I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 838

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:56 AM

Chapter 838: promise

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Zi Feng was also a little surprised when he heard it. He didn't know that Yu Lingxian followed these three people into their base camp, and could actually come out unharmed? He nodded and said, "Well, if there is a secret base like them, as you said, I can indeed do what you said, but I'm very curious. How did they leave safely from their base camp under their supervision? I don't believe that it was the people of Hei Jin who showed kindness, they wouldn't be so stupid!"

Yu Lingxian laughed, and then he also replied, "Haha, of course it’s not so stupid. In fact, when I met with Hei Jin and others, I could already vaguely feel their malice, but I was still willing to talk to them. The reason they act together is because I know that if a conflict breaks out, they will definitely not be the opponents of the three of them, and the most important thing is that I feel that they have different goals and they won’t be right in the first place. I am at a disadvantage, and the reason why I dare to act with them is because we have this thing!"

With that said, Yu Lingxian also raised his right hand slightly, and a "Random Teleportation Stone" appeared in the palm of his hand. Zifeng was very knowledgeable. Before seeing the "Random Teleportation Stone" working, it was also I didn’t recognize it for a while. At this time, Jade Spirit Fairy also introduced, “The owner of the Purple Sealed Island, this object is called "Random Teleportation Stone", which is a life-saving artifact from the ancient times. I was ready to separate Lin Hang from me and go to a safe place, waiting for my action. At that time, there was a "Random Teleportation Stone" in both hands of us. As long as I pinch The one in Broken's hand was able to open a door to the location where Lin Hang was at that time. With such props, my safety is not so much to worry about. Only then did I dare to follow Heijin. Acting together, it is also because of this that they discovered their biggest secret!"

Hearing this description of Jade Lingxian, in fact, Zi Feng can roughly understand the meaning of it. If there is such a method, it is indeed possible to escape directly regardless of many blockades, but listen to Jade Lingxian. Meaning, when the two of them were in front of them, they had already used at least two "Random Teleportation Stones", and now there is still this one in the hands of Jade Spirit Fairy. This situation also makes Zi Feng There was a trace of association again, could it be said that this "Random Teleportation Stone" is also a treasure that they want as much as they want?

In fact, in the treasure house of "Purple Cold Island", there is also such a "Random Teleportation Stone", but there is only one in stock, and when there is only one, in fact "Random Teleportation Stone" The effect of is also greatly reduced. After all, if the accurate guidance of the other "Random Teleportation Stone" is lost, its freedom will also be greatly restricted, so it has always been regarded as the bottom of the box by the purple seal. Things have always been in the treasure house to eat ashes. This time the deal is even going to be traded with Lin Hang. Now seeing this situation, Zi Feng feels that it is better not to take it out to show its ugliness.

Zi Feng also said with a hint of sigh, "Lin Hang, I found that although your cultivation base is not too strong, but the methods are indeed very diverse! It seems that the forces behind you are indeed a profound existence! Jade! Lingxian, your consciousness just now is that you have ventured into the nest of this black brocade, and finally used this "Random Teleportation Stone" to get out of trouble, which means that you have mastered some information about the mainland fragments here. , What do you mean is to let me use this information to find the existence of this continent fragment, and then help you eliminate the three of Heijin?"

Lin Hang shook his head and replied, "No, it's not to eliminate the three Heijin. In fact, among them, there are only two evil men, Heijin and Ronghui. The third monk is named Qianjun. , Is an existence controlled by the two of them, and we also happened to get such a message, knowing that this Qianjun is from a continent with us! So, no matter what, we all want to Qianjun was rescued, and if the island owner is willing to help this time, we are willing to pay enough to satisfy you!"

Regarding this kind of thing, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian's heart is like a bright mirror, knowing that letting Zi Feng take the initiative to deal with such two notorious evil forces, it is very difficult to just rely on the news that they have just established. It's reliable, so it must be paid for Zifeng's shot. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang doesn't really care about the amount of payment. In his opinion, as long as the number of "Tian Ling Guo" is sufficient, Zi Feng is absolutely absolute. It is impossible to refuse.

Sure enough, under Lin Hang-1's sincere request, Zi Feng also nodded directly in response, "Well, since Lin Hang, you have requested such a request, I will naturally agree to it, and actually solve the problem. Jin two people, it is really not a particularly difficult thing for me! You have given us such a great help to Jingjing, how can I ask for your compensation for such a thing? In terms of this, solving the two of Heijin is definitely not more difficult than helping Jingjing's breakthrough! So I have agreed to your request, but don't mention the rewards!"

When Lin Hang opened his mouth to say something, he saw another wave of spatial fluctuations in the room, and the greeting figure appeared here again. He came to Zi Feng's face, and after a respectful salute, he put a piece of The Lingbao of the space was handed over to Zi Feng, and then he left here without saying a word.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Hang No.1 still doesn’t understand. This is a greeting to go to the treasure house and return. In the space spirit treasure handed to Zifeng by greeting just now, it should contain the "Purple "Cold Island" has accumulated unusable treasures in that treasure house for so many years.

Lin Hang 1 had to temporarily stop the topic with Zi Feng. In the current situation, the two should have a discussion about how to exchange the treasures in these treasure vaults with Lin Hang 1 for those "Tian Ling Guo" "Now, I don’t want to think of the ancient times, when there were no exchange rules, so the specific transaction situation also requires a good combination of Linhang-1 and Zifeng to be able to draw a conclusion.

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