I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 835

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:58 AM

Chapter 835: Candid

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At this time, Jingjing’s sudden speech also caused Lin Hang-1 and Zifeng to focus on Jingjing’s body. As Jingjing’s speech ended, Zifeng’s expression also showed a trace of uncontrolled consternation. , Obviously in Zifeng’s consciousness, he didn’t think that Jingjing, who was still the child in his eyes, would say such words. At this time, the island owner’s wife holding Jingjing also had tears in her eyes. It was also a little moved for Jingjing's growth.

Although Jingjing interjected suddenly, because her identity still had the meaning in the words, Lin Hang No.1 and Zifeng didn't mean anything unpleasant. After Zifeng nodded, she followed Jing directly. Jing said down, "Well, Lin Hang, Jingjing is right. Our "Purple Cold Island" has already received a lot of favor from you, so it is impossible to take advantage of you so brazenly. Yes! So Jingjing has some truth in what she said, and I also agree that if you don’t have any opinions, you can actually bring back the things in our treasure house first, since those things are already in our treasure house. It’s been such a long time, so it’s just a tasteless for us. If you take it back, it will have no effect on us. As long as you can maintain such a transaction when you come to us next time, Then the cooperation between our two sides can go on further!"

At this time, after hearing Jingjing and Zifeng’s answers, Lin Hang's heart was also quite satisfied, although he didn't particularly care about the contribution of "Heaven Spirit Fruit", after all, the manufacture of this thing is also a thing for him. Simple things, but Lin Hang definitely doesn’t want others to treat him as a fool. The current performance of Jingjing and Zifeng also makes Lin Hang 1 very satisfied, and feels that he really didn’t misunderstand him. , Since this is the case, then Lin Hang also decided to show some sincerity in front of Jingjing and Zifeng again.

Lin Hang 1 laughed, and then said, "Haha, Jingjing, Zifeng Island Master, I can also feel very happy with your words! Since you treat me as friends, I also want I treat you with sincerity! To tell the truth, this "Tian Ling Guo" to me is not a matter of how much inventory, but there is no limit to the quantity, as many as you want! You can say "Tian Ling" "Fruit" is indeed a treasure with a power against the sky, but it is not so precious in front of me, so if it can be used to exchange some treasures and resources, it will be more profitable for me. In such a transaction, If we are the one who both feel that we are making a profit, have we just reached the essence of this transaction? That is to use things we don’t need to exchange for some treasures that are very helpful to ourselves. If so, is the final result equal to everyone's happiness, and why is there something to take advantage of?"

At this time, he had already spoken with Linhang-1 to such a point. Zifeng also felt that the relationship with Linhang-1 was suddenly drawn closer, so at this time, the words of Linhang-1, Zifeng Feng also didn't have the slightest doubt about the true or false meaning, but he didn't know the meaning of the phrase "Tian Ling Guo".

Zi Feng also asked directly, "Lin Hang, what do you mean by how much is the "Sky Spirit Fruit"? Did you find a special place where the "Sky Spirit Fruit" is produced, or do you master Did you know how to make "Tian Ling Guo"?"

Lin Hang also said with a smile, "Purple Sealed Island Master, what you said is still half right! To tell you the truth, I can make such "Sky Spirit Fruit" anytime, anywhere, and the specific method is still It’s inconvenient to tell, and I can guarantee the authenticity of such a situation. Now I’ll ask again, when the number of "Sky Spirit Fruit" can be determined by you, will its value remain the same as before Is it in your heart, it also depreciates more than a little bit in an instant?"

After Linhang-1’s sentence was affirmed, although the truth was still not clear, Zi Feng and others finally understood the reason for Linhang-1’s decision. To them, they were extremely precious but the disciples of the younger generation. The advanced cornerstone of "Tian Ling Guo", in Lin Hang 1's concept, can even be used as something that can be eaten as fresh peaches. With this huge difference, the value of "Tian Ling Guo" In the hearts of Zi Feng and others, it was also reduced by a big level in an instant. Although the utility of the "Sky Spirit Fruit" is still extremely powerful, this will not reduce its value too much, but it cannot be returned to the previous one. Status, things that are too easy to get will really lose a lot of ancillary value.

Zi Feng also nodded somewhat clearly, and then said, "Well, Lin Hang, I understand what you mean, but despite what you say, my face is not so thick! I can because of you. "Sky Spirit Fruit" doesn't care, and accepts your exchange method with a take-and-take attitude, but it is impossible to fundamentally ignore the powerful effect of this "Sky Spirit Fruit". Therefore, the treasure exchange we paid, Especially in this first time, it is definitely to make the value of these resource treasures as close as possible to the value of the "Spirit Fruit" you provided. You don't need to talk to us anymore. You have shown us the sincerity of your side, and we can’t be too shameless. Anyway, no matter what the deal this time, "Purple Cold Island" is definitely not the one that will lose money, so the specific follow-up Regarding the transaction situation, Lin Hang, just listen to our arrangements!"

Lin Hang did feel the sincerity in this Zifeng's words, and knew that this time because of his partial confession, he finally agreed to be willing to exchange the precious "Spirit Fruit", but this should also belong to Zifeng and theirs. The bottom line is, and for this transaction with "Tian Ling Guo", Zi Feng and "Purple Cold Island" must pay some real valuable treasures. This is also Zi Feng's style of behavior and will never be allowed again. Taking advantage of Lin Hang by himself, Lin Hang felt helpless but also very satisfied. The style of "Purple Cold Island" up to now is more in line with his ideas, and it will definitely become suitable in the future. Partner's.

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