I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 85

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:40 AM

Chapter 85: bet

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Lin Hang nodded solemnly and listened to the village chief.

"Zhou Sheng only went through the first level and couldn't continue. So we can get very little experience, only know that the first level is not life-threatening. But the information about this inheritance uploaded from the ancestors will be Emphasis is placed on the test of talent and understanding, and your own strength is not so important. We can only help you so much, and you have to rely on yourself in the future, Lin Hang, you must cheer!"

The two of them walked and talked like this. It took four days to finally arrive at the center of "Emperor World" on the evening of the fourth day.

After arriving, Lin Hang looked around and found that many people had arrived early. Everyone closed their eyes and waited for the breach of external energy to appear.

The village chief took Lin Hang to find an open space at random and settled down temporarily.

After everything was over, the village chief took Lin Hang and said in a low voice, "Lin Hang, I was going to guide you to our biggest power in "Emperor Realm"-the Ancestral Temple. But after thinking about it carefully, I Still dismissed this idea, because we are not sure that you can really get this inheritance. Now it’s not good to fantasize, but let you try it yourself, I will take you to find the elder, and arrange the upgrade plan later. It is not suitable for the time being. Master Taixing moved the crowd."

Lin Hang also understood the truth, nodded, and said, "I can understand your plan, the village chief. I don't want to be too conspicuous now. I just want to do my best to get the inheritance."

Seeing Lin Hang's performance, the village head nodded in satisfaction. Lin Hang is very clear about what he wants. Without the impetuous air of young people, this is also very valuable.

Soon, it got dark. Regarding "Emperor Realm", the sun will rise and the moon will fall just like outside, and Lin Hang also asked the village chief on the way. According to the village chief, their "Emperor Realm" is different from the outside world of China. It is the boundary of a place where the sky is often said by the ancients. There is a sky above the earth, and the stars are also made by the great power. Let the descendants living inside also feel the same environment as the outside.

Because there is still one day tomorrow, Lin Hang didn't overly oppress himself, instead, he was ready to take a rest and adjust the tiredness of the road.

The village chief silently guarded Lin Hang, but saw a group of people walking towards them.

After seeing the visitor clearly, the village head's elderly face also showed an angry look.

I saw the one headed with a snow-white beard, tied into a pigtail. He smiled and said to the village chief, "Zhou Qiong, it's been a long time since I saw you! I didn't expect you to lose face like that last time, but this time you still have the face to participate in this inheritance battle?"

The village chief endured his anger and said, "Zhou Tong. Don't deceive others too much! The ancestors have rules, and anyone can participate in the inheritance struggle if they want! You were only a bit better than us last time, and there are How qualified to put the score in front of me? Have the ability to get the inheritance, and then come to me to show off!"

Zhou Tong still smiled and said, "With so many people in the villages, who can guarantee that they will be able to get the inheritance? What we have compared for so many years, only to see who can go further. Zhou in our village Li, when I opened it last time, at any rate, I insisted on two levels and purified the blood. It's better to shrink back than the first level in your village!"

After all, Zhou Tong and the two teenagers around him laughed, and the village chief deliberately refuted it. However, what Zhou Tong said just now was a fact. Faced with this situation, the village chief was also unable to tell.

At this time, Lin Hang, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes and said, "Senior Zhou Tong, right? What you just said is just the last time, how can you guarantee that it will be the same this time? Since everything is still undecided, there is no need for you to ridicule now, right?"

Zhou Tong looked at Lin Hang, and under the cover of the village chief, he found nothing special. He grinned and said, "You little boy, is Zhou Qiong's confidence? Bringing someone like you to fight for inheritance is nothing more than self-comfort for the old fellow Zhou Qiong. Even a kid who has never entered the Ancestral Temple School. What capital is there to say this to me?"

The Ancestral Temple School mentioned by Zhou Tong is an institution established by the Ancestral Temple of the "Emperor Realm", which is specially used to train children with outstanding talents in each village, so that there can be a person who has inherited it. If you can be selected into this school, it not only means that your talent is recognized by the elders of the ancestral temple, but also that you will be fully cultivated, and the village you are in will also get huge benefits.

Since Zhou Sheng, the village chief has also sent some children to the ancestral temple, but without exception, they have been brushed down, and none of them have been selected for school. But the two children around Zhou Tong are different. Although they are not the most outstanding students in the Zumiao Academy, after all, even if they are in the bottom of the school, Village Chief Zhou Qiong cannot envy them.

Lin Hang doesn't understand the joints, but after experiencing so many things, he has developed absolute self-confidence in himself. No matter who his opponent is and how strong he is, Lin Hang always believes that he will not lose.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Senior Zhou Tong, next week's Hang! Since you are so confident, do you dare to make a bet with the kid?"

Zhou Tong listened to Lin Hang's words and laughed, "What do you want to bet against me, you little boy?"

Lin Hang also smiled and said, "We all came for inheritance. If you want to gamble, you can't bypass this inheritance. What the kid wants to bet with you is, look at me and these two, who can go further. , I don’t know how dare seniors?"

Zhou Tong had never heard of Lin Hang's name, only when he was a boy who didn't know the heights of the sky, he snorted, and said, "What dare I? Just, boy, you just said that you want one to compare with us?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Yes, I have only one person, you two, whoever wins against me will count as you win."

Zhou Tong snorted again, and said, "The kid is really not ashamed! But, I want to know, what can you bet against me?"

Lin Hang took out a copper coin and said, "Let’s bet on this. If you win, I will pay you five thousand dollars! If the kid wins by chance, please give us half of the resources of your village. How about the village?"

Looking at the big money in Lin Hang's hands, Zhou Tong fell into deep thought. After a little thought, he found that the value of the five thousand big money that Lin Hang said was still more than half the resources of his village.

Zhou Tong didn't have any fear, and said, "I naturally have no problem, but five thousand dollars is not a small amount. Zhou Qiong, you can let this little baby play like this?"

The village chief looked at Lin Hang's affirmative eyes and the big money he was holding in his hand, gritted his teeth, and said, "Zhou Tong! Hang'er means what I mean, this bet I will fight you to the end!"

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