I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 840

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:53 AM

Chapter 840: Horn of Thunder Deer

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Lin Hang-1 could see that among these treasures, there were some things he was familiar with. Lin Hang-1 picked up a small sky blue horn and took it in his hand to examine it carefully.

Zifeng’s voice also sounded at this time, “This root is the horn of the Thunder Deer. It is a dangerous situation for me to enter the starry sky at one time. Amidst the heavy thunder, I encountered a cultivation base that could reach Lei deer in the realm of virtual immortality! I had no choice but to kill it when I couldn’t tame it, and got the horns of thunder deer in the realm of virtual immortality! This thing is for monks who practice the laws of thunder system, It can be called a sacred object. If you feel it all the time, the monks in the realm of virtual immortals can also greatly increase the possibility of entering the realm of real immortals, but the inheritance of our "Purple Cold Island" is very special. All the disciples are The practice of "Purple Cold Jue" has always been groping for the law of ice. We can't use the law of thunder in this Thunder Deer's horn at all, and if it is refined into a spiritual treasure, it must be It won’t work well with us. Under such circumstances, the Thunder Deer’s horns have been retained and gradually become what they are now."

Lin Hang nodded when he heard this. Of course, he knew that the little sky blue horn was the horn of Thunder Deer, but he didn’t expect that the grade of Thunder Deer’s horn was so high that it reached the realm of virtual fairy. To the point! You should know that when he was looking for the materials for his breakthrough into the realm of virtual immortality, but after searching for a long time, he only found a thunder deer horn that crossed the catastrophe period, or in the "Red Feather Realm" What I got, it took Lin Hang a lot of effort, and now seeing such a thunder deer horn that has reached the realm of imaginary immortality, it also made Lin Hang 1 secretly moved in his heart, he was entering After the realm of the real fairyland, with the help of this thunder deer horn, he can even quickly master the laws of the thunder system. After all, he himself has the existence of the ability of the thunder system, and some of China’s disciples who practice the laws of the thunder system Among them, the Lin Family of Lin City today is represented, and in the future, if they have the opportunity to get the help of these Thunder Deer Horns, their cultivation will definitely be smoother.

It was such a simple scan that made Lin Hang One’s heart ascertained that this Thunder Deer Horn must be on his exchange list. He directly spoke to Zi Feng and said, "Zi Feng Dao Lord, this thunder deer horn is indeed a rare treasure. I decided to eat it. As for the exchange, how about three "Sky Spirit Fruits" tentatively set? "

"Three "Sky Spirit Fruit"?"

It’s not surprising that Lin Hang 1 will choose this Thunder Deer Horn in Zifeng’s thoughts. After all, their "Purple Cold Island" is because of a relatively simple practice method, so this Lei Deer’s horn is somewhat unusable. Lei Fa has always been a very popular choice among the heavens and the world. After all, after successful cultivation, the power is indeed very huge. Among the forces that Lin Hang belongs to, there are those who practice Lei Fa in this way. Existence could not be more normal, but what Zifeng did not expect was that Linhang-1 was willing to pay the price of three "Spirit Fruits" for this Thunder Deer Horn. From Zifeng's point of view, There is still something wrong.

Of course, Lin Hang One knew what Zi Feng meant, but he was already determined not to let Zi Feng suffer, so he also said directly, "Zi Feng Island Master, I, Lin Hang, will definitely not be too outrageous. Yes, this Thunder Deer Horn, the reason why I am willing to pay the price of three "Sky Spirit Fruit" is because I can use it myself!"

With that said, in order to show that what he said was not a lie, Lin Hang 1 also raised his hand directly, and saw the bursting power of thunder formed in the hands of Lin Hang 1, but although the power of thunder bursts extremely, it is in Lin Hang. Hang 1’s hands are like docile pets, without the slightest meaning of riots. Such a situation undoubtedly shows that Lin Hang 1 has already gained considerable accomplishments in the training of Lei Fa, and it is also in line with Lin Hang himself. What it means to be useful to yourself.

Seeing such a situation, Zi Feng couldn't say anything. In this situation, Lin Hang himself was just able to use the situation, and used three "Sky Spirit Fruit" to exchange this thunder in the virtual fairyland. Deer's horns, there is no particularly big problem. After all, the Thunder Deer's horns are really sacred to the practitioners of the laws of the thunder system. It has the effect of breaking into the realm of real fairyland. Obviously it is more powerful than that of "Sky Spirit Fruit", and since Lin Hang has so many "Sky Spirit Fruit" in his hands that can be traded, then he must not lack "Sky Spirit Fruit" himself. Resources to assist in the breakthrough, so in this case, Thunder Deer's horns can obviously play a greater role. If used with those "Spirit Fruits", Lin Hang's subsequent virtual fairyland Obviously, the breakthrough will be smoother.

Of course, when Zi Feng and others seemed to be able to understand it, Yu Lingxian almost laughed, because he knew Lin Hang’s details, and he knew how to master the laws of the thunder system he showed now. It is just one of Lin Hang’s abilities. Yu Lingxian also knows why Lin Hang behaves like this, just to make it easier for Zi Feng and others to accept such exchanges. Their most important purpose this time is to interact with the whole "Purple Cold Island" has established a relatively good relationship. For the future cooperation and joint fight against the catastrophe, Lin Hang has no idea of ​​losing money at all. Because of his own ability, In fact, it is not very disadvantaged. It can only be said that Zifeng and "Purple Cold Island" may have made blood, but Lin Hang is definitely not a loss.

Zi Feng nodded at this time, and then said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Lin Hang, you are actually the thunder method of cultivating, depending on the degree of refinement of your thunder system rules, I think you have gone beyond the realm of virtual fairy In one step, now I got this thunder deer horn, with enough "Sky Spirit Fruit", it should be easy to enter the realm of real immortals! If this is the case, then according to what you said In exchange for this Thunder Deer horn with three "Sky Spirit Fruits", we will take you another small advantage!"

Seeing Zi Feng's agreement, Lin Hang also smiled. As long as Zi Feng let go, then the follow-up will not be able to stop, and he will definitely get used to the way of communicating with him.

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