be described as vast, every force is located. The location range of are all separated by a long distance, but the usual communication between these forces is actually very little, because they actually don’t have a lot of time and energy to travel in the starry sky, like the previous Qianjun. Existence is actually rare by comparison. Not many monks in the realm of true immortality or virtual immortal have such experience of starry sky travel, so under such circumstances, no force has the ability to command other forces. It is also impossible to build a large transfer station like the Ziwei Emperor Star in ancient times. Therefore, there is no large-scale teleportation circle connection between the major forces, and the communication between each other is much less. The state of not communicating.

However, Lin Hang-1 also understands that in this piece of "Desolate Star Territory", other things are not clear, but he still knows that there is a great monk above the realm of true immortality, that is what he sees. The island owner of "Purple Cold Island" Zifeng, so at this time, when the atmosphere allowed, Lin Hang 1 also asked, "Well, I still know a little bit about the situation in "The Deserted Star Territory". It’s just that Zifeng Island Master, isn’t your cultivation level far surpassing those monks in the realm of real fairyland? According to your cultivation level, you have the opportunity to specify such a mutual relationship in this piece of "Desolate Star Territory". China Unicom and the transaction channel came out, after all, you also have a strong ability to suppress and maintain the stability of the transaction, should it be more than enough?"

Seeing that Lin Hang 1 mentioned this issue, Zi Feng also laughed, and then replied, "Lin Hang, you don't know anything! Although my strength is not limited to the realm of real fairyland, there is no way to do it here. Invincible among a piece of "Desolate Star Territory"! You must know that although this "Desolate Star Territory" is relatively desolate and remote, the many forces inherited here have great backgrounds, and many of the forces have their background. It is very profound, just like on this "Purple Cold Island", I can be called the strongest in the entire "Desolate Star Territory", relying on the heritage left over from ancient times, I have such confidence! But If I were allowed to enter those places where the forces with deep roots have operated for many years, I might not be able to completely suppress them, and be able to pass on them all the time. Every force naturally has its own assassin. Under such circumstances, When my strength is not up to the absolute crushing situation, naturally I still cannot accomplish such a thing. After all, if I want to become the hub of all communication and transactions, I still need more powerful strength!"

After hearing this Zifeng’s explanation, Lin Hang 1 also remembered the several major forces on the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent. Although they all add up to be a monk in the realm of real fairyland, Lin Hang They can still feel the threat from their bodies. Even if the Jade Spirit Immortal with the realm of real immortality joins them, it doesn’t mean any decay. Obviously, there are a few inland areas of the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent. The forces are not afraid of the threat of the cultivators in the realm of real immortality. They obviously have the means to deal with the higher-level cultivators. The situation on the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent is still the same. Those other fragments of the heavens and the world, and some fragments of Eternal Light The forces above, I am afraid, all have their own means of suppressing the bottom of the box. Unless there is a powerful force that far exceeds them at this time, it will definitely not be able to accomplish such a feat.

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