I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 841

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:52 AM

Chapter 841: Akabane Feather

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At this time, after finalizing the exchange of the first treasure, Lin Hang 1 also directly accepted the second item handed over by the opposite Jade Lingxian, and when this item was first obtained, Lin Hang Number One felt a very familiar feeling, but he had never seen it before, and for a while, some didn't know how these familiar feelings came from.

Looking at the fiery red feather in the hands of Lin Hang No. 1, Zi Feng also introduced again, "Haha, this feather has a lot to do with it! In ancient times, there was a powerful demonic clan named Chiyu Clan. All of them have bright red feathers and possess a very powerful control of the flame ability. They have a certain relationship with the legendary golden phoenix. Have you ever heard of Lin Hang? This feather belongs to a true fairy. The core feather of the great demon of the Chiyu clan of the realm is something left by an ancestor. In fact, we can use this feather, but because its level is a little higher, it is not suitable for the virtual fairy. The disciples of the realm can only use the power of another relative law after reaching the realm of real immortality, and then it can be used by our disciples. Nowadays, it is still useless. Take it out and exchange it for you!"

After hearing the introduction of the purple seal, Lin Hang-1 also understood where his familiar feeling came from. This feather is the core feather left by an ancestor of the Akabane clan. And Lin Hang once had a relatively good relationship with the branch of the Akabane clan above the star. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang-1 naturally felt very familiar, and the Akabane clan above the star was all said to be familiar. It is a later version of the human body, but after entering the tribulation period, it is no different from the ancestors in the ancient times. It can freely switch between the human body and the monster body. Under such conditions, if you can let Chi If Liming and others get this piece of red feather feathers, they may be able to purify their blood again, gain some inheritance from the ancient ancestors, and finally get some different harvests.

Although Lin Hang No. 1 is not particularly clear about the branch of the Akabane clan on the planet today, and what the overall high-end power has reached, I still have some understanding in my heart. I also let Lin Hang understand before. With his powerful help to the entire Akabane clan, all the senior leaders of the Akabane clan will also come forward and meet him, including the elders of the clan chief Chi Liming for many years and the major elders, so Lin Hang himself was able to see the situation, but did not see the existence of the cultivation level surpassing the real immortal realm among the entire Akabane clan, and even the real immortal realm may not be simple. In this case, Lin Hang 1 understood very well that if this piece of Akabane Feather could be taken down, it would be an absolute good thing for the entire Akabane clan, because Lin Hang got one piece, which is equivalent to getting a lot of pieces. Many disciples of the Akabane clan can benefit from Lin Hang, and it is precisely because of this that, based on the relationship with the Akabane clan, Lin Hang-1 decides to take this piece of Akabane Feather.

Lin Hang No. 1 also nodded, and then replied, "Well, Zifeng Island Master, I also decided to exchange this piece of Akafeather Feather, but I still want to ask, Zifeng. Owner of the island, the piece of Akabane Feather that you just said is actually quite effective for the Guidao disciples in the realm of true immortality. After all, the cultivation of the realm of true immortal needs to re-explore and master a discipline that is contrary to its own laws or It's a relative law. Under such circumstances, studying this piece of Akabane's Feather also has a good practice effect on the law of flame. The situation before and now is definitely different. You didn't have a true fairy before. Realm disciples came into being, but now Jingjing has already entered the realm of true immortality, not to mention, the disciples of Guidao’s major virtual immortal realms have had the help of multiple "Sky Spirit Fruit", and it is also very possible Can produce many true fairyland monks, in this case, does not mean that this piece of Akabane Feather is not needed? So, what I want to ask is, the owner of the purple seal island, are you sure you want this Is a piece of Akabane Feather one of the treasures of this exchange?"

Although Lin Hang would like to exchange such a piece of Akabane Feather immediately, he is not without a bottom line and discipline. At this time, he can also feel that the situation is different from before. You must know the reason why Akabane Feather has been staying. The ashes in the treasure house of "Purple Cold Island" is entirely because many of the disciples of "Purple Cold Island" can't achieve enough cultivation base to use such an advanced piece of Akabane Feather, which has not been consumed. But let’s leave it alone, Jingjing has already become a cultivator in the realm of real immortals. The next process of perfecting the law of ice will also be accompanied by research and research on an opposite or relative law. For cultivators, the flame energy and laws contained in the Red Feather Feather is a very suitable research aid. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang No. 1 naturally cannot see that "Purple Cold Island" suffers unexplainably.

There is another point here. The reason why Lin Hang 1 doesn’t care about swapping the Akabane Feathers this time is because he can completely scan and copy the Akabane Feathers. In this case, even if the exchange is not completed, he can still get This Akabane Feather, at most, will give Zifeng more discounts and compensations in the subsequent transactions. Therefore, at the beginning of this transaction, Linhang-1's mentality was relatively relaxed. In his opinion, the most important thing for this transaction is to establish a basis for cooperation with "Purple Cold Island". As for other things, it is completely out of the consideration of Linhang 1. His ability is traded at this time. Among them, his freedom has been greatly improved.

Zi Feng also understood the meaning of Lin Hang 1, and smiled at this time, and then said, "Lin Hang, I understand your thoughts, but in fact, this red feather feather is still a bit of a taste for us, because it The pure flame law contained in it can indeed be used as the second law after our true fairyland to study and practice, but we actually don’t choose it, and the reason still lies in the way we practice. The body of "Zihan Jue"!"

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