I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 851

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:03 AM

Chapter 851: Firm confidence

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Seeing the astonishment of Lin Hang-1, Yu Lingxian had already expected it. At this time, he also chuckled lightly and said, "Lin Hang, during those times of Ziwei Emperor, you were immersed in In self-cultivation, it is true that you have achieved faster results than your teachers and them, but you forgot to communicate with them more! However, I happened to have such exchanges with them, according to my To understand, when your teacher and Liu Ruyan used "Tian Ling Guo", the situation and his own feelings were completely different from you! If your teacher used "Tian Ling Guo", from that " What emerges from "Tian Ling Guo" is the purest power of the law of space, and this power of the law of space is the most suitable situation for your teacher. It can be regarded as a complete prescription for the disease, and Liu Ruyan’s The situation is similar to that of your teacher. What she feels is also a single law of power, which is the law of life! Therefore, the situation of other monks at this stage should be similar to the two of them. It is absolutely impossible to achieve the same effect as you, so you did not feel it yourself. In fact, you and others have always been very different!"

Lin Hang No. 1 had some speculations in his mind. At this time, he heard Yu Lingxian’s exact statement, and he knew something in his heart. He hadn't considered this aspect for a long time. If he wants to come now, it seems that he can explain it. He is different in the realm of virtual fairy.

Lin Hang No.1 also nodded, and then said, "Yu Lingxian, I understand a little! But, although I know that in this virtual fairyland, I am very different from others. But according to the general direction and rules of the cultivation in the realm of virtual immortality, I don’t seem to know how to break through and enter the realm of real immortality? After all, the power of the laws I practice is a bit too much and too complicated. Under such circumstances , How do I break through?"

Yu Lingxian also shook his head at this time, and then said, "Lin Hang, I have no way to give you any answer to this question. After all, the matter of cultivation still depends on you. I can only tell you, like just now. The situation mentioned by Zifeng will not happen to you. You can actually feel it yourself. The difficulty of cultivation is far less difficult than what Zifeng said. This shows that your situation is similar to those in ancient times. The monks are completely different! And you shouldn’t worry too much about this now. First, quickly rely on the help of "Spirit Fruit" to quickly enter the peak of the virtual fairyland is the most critical thing! Only when you have reached such a state can you know how to proceed with the subsequent steps. I can only say that it is useless to worry. What you need, Lin Hang, is a brave momentum. I have sufficient confidence in myself. I believe you very much anyway. It is absolutely impossible for you to be trapped in this mere virtual fairyland!"

With this encouragement from Jade Lingxian, Lin Hang-1's mood was much more cheerful. In fact, at a very early stage, Lin Hang understood that every monk needs more in the later stages of cultivation. To entertain your own cultivation path, and because each monk is different, these cultivation paths are somewhat different, even for the monks from "Purple Cold Island" who also practiced "Purple Cold Decision", they In the process of cultivation, he will definitely add his own thoughts, and the final cultivation path will also have subtle differences. The same expression of the law of ice will also appear a little difference. For this, Lin Hang Although No.1 had not seen any other "Purple Cold Island" monks except Jingjing, he still had his own general guess. Just like the Hei Jin and Rong Hui that Yu Lingxian met before, they were definitely born from the same inheritance, but they feel completely different, and the dark law of the same practice appears. The form is also different, this is the two of them out of their own different paths.

It’s just that when Lin Hang determined his own path, he always chose an eclectic approach, and developed all the different abilities together. This path has always been relatively smooth. Now that Lin Hang has been There is no way to change his own path. I can only go firmly on such a path. However, the practice experience has also given Lin Hang a lot of confidence. He still believes that he can definitely cross. Such difficulties.

Lin Hang No.1 nodded, and then said, "Well, on this issue, it won't help to think more about it at this time! Moreover, Jade Spirit Fairy, in ancient times, those who wanted to Geniuses who have created a path, in this realm of virtual immortality, there should not be enough rich conditions like me? Just like this inexhaustible "Heavenly Fruit", they are absolutely impossible. Have such ample confidence to make breakthroughs, right? So, I think even if my situation is really the same as what Zifeng said, because there are opposing laws of power, which restricts my upward breakthrough angle, making me It has become extremely difficult to enter the realm of real immortals, but I believe that with the help of "Tian Ling Guo" with enough weight, there should be some different changes. At least the effect of "Tian Ling Guo" will not be affected. What kind of restriction, relying on the help of the massive "Sky Spirit Fruit", I should be able to break through such a level!"

Yu Lingxian nodded, then smiled and said, "Lin Hang, in fact, this is also a major reason why I am not so worried. Your situation is different from those of people in ancient times. Maybe your breakthrough is basically related to cultivation. It doesn’t matter what the law is, and as you said, although they were in the ancient times with richer resources, the number of monks in that period was not comparable to now, so the distribution of resources is not particularly optimistic. Those talented disciples are in much better condition than the average person, but they are still a little tight in terms of resources for cultivation. Under such circumstances, maybe it is really a restrictive condition. If at that time , If they can, like you, have countless "Sky Spirit Fruit" help, then maybe the situation will change differently afterwards!"

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