I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 839

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:54 AM

Chapter 839: Decide

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It’s just that this time, in addition to "Sky Spirit Fruit", Linhang-1 is also going to pay for some one-time consumable treasures like "Random Teleportation Stone". Although such things are all disposable, they are used appropriately. It can completely save the life of the user, and such consumables are renewable resources for Lin Hang. When used in the transaction between the two parties, it is definitely a win-win situation for both parties. thing.

Before Lin Hang One could speak his thoughts, Zi Feng took a few steps forward, walked in front of Lin Hang One and Yu Lingxian, and then directly shook the space Lingbao in his hand. Seeing dozens of treasures poured out of this spirit treasure, various colorful things also caused Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian's eyes to appear dull for a while.

Zi Feng also laughed at this time, and then said, "Lin Hang, these are the treasures that have been accumulated in the treasure house of "Purple Cold Island" that have not been used for many years! Although not all, but also We have already taken out most of it, of course, this "Random Teleportation Stone", we will not show our ugliness. You can pick the other things at will!"

However, Lin Hang stopped Zifeng’s move to take away the "Random Teleportation Stone", "Zifeng Island Master, wait a minute! I don’t know about this transaction, except for the "Sky Spirit Fruit" I provided. In addition, are some other consumable treasures that are not within your acceptance range? Just like this "Random Teleportation Stone", there is only one such thing in your treasure house, if you can match two pairs. , Then the help for escape will be even greater, and this point, I can provide help, and not only this "Random Teleportation Stone", but also many other consumable treasures, I can mass I’ve provided it for you two times! I don’t know what do you think of the Purple Sealed Island Master regarding my request?"

The hand that Zi Feng was about to take the "Random Teleportation Stone" directly froze in the air. With the contact with Lin Hang, Zi Feng felt that he could not keep up with Lin Hang's thinking and footsteps. Because he is the island owner of this "Purple Cold Island", coupled with the heritage passed down from his ancestors, his knowledge and experience are also extremely rich, but this time in front of Linhang-1, Zi Feng felt like he was Turned into a soft-shelled turtle, it was completely incomparable with Lin Hang 1 in terms of pride. When Zi Feng was dark and depressed, he was even more curious about what the power behind Lin Hang was and how could it be so powerful. Background? All kinds of resources seem to be free of money. Zi Feng even has such an idea in his heart. At this time, Lin Hang 1’s heart even included a lot of "Sky Spirit Fruit" and "Random Teleportation Stone". The "Purple Cold Island" gifted to them by one-time consumption treasures would not blink. Under such circumstances, it seemed that Zi Feng's heart had received some blows from the crit of the local tyrants.

Of course, Zi Feng has seen a lot of big scenes after all, and now such a situation naturally cannot make Zi Feng's complexion show the slightest strangeness, but he also has a feeling in his heart, and that is what follows With the deepening of the communication with Linhang-1, he might fall into the pleasure of communicating with local tyrants. He was a little afraid that he would fall into such a situation and couldn't help himself.

After a pause, Zi Feng said without changing his face, "Is that so? Well, yes, no problem. I know this time the deal is no matter what level we are going to "Purple Cold Island". Take advantage of you! Now that you have accepted this fact, then you will not have to pay for the next helping action! I will definitely solve the two black and Jins!"

What kind of character is Zi Feng? When he realized that he was about to take advantage of Lin Hang's advantage, he also directly determined the criteria for follow-up actions. That was to help Lin Hang free of charge to make up for what he thought was the advantage of Lin Hang. Lin Hang-1 is also a little helpless for Zi Feng's tone of voice that cannot be refused. At this time, he has no way to refuse, because once there are voices of opposition, Zi Feng may directly terminate this transaction, which will eventually cause trouble. One broke up unhappy. In fact, Lin Hang 1 is also a dispensable meaning of whether to pay or not. He just doesn't want Zi Feng to work for him in vain. Now that Zi Feng has expressed the meaning so frankly, Lin Hang is one of them. Hao will not force Zi Feng to accept his meaning.

Lin Hang No. 1 also nodded helplessly at this time, and then said, "Well, in this case, then do as the owner of the purple seal is what you want! However, since you will not be able to do anything and help the owner in the future I need to be paid, so this transaction should be more appropriate. Don't neglect the value of your treasures because of my relationship. You must try to be fair!"

Under Zi Feng’s nod, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian had time to check the information about these dozens of treasures, and after checking, it also surprised Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian secretly. This "Purple Cold Island" is worthy of being a large-scale power that has been passed down for a long time. These treasures are just part of their many useless treasures. There are already so many, and the quality and rarity of these treasures are also very high. The most important thing is that the value of these things today is actually not easy to estimate, because nowadays, unlike before, there are certain suitable trading standards, except for the "Sky Spirit Fruit" provided by Linhang-1, because Its function is effective for all the cultivators in the virtual fairyland, so it has the possibility to measure the value, but these treasures are different. Although many of them are of high grade and few in number, their functions are too single. That is to say, if the appropriate monks are sprayed on, these treasures can be regarded as treasures, but other monks will not pay any attention to them, because they are completely unable to exert the effects of such treasures.

So this time the Linhang-1 and Zifeng transaction involves so many treasures, it still takes a certain amount of time for them to identify and classify these treasures to see if the treasures can be useful The words they use, otherwise, when they are taken away, they will also be placed in the corner of the treasure house, which means they lose the meaning of trading.

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