I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 855

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:44 AM

Chapter 855: Understatement

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Hei Jin relied on his powerful strength at the pinnacle of the realm of real immortals, and reluctantly glanced in the direction of the Jade Spirit Fairy. Lin Hang No. 1 and Jade Spirit Fairy were also directly ignored by him, and that one and The silhouette of Lin Hang 1 standing together instantly deepened the iciness in Hei Jin’s heart. He could also tell from his own situation that he was obviously affected by the Law of Ice, and was able to transform the Law of Ice. The one who has cultivated to such a level, in this piece of "Desperate Star Territory", there is only the owner of "Purple Cold Island"-Zi Feng!

Hei Jin was also determined at this time. It was Zi Feng, the owner of "Purple Cold Island" who helped Yu Lingxian deal with him. Knowing this situation, Hei Jin had no idea of ​​resisting. As Hei Jin lost resistance, he was also directly frozen into a big ice sculpture, just standing in place, and beside him, there was the same big ice sculpture, which was formed by freezing Rong Hui, and Qianjun, who was behind them, slowly regained some expression in his eyes at this time.

And just like this, it was Lin Hang 1 that made Zi Feng act like this before it came, because Lin Hang 1 knew that Qianjun was under the absolute control of Ronghui and Hei Jin at this time. Next, if there is some delay in their actions, maybe Qianjun may be in danger, and it is more likely that Ronghui and Hei Jin will directly kill him in the first place. Under such circumstances, for In case of safety, Lin Hang 1 directly asked Zi Feng to act as soon as he saw Hei Jin and Rong Hui. With all his strength, he would kill them first. In this case, some subsequent threats would not be possible. Appeared.

Therefore, the situation at this time is also very satisfactory to Lin Hang 1. Hei Jin and Ronghui obviously want to struggle. From Hei Jin’s direct opening, it can be seen that they still have a glimmer of hope for the future. , But Lin Hang No. 1 did not give them any room for resistance, and directly let Zi Feng take the action, without giving them any meaning of excuse, turning them into two big ice sculptures at this time.

After completing the freezing of Hei Jin and Rong Hui, Zi Feng snapped his fingers lightly, and saw that the two large ice sculptures that Hei Jin and Rong Hui had transformed had directly become ice crystal fragments scattered in the sky.

Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian walked quickly to Qianjun’s front. They scanned Qianjun’s body for a while, and they saw the seals and restrictions in Qianjun’s body at this time. It was not because of Hei Jin and Rong. Hui's death means weakening and dissipating. It is obviously an extremely insidious and powerful sealing technique. Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian looked at each other, and they both saw the solemn color in the other's eyes, obviously. One of their seals is not something they can easily break.

What made Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian even more critical was that after the death of Rong Hui and Hei Jin, the control of the seal was directly dissipated. Under such circumstances, it belonged to Qianjun. His self-consciousness was also naturally awakened, but in the process of awakening, it was obvious that it also touched the back hand left in the seal of this place. This back hand was obviously to prevent the sealed person from escaping. Prepared, and according to estimates by Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian, once this seal is touched by the recovery of Qianjun’s self-consciousness, the power that erupts will be enough to blow Qianjun’s whole person into fly ashes. The power of the law is unstoppable.

Yu Lingxian and Lin Hang 1 were both secretly cursing the evil damage of Hei Jin and Rong Hui in their hearts at this time, and they would actually set such an extremely insidious seal. If there is no special situation, then once it is sealed like this Inscribed, this monk is destined to be unable to get some chance to regain freedom, unless the caster is willing to give up such an excellent thug, which is basically impossible.

Under such circumstances, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian regretted that Zi Feng killed Hei Jin and Rong Hui directly. At this time, the caster died and lost control of the seal. Qianjun’s self-consciousness was positive. Being awakened, and the seal would become unstable because of Qianjun's awakening. Once it broke out, Qianjun would definitely be swallowed directly.

At this moment, Zi Feng was also aware of the situation on this side, and came to Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian's side. The divine sense probe also discovered the situation in Qianjun's body at this time, only with Lin Hang. The reaction of No.1 and Yu Lingxian was completely different, Zi Feng showed an expression as expected.

However, Zi Feng knew that the situation was critical. He didn't say anything to Lin Hang 1 and Yulingxian. He touched Qianjun's body with his right hand, and the next moment he saw that one was hidden in Qianjun's body. The cleared seal is directly frozen. This seal is only a restriction, and it can be regarded as a nihilistic existence, but it is such an existence that is also sealed by the purple on that special level of the seal with the power of the law of ice. It froze directly, and the other areas in Qianjun's body were really covered by the warm laws of heat at this time to prevent frostbite by the power of the laws of ice, and then the seal frozen by the power of the laws of ice was also directly transformed For the sake of the emptiness of ice crystals, dissipated in Qianjun's body, it was such a seemingly dangerous situation that was directly resolved by Zi Feng lightly.

After the hidden danger in Qianjun's body was completely resolved by Zifeng at this time, the self's consciousness was no longer restricted to awakening, and began a rapid awakening process, and it was at this time that Zifeng also began to introduce him. "Lin Hang, fellow Jade Spirit Immortal Daoist, this black brocade is indeed a good monk. Among the monks in the realm of true immortality, he can really be called the first person! He just resisted me. When the power of the law of ice freezes, in addition to the power of the law of darkness in my own practice, I also feel a ray of light. Obviously he has made some good progress on the law of the second door. From this point on It can be seen that the inheritance behind the black brocade and Ronghui should also be very remarkable, so the seal they set is also very strong. Generally, if it is restricted by this seal, there is basically no Saved. This time he was considered lucky. He happened to meet me. The power of the law of ice still has some advantages in dealing with such things. Now he has no problems. You just wait for him. Just regain consciousness!"

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