I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 857

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:42 AM

Chapter 857: grateful

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Therefore, in the exchange with Yu Lingxian, Qianjun can be said to have no reservations. Some information he knew was entered into the jade slip. It is precisely because of this that he made Yu Lingxian and Linhang-1 have been greatly facilitated in subsequent operations, but although Qianjun has no reservations and puts hope on Yulingxian, in Qianjun’s heart, for Yuling Xian was able to get him out, in fact, he didn’t report much hope, because Qianjun knew that Hei Jin and Ronghui were powerful and cunning, coupled with the magical hidden nature of the Fragment Continent, made him want to find It is very difficult for Heijin and Ronghui to **** themselves from these two people. The most important thing is that Qianjun is very desperate for the seal in his body and does not believe that anyone can break this seal perfectly. Because the seal has basically been integrated with him over time, which is equivalent to a part of him. Under such circumstances, if the seal is to be resolved rashly, he himself has a great possibility. It is impossible to keep.

It is precisely because of this that at that time, Qianjun’s heart no longer meant a perfect escape. His biggest wish was to see if Jade Lingxian could bring the forces behind him, and then destroy Hei Jin and Hei Jin. Ronghui, while helping him breathe out a sigh of illness, he solved the shackles that controlled him. After Hei Jin and Ronghui were wiped out, Qianjun actually didn't care about his existence, even if it was accompanied by a seal at that time. The death together is also much better than his previous situation, which is equivalent to a complete release.

It’s just that Qianjun wanted to break his brain and couldn’t understand it. Now the Jade Spirit Fairy has returned to this fragmented continent according to the agreement, and brought a powerful boost, but it was completely beyond Qianjun’s expectations. Yes, the person who helped is really too powerful. Hei Jin and Ronghui were directly killed by this powerful helper when he met each other. Under such circumstances, Qianjun thought he could be freed. , But did not expect that the seal that he felt a little unsolvable, in the hands of the owner of the Purple Seal Island, was just like a child's plaything, and was directly resolved lightly. This is also in Qianjun's heart. Secretly sighed that the owner of the Purple Sealed Island was able to get such a big name in this piece of "Desolate Star Territory", and it was definitely not a mere name.

Under Yu Lingxian's reminder, Qianjun put away the emotions in his heart, bowed deeply towards Zifeng's direction, and said gratefully in his voice, "In the next Qianjun, Thanks to the help of Senior Zifeng! In the days to come, "Purple Cold Island" will become my forever friend if I don't dislike it. If I encounter some problems, as long as I can help, it will be absolutely perfect. I will not refuse!"

Qianjun’s remarks can be regarded as being more solemn. Zi Feng didn’t take any special actions, but after Qianjun finished speaking, he smiled and said, “It’s not necessary! Fellow Daoist Qianjun, this time he will help. It’s only because of Lin Hang and Yulingxian’s request. For me, it’s actually not a very difficult thing! Can kill the two cancers in the "Desperate Star Territory", and can do one thing Good thing, I’m in a pretty good mood now! And today’s help is really just a fair deal between me and Lin Hang, so if you want to thank you, you should thank them both Right!"

What Zifeng said was not really self-effacing. Although he played an extremely critical role in this rescue operation, it can be said that without him, it would be impossible to complete this perfect rescue operation. It’s just that there’s nothing wrong with what Zi Feng said. If it weren’t for Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian’s request and deal, Zi Feng would not be willing to come out for this trip, and there is no Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian. He was also unable to find the location of the drifting debris continent under the guidance of, so, from the beginning to the process of this rescue operation, both Linhang-1 and Yulingxian played a very important role. Yu’s hands-on Zifeng was gone, and the reason why Zifeng agreed to help in the end was because Linhang-1 generously provided dozens of "Sky Spirit Fruit" to help Jingjing make a breakthrough. Therefore, what Zi Feng said is not a problem. Qianjun should be most grateful for the Yulingxian and Linhang No. 1 who kept the agreement with him in mind and executed them.

Qianjun also recognized the words Zi Feng said in his heart. He knew that although the protagonist had always been Zi Feng for his rescue this time, he could not ignore what Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian had done. With his efforts and help, Qianjun also secretly engraved the name of Jade Lingxian in his soul. In the days to come, this is the person he will always befriend with.

Looking at Qianjun who was already recovered, Lin Hang One also remembered something, smiled and said, "Friend Qianjun, from your jade slip, you can see that you are from On a fragmented continent with the same name as the ancient Ziwei Emperor star? Later, because he wanted to cross the limit of that continent and break into the realm of real immortals, did he leave his home alone and came into this starry sky?"

Qianjun didn’t have any unexpected meaning for Lin Hang-1 to know his own information. This was originally what he kept in the jade slip so that Jade Lingxian could understand him better, so Qianjun was also straightforward at this time. Nodded, and then said, "Well, that's right! It's just a little bit that made you laugh. Some people in our place don't know the height of the sky and the earth is thick, and they dare to be named Ziwei Emperor! But the fragment continent where I am , It is indeed a relatively large fragment left after the breaking of Ziwei Emperor, and there is a descendant of Ziwei Emperor. Only at the beginning, in order to inherit the will of Ziwei Emperor, this is directly A piece of fragmented continent was named Ziwei Emperor Star, and it’s still a bit shameful! After coming into this starry sky, I discovered that our cultivation level is still somewhat different from the average in this starry sky, because We don’t have a true fairyland cultivator there, and we really can’t afford the name of this Ziwei Emperor! But I haven’t been back for many years. I don’t know what it has developed into now!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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