I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 854

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:59 AM

Chapter 854: Strong

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Zi Feng also opened his mouth and said, "Well, listening to what you describe, the behavior of hiding in the stars and floating everywhere is obviously the action of the fragment continent itself, that Hei Jin and Rong Hui The two of them should not be able to control the direction and location of their actions, so they will enter our area of ​​"Purple Cold Island". Fellow Jade Spirit Immortal Daoist, as long as you can provide an approximate location, I have Confidence, to be able to pull out this fragmented continent directly from the starry sky!"

Yu Lingxian smiled and nodded. It was also at this time that he said a more detailed and specific coordinate position. Then the three of them, under the influence of Linhang-1's ability, teleported to the vicinity of this coordinate. I saw that Zi Feng slowly stretched out his hand towards the front position, gently shook it, and then let Lin Hang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian appear a little surprised, the position of a starry sky ahead. , Directly between Zi Feng's grip, was completely frozen! And the freezing this time means that everything is frozen, including all kinds of complex spiritual powers, elements, laws, and even the starry sky itself is frozen there, without any flow. meaning.

It was this suddenly exposed hand that allowed Lin Hang One and Yu Lingxian to see the power of the law of ice that had been cultivated to this point. The power had already reached the point where time and space were frozen. The law of cold ice practiced by Zifeng is also different from the general law of cold ice. It is the result of the "Zihan Jue". The power is naturally much stronger than the general law of cold ice. Under such circumstances, with the addition of Zifeng's cultivation base reaching the sky, there is no possibility of resistance to the position of this piece of starry sky, and it is directly frozen there.

Just after the starry sky in this area was frozen, a strange scene suddenly appeared. A huge fragmented continent suspended in the starry sky slowly unfolded. Originally, the fragmented continent in this place was with the help of Some of his original rules and the cover of the starry sky have completed the concealment in the eyes of outsiders, but now Zifeng has taken this piece of land to hide it. The starry sky is frozen, so it is said to be hiding. The fragmented continent in it was naturally unretainable, and it appeared directly.

After this fragmented continent appeared, Zi Feng also waved his hand, dispelling the blockade and freezing of the starry sky. Naturally, he dispelled the blockade for other reasons. He was afraid of the power of the law of ice. Too strong, the monks on this fragmented continent should be overwhelmed. After all, in addition to Hei Jin and Rong Hui who need to be eliminated, there is also a familiar acquaintance between Lin Hang 1 and Jade Spirit Fairy. As the rescue goal of the action, Zi Feng could not be too unscrupulous.

After completing such an action, Zi Feng said to Lin Hang 1 and Jade Lingxian, "Lin Hang, fellow Daoist Jade Lingxian, shall we land here?"

Following the pace of Zifeng, Linhang-1 and Yulingxian also boarded this debris continent. Linhang-1 was also on this debris continent for the first time, so there were some Looking curiously, the place where the Lin Hang No.1 and the three people entered was just above the open space that Yu Lingxian introduced, and below the open space was Hei Jinronghui’s hiding place. Underground cave.

At this time, it did not exceed the expectations of Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian. The open space was not empty. The big movement that Zi Feng brought out just now naturally caused the black brocade in it. With Ronghui’s attention, they were naturally able to discover that the fragmented continent in this place had lost its concealment ability for whatever reason, and was exposed to the starry sky. Hei Jin had already appeared in his heart at this time. A bad premonition, such a special change, must be something they cannot control.

Hei Jin looked at the three people of Lin Hang 1 who were slowly falling on the clearing area at this time, and the main focus was on Yu Lingxian among the three. Hei Jin also looked at Ronghui. At a glance, I saw the dignity and helplessness in the eyes of the other party. At the beginning, he was understated by Yu Lingxian to leave this fragmented continent. Hei Jin also had some bad premonitions in his heart. In fact, he was the safest He and Ronghui directly abandoned this fragmented continent, but because they don’t know how strong the forces behind Yulingxian are, and they have given up the base camp that has been in business for so long, Hei Jin and Ronghui are naturally a little unwilling. Yes, now seeing that Yulingxian really brought people to the door, and still used such a powerful method to land on this fragmented continent, Hei Jin and Ronghui’s hearts also fell directly to the bottom of the valley. They knew the situation this time. It is definitely not that easy to cope with it.

And in the position behind Hei Jin and Rong Hui, Lin Hang 1 could also see the figure of the little fat man who used to be. It was the Qianjun who came from the force of the Ziwei Emperor Star mainland human race, but the current look It was even more sluggish than before. Obviously, within the time of this departure, Ronghui was one step closer to his seal and control. Lin Hang-1 was also somewhat clear when he saw this situation. With the passage of time, Qianjun's original consciousness will definitely dissipate step by step, and in the end only the shell that is manipulated by Rong Hui will remain.

Seeing these menacing three men, Hei Jin took a step forward, touched his moustache, and said directly, "Haha, the three of you are not far away, I don't know what you can do?"

At this time, Lin Hang 1 could not help but admire Hei Jin's strong will. Even when the three of its own parties were obviously unkind, they were still able to maintain their composure. From this alone, it can be seen that this black Jin is indeed a personal thing, and it is definitely not an accident that it can reach where it is today.

It’s just that I sigh and sigh, Lin Hang-1 came here this time, but it was not to talk nonsense with the Heijin. At this time, as soon as Heijin’s voice fell, he could feel that his body could no longer move. Under such circumstances , No matter how Hei Jin operates its own spiritual power and the power of the law of control, there is no meaning to break free, and Hei Jin can feel that this is not a simple imprisonment, the coldness from the soul also makes this matter. Hei Jin had a thought in his heart.

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