I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 852

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:03 AM

Chapter 852: Half a month

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When talking about this, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian also glanced at each other, and they all understood the meaning of each other's eyes. After all, the reason why Yu Lingxian has not been worried about Lin Hang's breakthrough is mostly In this inexhaustible "Sky Spirit Fruit", because this thing was also an extremely rare thing in ancient times, but because of its powerful effect, once it appears, it will still be affected by major forces. The cultivators competed. In such an environment, the vast majority of the cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality have no qualifications and opportunities to use such treasures, so the iron law handed down is that of the realm of virtual immortality. The monk practiced the power of two opposing laws at the same time. It was almost impossible to break through and successfully enter the realm of real immortality. He didn't dare to say anything to death, because no one had tried all the conditions before. I also have my own guess. If at that time, those truly talented monks received a large amount of "Spirit Fruit" provided by Lin Hang 1, then the follow-up thing is really hard to say, maybe a breakthrough It is not impossible to enter the realm of true immortals, and to directly break into a higher realm by the completion of the power of the two laws!

Therefore, Jade Spirit Fairy didn’t worry about Lin Hang’s cultivation at all. He just let Lin Hang quickly enter his cultivation to the top of the virtual fairy realm, and then look at his own situation and know what kind of one it is. The situation is now, otherwise, it is useless to say anything now. All circumstances depend on what difficulties Lin Hang will encounter after his breakthrough.

At this time, Lin Hang No. 1 in "Purple Cold Island" is actually just a clone of Lin Hang. Although his consciousness is not different from Lin Hang himself, he is also all about this breakthrough. It won’t work, and now it’s considered letting go. Since I’m worried that it’s useless and can’t solve any problems, Linhang No.1 simply doesn’t think about anything, and is ready to take a stroll with Yulingxian. The scenery of "Purple Cold Island".

After the two of them finished their discussions in the room, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian also walked out of the room, and the moment they left the room, the greeting figure came directly to Lin Hang 1 and Yu. In front of Lingxian, after nodding to the two of them, he also said, "You two, but want to visit our "Purple Cold Island"? Teacher, he has already ordered, you two can Free time on our "Purple Cold Island", but you are also newcomers, and are not familiar with our "Purple Cold Island", so I will lead the way and introduce you to the next itinerary. What do you think?"

Lin Hang No.1 looked at the greeting in front of the ice-blue armor, and after summing it up, he nodded and then said, "Okay, then I'll be in trouble for greeting friends!"

He nodded and smiled, and then started to tour the "Purple Cold Island" with Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian. Although this "Purple Cold Island" is called an island, its area is not small at all, and its range is basically the same size as the inland area of ​​the current Ziwei Emperor Star. So, for a while, Linhang-1 He Yu Lingxian is absolutely unable to visit the entire "Purple Cold Island", so after this first visit, the greetings only took the two to some of their more famous and iconic "Purple Cold Island" Sexual location, and in this process, Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian can also be regarded as seeing a completely different scenery on the "Purple Cold Island" and other places, an ice blue sky and cold ground. Sense, also made Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian have special feelings in their hearts, and some of the disciples of "Purple Cold Island" I saw on the way also made Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian nod secretly. These disciples’ There are high and low levels of cultivation, but without exception, the quality and foundation of these disciples are very good. Among the monks of the same level, they are basically at the upper level, not just a disciple. Almost all the disciples behaved like this, and this situation also made Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian understand that Zi Feng, as the owner and leader of this "Purple Cold Island", is indeed a very capable person. From these small aspects, it can be seen that "Purple Cold Island" can become a relatively powerful existence in this piece of "Barren Star Territory", and it is absolutely inseparable from Zi Feng's leadership and governance Relationship.

In this way, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian stayed on this "Purple Cold Island" for half a month. During this half month, they were also given to Lin Hang 1 and Yuling. Xian has some good experience tips and reminders. According to some external performances of this "Purple Cold Island", we can also roughly see some of the ideas and methods of governance of this Zifeng, and these methods can also give Lin Hang The number provides some good reference, and the follow-up will also have some good help for the cultivation of Huaxia disciples on his side.

In the past two weeks, Jingjing would often come to look for Linhang-1 and Yulingxian, but what puzzled Linhang-1 was that Jingjing was right every time he looked for him. He was very enthusiastic and also very connected, which made Linhang-1 feel a little uncomfortable. After briefly thinking about it, Linhang-1 also understood why Jingjing was like this. Jingjing was sure It was from Zi Feng and Han Yi that they learned about Lin Hang's cultivation situation at this time, and knew that he is now in a dilemma. That's why they have such a performance, but the little girl Jingjing is still a little too simple. He didn’t know how to hide his thoughts at all, so he was too obvious. Lin Hang-1 was also very helpless. If he really had such worries and hidden dangers, he might really be Jingjing's performance was shocked, and she was even more worried about her breakthrough.

And after this half month’s time was over, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian finally waited for the news of Zi Feng. He arranged some affairs of this "Purple Cold Island" almost, and it was already possible to withdraw from Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian walked through this encounter, seeking to kill the tumor-like forces like Hei Jin and Rong Hui, and rescued Qianjun who had been trapped for a long time. Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian were still a little excited at this time, because Qianjun still helped them quite well. This time, if he can be rescued successfully, it would be considered a wish.

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