I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 842

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:34 AM

Chapter 842: Surprised

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"The Purple Cold Decision?"

Listening to Lin Hang-1’s very suspicious question, Zi Feng continued to explain, "Well, yes, you know that the "Purple Cold Decision" inherited from "Purple Cold Island" belongs to the original A unique inheritance of Emperor Ziwei, the most authentic law of ice is obtained from cultivation, and it is precisely because of the existence of "Zihan Jue" that our "Purple Cold Island" can always maintain the current situation, nothing Signs of decline, but the only flaw in the beauty is that the law of ice obtained from the practice of "Purple Cold Jue" is too tyrannical and overbearing! Although this overbearing makes our disciples of "Purple Cold Island" at the same level When fighting the law, we can often get some good advantages, but once we enter the realm of real immortality, when every disciple’s understanding and understanding of the law of ice becomes more profound, the law of ice has become our second second in research. A huge obstacle to the law of the door!"

After Zifeng’s explanation, Lin Hang-1 also understood the truth. Lin Hang was in the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" in that place before, and in the space where Jingjing met again. I felt the power of the huge ice hockey puck containing the ice law of "Zihan Jue" on the ground. The momentum to decide everything was still very strong. At the same level, Lin Hang did not have a particularly good way to deal with it. Something will inevitably lose something. Although "Purple Cold Island" has given the disciples of "Purple Cold Island" great convenience and power in the cultivation of the law of ice, it also allows them to come into contact with some other things from now on The law of the law has become more difficult, especially the law of flame, which is opposite to the law of ice, is very difficult to study and transform, basically it is impossible to choose the law of this direction to study.

Zi Feng also continued reluctantly, "So, because of the relationship between "Zihan Jue", we people generally choose to study in addition to the law of ice after entering the realm of real immortality. Some other second laws will also avoid these flame laws, and more tend to be in the relative direction of some attributes. For example, the law of heat that I practiced corresponds to the law of ice. I finally chose the direction of successful cultivation, but even so, it took me a long time to break from the realm of true immortality to a higher realm."

When Zi Feng said this, it also reminded Lin Hang 1 of the warm breath that he felt when he first saw Zi Feng. Obviously, it was the effect of the law of heat that Zi Feng said. Up. Lin Hang No. 1 also understood that this law of heat would definitely not only have such a little power. If it were also displayed in the offensive aspect, it would definitely be able to explode with the same powerful power.

Lin Hang also nodded here, and then said, "Well, I also understand. Since this piece of Chiyu Feather is not particularly useful for you, I will exchange it directly with you this time. Let’s do this, I also made three "Sky Spirit Fruits" for this piece of Chiyu Feather. What do you think of the Purple Sealed Island Lord?"

Lin Hang’s bid this time didn’t mean to release the water in particular. It was a decision made after consideration, because although this piece of Akabane Feather can be used, it is still biased towards a small group, just The monks in the law of flame can use it, but this piece of Akabane's feather is after all the core feathers left by the Akabane clan in the realm of true fairyland. This alone can increase a lot of value, because of the Akabane's If Yu is used properly, it is still helpful for monks to attack the realm above the realm of real immortals, but "Heavenly Spirit Fruit" is different. It is just a spiritual object that allows monks to initially understand the law. The realm of true immortality is not small, but it is only this point, and it will not play any role in the future. Therefore, from all aspects, this Akabane Feather is indeed worth three "Sky Spirit Fruit", but the premise The above is to have monks who can use it appropriately.

Faced with Lin Hang’s speech, Zi Feng hesitated for a while and then said, "Lin Hang, originally, there is no big problem with the exchange conditions you mentioned, but all values ​​are based on needs. Under the premise of, if you can’t find a suitable cultivator to practice this law of flame, then taking it back will not have any particular effect. It will also remain in the treasure house. So, Lin Hang, you don’t need it. Those who have been taking care of us, don’t have to exchange with us if they don’t need it!"

At this moment, Lin Hang 1 smiled at Zi Feng again, and then under Zi Feng’s stunned gaze, Lin Hang 1 smiled and said, "Island Master Zi Feng, you think too much. The reason why I want to exchange this piece of Akabane Feather with you is because I can use it myself, and it will be of great help to my future cultivation!"

With that said, in Zifeng’s unbelievable eyes, Lin Hang-1 stretched out her right hand again. This time it was no longer flashing lights, but a fierce flame appeared in the palm of her hand. The intensity of the flame even made Zifeng and Jingjing who practice the law of ice appear a bit solemn. Obviously, the mastery of the law of flame shown by Linhang 1 at this time is no better than that of the thunder. The rules of the system are weak, and they have all reached a very sophisticated level.

After such a scene appeared, Zi Feng and Jingjing both showed unbelievable looks, because this point is indeed beyond the cognition of the two. You must know that every monk in the virtual fairyland is It’s through your own unique path that you can successfully cross the gate of the fairyland and enter the realm of the virtual fairy. After reaching the realm of the virtual fairy, you will begin to study the laws you are familiar with. Once the research reaches a certain level and attainments, it will be able to launch an impact on the more advanced realm of real fairyland. And this is also the general way of development after ascending to the immortal. At this time, the situation of Linhang-1 obviously broke the cognition of Zifeng and Jingjing. Two different laws were practiced at the same time, and both reached very It's not bad. Although such a situation hasn't happened before, Zi Feng and Jingjing are still very surprised when they really see one.

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