I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 853

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:58:02 AM

Chapter 853: induction

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On this day, in the reception room of "Purple Cold Island", there are still not too many people here, only the three persons of "Purple Cold Island", namely Jingjing, Zifeng and Hanyi, and Lin Hang 1. He and Yu Lingxian stood in front of the three of them. Today is the day when Linhang No. 1 and the others will leave the "Purple Cold Island".

Zi Feng said to Hanyi and Jingjing at this time, "Jingjing, Yier, I'm not here at these times of "Purple Cold Island", I am here to ask you! But now the operation of "Purple Cold Island" is actually I don’t need to bother too much. Under normal circumstances, you will not encounter any problems! And I will solve the problem of Heijin as soon as possible. I will come back quickly, so don’t worry too much!"

Han Yi also looked at Zi Feng, smiling softly, without saying anything. In Han Yi's heart, in this piece of "Desolate Star Territory", Zi Feng's cultivation is definitely at the top level. Therefore, Han Yi did not worry about the safety of Zifeng at all during this trip, and in these years, Zifeng has managed the entire "Purple Cold Island" in an orderly manner. Most of the things that are usually managed. , And all were distributed. Under such circumstances, Zi Feng would naturally not need to do a lot of things by himself, so Han Yi did not have time for Zi Feng to leave this "Purple Cold Island" for some time. Whatever the meaning of worry, she is confident that she can manage "Purple Cold Island" well during the period when Zi Feng is away from home.

Jingjing also nodded, then glanced at Linhang No. 1 and said with a smile, "Uncle, you are welcome to come to play "Purple Cold Island" again later! And uncle, you must ensure your confidence in yourself, in the future, Jing Jing Jing is going to meet you at the top!"

After Jingjing's words were spoken, Han Yi also patted Jingjing helplessly. He obviously felt that at this time, Jingjing said that this situation was a bit inconsistent with the current situation, but Linhang-1 was very concerned about Jingjing. He didn’t mind anything about his remarks. He also nodded, smiling at Jingjing and replied, “Okay, Jingjing, I will work hard, don’t let it go! In the future, we too We will meet at the top!"

Although Lin Hang 1’s remarks seemed to be an answer to Jingjing, from this understatement, Zi Feng and Han Yi could also feel the strong belief in it. At this time, Zi Feng and Han Yi even came into being. After getting some illusions, I feel that Lin Hang has great hopes to break through the restrictions obtained by the predecessors and successfully enter the realm of real fairy!

Regarding this situation, Zi Feng actually did not make a decision directly in his heart, and directly fixed Lin Hang’s future, because Zi Feng had never seen how different it would be after using so many "Spirit Fruits". , So at this time, Zi Feng didn't mean to hit Linhang No.1, and directly said to Linhang No.1 and Yu Lingxian, "Lin Hang, let's go!"

After speaking, Zi Feng waved his hand, and saw a passage leading to the outer starry sky appeared in the midair. Then Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian followed Zi Feng’s footsteps from this passage, Entered into the starry sky.

After entering the starry sky, Zi Feng also said directly, "Father Jade Spirit Immortal Daoist, now begin to perceive the location of the broken continent! Finding the location earlier can also reduce the existence of some variables!"

Jade Lingxian nodded, then closed his eyes, and began to sense the broken continent. The previous time he entered this fragmented continent, Jade Lingxian was naturally not unprepared, he was leaving there. Before, I also left a little special sensory thing, which is convenient for me to find that place later. In fact, Jade Lingxian has another way to enter there, which is to use "Random Teleportation Stone", "Random "Transportation Stone" can teleport users to places they have been to. The fragmented continent in that place does meet such conditions, but it is a pity that Hei Jin and Ronghui are very cunning. After this "Random Teleportation Stone" left, in order to prevent it from being penetrated by the same means, it directly blocked the space of that fragmented continent. In this way, when the space blockade continues, outsiders cannot enter through space means. Among them, they can't leave that fragment continent, and this is Hei Jin and Ronghui's method of coping. They are just preparing to disappear for a while, and wait until the limelight passes before they come out to act to avoid possible Coming blow and revenge.

I have to say that there is nothing wrong with Hei Jin and Ronghui’s methods. As long as they can guarantee not to leave there and seal off the space there, they rely on the debris continent itself. Concealment, basically no one can find their location, but the current situation is also a pity. With the arrangement left by him, Jade Spirit Fairy can clearly sense the fragmented continent in this starry sky. The approximate location of the drifting hidden in the middle, and with the help of a great monk like Zifeng, the Jade Spirit Fairy and the others do not need to enter it through spatial means, as long as they can temporarily place this fragmented continent in the starry sky. If caught, the situation will be resolved easily.

After waiting quietly for a while, Yu Lingxian also opened his eyes. He already felt the location of the fragmented continent.

Yu Lingxian directly spoke to Lin Hang 1 and Zi Feng and said, "Zifeng Island Master, Lin Hang, the debris in that place is now far away from the original position after drifting for a period of time, but I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something. Today’s location is getting closer and closer to the location of "Purple Cold Island". It’s just because of its hidden relationship that we cannot see and perceive it. This point, I think the owner of the Purple Seal Island, you should know it well, right?"

After listening to Yu Lingxian’s words, Zi Feng nodded. "Purple Cold Island" also has the characteristic of hiding in the stars. At this time, after hearing a similar situation in the fragmented continent, Zi Feng's heart was already With some ideas and foundation, the location of the fragment mentioned by Yu Lingxian is getting closer and closer to the starry sky where "Purple Cold Island" is located. Zi Feng is confident, as long as Yu Lingxian can provide enough accuracy. With the coordinate position of, Zifeng was able to pull out this fragmented continent directly from the starry sky.

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