I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 850

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:23 AM

Chapter 850: Puzzle

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It was the first time that Linhang-1 had come into contact with such a thing, so it suppressed the impetuousness in her heart and began to listen to Yu Lingxian's introduction carefully.

Yu Lingxian continued, "Lin Hang, you should have heard of the cultivation method of the Five Elements Nascent Soul, haven't you? Cultivating the Five Elements exercises separately, when the Golden Core Stage broke into the Nascent Soul Stage, five different attributes appeared directly. With the powerful effects of the Five Elements Consummation, the monks who practice this method can greatly increase the possibility of entering the Deity Transformation Stage, and this method of cultivation was only used by a genius in the environment of ancient times. The cultivator of the Yuan Ying Period of, his own qualifications are not particularly good. Yuan Ying Period is his end point, but he has an excellent mind and understanding, and he forcibly explored such a secret method. At the same time, after possessing the five elements of the Nascent Soul, he directly relied on the five elements to achieve Consummation, and entered the stage of transformation, and relied on this method to sublimate his own qualifications. Pride! In the future, he will have his own unique knowledge passed down and become a powerful force!"

Listening to the description of Jade Lingxian, Linhang-1 is obviously a bit longing for the ancient times. It was an age when geniuses burst out. Only the collision of various ideas of many geniuses can produce enough sparks. Enough motivation to advance history, he thinks that if he is also in that era, he should be a member of this trend.

When Yu Lingxian said this, he also took a look at Lin Hang 1, and then said, "Lin Hang, my purpose of saying this is not to express other meanings, but to illustrate the diversity of cultivation methods in ancient times. Particularly unified, so the situation that Zifeng said is also completely present. It is precisely because of the infinite number of cultivators that the world has come to the conclusion that it is the realm of virtual immortality, if it is contacted in advance Once the dual-system rule is reached and the mastery is advanced, then the possibility of this monk breaking into the realm of real immortals in the future will become very small! The reason why it is not 100% inaccessible is because we cannot The proof must not be successful, but no one has ever succeeded, but one thing is certain. From now on, no monk will distract and study the power of other laws when in the realm of virtual immortality, just turn to focus on one. This kind of situation has developed to this day, and it is still an unchanging iron motto, it has become almost a rule!

The doubts in Lin Hang 1's heart at this time are also deeper, because according to this, his elders, including the three people including the high priest of the Witch clan, and the Chi Liming of the Akabane clan, are all backgrounds. It is naturally impossible for a powerful force with a deep and long heritage to not know such things, but in the process of Lin Hang’s growth, none of the seniors or elders had ever said such things to him. This is obviously It is not in line with common sense, and Linhang-1 has already had some guesses in his heart. The reason for this result should also be the particularity of his copying ability. The power of these laws he obtained must be consistent with What you get through normal cultivation should be very different.

Lin Hang No.1 asked Yu Lingxian, "Yu Lingxian, will the situation that cannot be broken through like what Zifeng said will happen to me? If my current situation really counts If it is, it can be regarded as mastering a lot of laws and powers. Although they are not particularly deep, many of them are opposed to each other, and are basically dead enemies. This situation is definitely in line with what Zi Feng said. It’s just that in the process of my cultivation, how could no one ever tell me about this? What’s even more strange is that when my deity uses the "Heavenly Fruit" to cultivate and improve himself, it is also I can't feel the slightest restrictions and obstacles, what is going on?"

Looking at the somewhat restless Lin Hang No. 1, Jade Lingxian no longer kept it, and replied, "Lin Hang, I ask you, when you try to move towards the realm of true immortality, you rely on " What do you feel while comprehending Tian Ling Guo?"

After Lin Hang 1 heard Yu Lingxian’s question, he thought about it for a while, and then replied, “After stimulating the "Tian Ling Guo", what I felt was a lot of law. Compared with the power of perceiving the laws between heaven and earth, I can touch the power of these laws more clearly. Under such circumstances, my perception of the power of laws will naturally be faster. This It is also a way to use "Tian Ling Guo" to raise one's level in the realm of virtual immortality. What's wrong, is there any problem in this?"

Yu Lingxian also smiled and shook his head, and then said, "Lin Hang, I think you should still practice in the realm of virtual immortality, and have a good conversation with your teacher and Liu Ruyan! You just now What are the attributes of the powers of the laws that burst out from the "Sky Spirit Fruit"? Or are they the purest non-attribute powers?"

At this time, Lin Hang 1 also noticed the key to the problem, suddenly came to a sense of it, and hurriedly asked, "Yu Lingxian, can it be said that my teacher and Yan'er and the others, using the "Tian Ling Guo" Is the situation at that time completely different from mine?"

When Lin Hang 1 left Ziwei Emperor Star to go to the starry sky, his deity, Lin Hang, had also undergone a long period of cultivation, but during this period of cultivation, Lin Hang was somewhat immersed in his own cultivation. Among them, they rarely communicated with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, while Yu Lingxian had a lot of exchanges with Liu Ruyan and Wang Lao during his free time. Naturally, it was clear. Regarding the situation of Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, he himself had never used the "Sky Spirit Fruit" in the cultivation of the virtual immortal realm, but only used some on top of the final breakthrough to increase the probability of breakthrough, so It’s also very curious about the reaction to the use of "Spirit of Heaven" in the realm of virtual immortality. This is why he often communicates with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, and Yu Lingxian as Lin Hang's "The Follower" Neither of them cares about this kind of relationship, but the inner connection still exists, so Yu Lingxian is also quite familiar with Lin Hang's situation and reactions.

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