I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 843

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:33 AM

Chapter 843: good stuff

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Even though Linhang-1 has demonstrated the ability of the law of flame, but Zifeng still feels that there is something too coincidental. How come the two treasures that Linhang-1 has just obtained are suitable for it? Moreover, looking at the appearance of Linhang-1, it is obvious that there is no advance arrangement for such a situation, all of which are on-site reactions, but being able to get the results now, Zifeng still feels a little bit unbelievable.

It’s just that the current situation can’t be deceived. Linhang-1 really shows the power of the law of thunder and the law of fire. Since he wants to exchange such a piece of red feather for himself, no matter where it comes from. One thing, Zifeng has no reason to refuse.

Zi Feng had no choice but to say at this moment, "Well, Lin Hang, you can put away this piece of Akabane Feather, and the exchange rules between us should be carried out according to your ideas! The other treasures here, Is there anything you can see again?"

In Zi Feng’s original view, although he had taken out so many dozens of nearly a hundred treasures from his own treasure house in "Purple Cold Island", he never thought of all and Lin Hang. No. 1 completed this transaction, because in his opinion, although Linhang No. 1 can see some of these treasures and exchange them, it’s impossible to use all of them. Under such circumstances, Zifeng naturally wanted to introduce these treasures to Linhang-1, in case Linhang-1 did not know the efficacy and functions of these treasures, but in order to give them the convenience of "Purple Cold Island", And all changed.

This time without waiting for Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian to choose, Zi Feng directly picked up a khaki oval sphere to Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian and said, "Lin Hang, this is a piece of The spirit of the mountain **** is the crystallization of the earth element left by the unformed innate mountain gods, which contains extremely rich earth element essence. For the monks who practice earth element or the laws of the earth system, it is definitely a rare holy thing. Of course, for cultivators who practice other laws, not only can it not help much, it absorbs a lot of the essence of the earth element in it, and it will also affect your own cultivation level. So if you really don’t need this, Lin Hang If you have a piece of mountain spirit, it’s better not to exchange it!"

Seeing such a mountain **** spirit, Lin Hang 1 also gave birth to a familiar feeling. After careful aftertaste, he discovered that this mountain **** spirit and a monk in the virtual fairy realm he had come into contact with were born born Lingshan Lingweng had a similar feeling. After Zifeng’s introduction, Linhang 1 also understood that Shan Lingweng is a fully formed innate creature, but this mountain god’s spirit is something similar to Shan Lingweng. In the process of forming, I don’t know why it failed. The final product is obtained. From the perspective of the richness of the earth element in this piece of mountain spirit, once the forming is successful, it will definitely be able to reach the true fairy. Above the realm, under such circumstances, then the quality of this mountain god's spirit has reached the level of true fairy realm!

When I saw this, Lin Hang No. 1 was also secretly surprised. By this time, he only checked three treasures, which made Lin Hang No. 1 feel a little emotional about the richness of the treasures in "Purple Cold Island". , The three treasures are all things that have been overstocked for a long time, but the quality is so high. If you want to come to Zifeng, you also understand that if you communicate with people like Linhang No. 1, it is really unreasonable if you don’t come up with some good things. After all, the things that Linhang No. 1 exchanges are also treasures such as "Sky Spirit Fruit" and "Random Teleportation Stone". The overall strength of their "Purple Cold Island" can be improved, and the quantity There are so many that they can be used by many of their disciples in "Purple Cold Island", so it is said that Zifeng has also tried his best in this exchange, only to achieve the same exchange level.

When they heard the spirit of this mountain god, Lin Hang No.1 and Yulingxian also looked at each other, and they understood the meaning in each other's eyes instantly, such a rare real fairyland. The spirit of the mountain gods is definitely something they two must have! You know, in this mountain **** spirit, in addition to the large amount of earth element essence contained in it, which can make the absorbed monks perceive the many laws of earth, there are other functions, that is, as an innate creature. The product of failure to form, the spirit of the mountain **** naturally contains a lot of innate aura and innate laws, and it can also be used as a resource for the later upgrade and progress of the jade spirit fairy.

Regarding this mountain **** spirit, Lin Hang No.1 does not need to explain the situation with Zifeng. Yulingxian directly stepped forward and said, "Zifeng Island Master, this one We are also going to change the mountain **** spirit, but it’s not because of the earth element essence and the laws of the earth system, but the innate aura and the laws of nature in it. What I am practicing is the laws of nature, so the mountain **** I am also determined to get something like Jingpu!"

At this time, Lin Hang No. 1 followed the words of Jade Spirit Fairy and said, "You also understand the situation of the owner of Zifeng Island, so we have also changed this mountain **** essence, because it is also in the realm of real fairy Treasure, then it is the same three pieces of "Sky Spirit Fruit" as before, right?"

Zi Feng was already numb at this time. He discovered that no matter what kind of treasures and materials it was, how could Lin Hang No. 1 and Jade Spirit Fairy be able to use them? Zi Feng found that he couldn't think of any results no matter how he thought about it, so he had to stop thinking about it. He didn't believe that the next treasures, Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian could be used.

At this moment, Lin Hang suddenly picked up a piece of ice-blue crystal in the mid-air, showing the appearance of a hexagonal snowflake. This crystal also gave Lin Hang a very strange feeling. This feeling is exactly It was very similar to the fluctuations from Zi Feng and Jingjing that belonged to the "Zihan Jue", and it also made Lin Hang No. 1 very puzzled, because one thing was obviously related to the "Zi Han Jue" or cold. The Law of Ice is closely related, and it is simply impossible to be a treasure that has been overstocked for a long time. Suddenly appearing here under such circumstances also made Lin Hang-1 feel a little confused about what happened.

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