I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 837

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:56 AM

Chapter 837: idea

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Lin Hang 1 also smiled. He understood what Zifeng meant, because the two black and brocades have been able to survive until now. On the one hand, the top powers did not trouble them, and on the other hand they did. Because the two of them are strong enough, when they met last time, Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian had also discovered that the cultivation base of this black brocade had almost reached the peak of the realm of real immortals. Among the cultivators in the realm of true immortality, they can also be regarded as the most advanced group. Although Rong Hui is weaker than Hei Jin, it is not easy to deal with. It is precisely because of this. , Hei Jin and Rong Hui were able to be arrogant in this "Desolate Star Territory" until now.

It's just that these are just the analysis and opinions of the major forces on the surface of the two Heijin, but what they don't know is that the biggest confidence and secret of Heijin is the mysterious unknown continent fragment in that place. The fragments of the continent in one place are hidden in the starry sky. Basically, they will not be detected by any means. In addition, only they can enter the method. In this way, even if they encounter an enemy who cannot resist and deal with it. At that time, Hei Jin and Ronghui were also able to hide above the fragments of this continent. In this way, all tracking and searching are basically ineffective. Under such circumstances, Hei Jin and Ronghui only need to hide for a while. , When the limelight passed, Hei Jin and Rong Hui were able to return to the starry sky again, and it was extremely difficult to be regarded.

However, since the request has already been made, Linhang-1’s mind is directly determined. He has already decided that this time he must use the cooperative relationship established with Zifeng to see if he can make this black brocade and The two of Ronghui were killed directly and rescued Qianjun, who was controlled by the seal. This matter is considered to be backlogged in the hearts of Linhang No.1 and Yu Lingxian. In the past, they also received Qianjun's gift for free. For these benefits, the information contained in the jade slip that Qianjun made with all his strength is indeed a great help to the two of them in their follow-up actions, and it also gives them a little bit of the current starry sky pattern. From a preliminary understanding, it can be said that if there is no such selfless help as Qianjun, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian may not be able to find the location of this "Purple Cold Island" at this time, and will even directly let this time. The action failed!

Although Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian also understood that Qianjun had nothing to do at the time. He was sealed by Hei Jin and Rong Hui maliciously, and it was naturally painful, but he himself had nothing to escape. Possibly, but at this moment I met the Jade Spirit Fairy who promised to help him out of trouble, so Qianjun naturally regarded Jade Spirit Fairy as his own life-saving straw. Under such circumstances, Qianjun would naturally have nothing. Retained, in the time that Yu Lingxian was fighting for him, as much as possible the information he knew was sealed in the jade slip, once to provide convenience for Yu Lingxian, so that he could come to save himself in the future. Both Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian understood Qianjun’s psychological activities at the time, and knew that anyone would behave the same way at such a moment, but this could not conceal Qianjun’s tremendous benefits for them. The fact of help, so the Yulingxian and Linhang No.1 are also about to rescue Qianjun. They have always been mentally minded. Now facing the powerful Zifeng Island Master, they naturally want to ask for help.

Originally in Yulingxian’s thoughts, it was prepared to wait until the follow-up Lin Hang or Wang Lao and at least one of them broke through and entered the realm of real immortals, and then came to this starry sky to consider the rescue matters later. It’s just that there is a lot of uncertainty in such a method, because although Yu Lingxian knows the talents of Lin Hang and Wang Lao, the breakthrough time will not be far away, but it is still impossible to determine that the two will truly be able to follow up. The time to complete the breakthrough. Under such circumstances, they still have no way to make some plans now, and the most important thing is that if they want to get help from Lin Hang or Wang Lao, they have to return. The Purple Emperor Star Continent, otherwise, it’s impossible to bring this news back. Secondly, it’s going to be on the Purple Emperor Star Continent, waiting for Lin Hang or Wang Lao to complete the breakthrough, and then go to the starry sky again. Relying on the two people's space cultivation base to find the location of Hei Jin and Ronghui, and then consider the rescue matters afterwards.

Originally, this was the only way that Jade Spirit Fairy could think of. After all, their current strength is indeed not enough. Not only can they not locate the location of what fragment continent there, but even if they find and enter it, there is no way to compete with Hei Jin Er. There are still some big gaps in strength for people to confront. It’s just that now I happened to see the owner of this "Purple Cold Island" and saw the powerful strength of the owner of the Purple Seal with my own eyes. The minds of Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian were naturally activated. If they can get this With the help of "Purple Cold Island", then whether it is to find the traces of the two of Heijin and follow-up to deal with the two of Heijin, it can be solved perfectly.

Lin Hang No.1 and Yulingxian tried to get in touch, and they all understood what the other party meant. At this time, facing Zifeng’s question, Lin Hang No.1 also replied, "Well, yes, here During a starry sky journey, we did meet this team combination of Hei Jin and Rong Hui! And this time is different from the rumors outside, this time they are no longer the size of the two, and appear in the team. A stranger in the realm of true immortality, and this time through contact with them, we also have a deeper understanding of them, and this understanding is enough to make them fall into the abyss!"

Under the signal of Lin Hang-1, Yu Lingxian, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Island Master Zifeng, we two met the combination of Hei Jin and Rong Hui on the way here. At that time, the two of us did not know the notoriety of these three people, but out of caution, the two of us also divided our forces. Lin Hang and I were separated, but I followed them at the invitation of the three of them. Entered into a secret base of the three of them! And after entering this base, I discovered that it was their base camp, and it was because of the existence of this base camp that they were allowed to act. Very arrogant, now knowing their base camp, finding and destroying them, shouldn't it be a particularly difficult thing for the owner of the Purple Seal Island?"

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