I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 858

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:40 AM

Chapter 858: Introduction

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Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian looked at each other at this time, and then they all laughed. In the incomprehensible gaze, Lin Hang No.1 also directly smiled and said, "Friend Qianjun does not know something. Strictly speaking, Jade Lingxian and I also set off from the continent of Ziwei Emperor Star and came here! So after knowing your origin, both I and Jade Lingxian Very shocked, there is always a feeling that we are here to save you! Now through our efforts, we have achieved what we wanted!"

Qianjun was also shocked by these words of Lin Hang 1, because he had never thought that the world was so small that he could encounter help from his hometown when he was the most desperate and dangerous. It really made Qianjun. Some sigh.

Qianjun also had a surprised look, and said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, the two fellow Taoists also set off from the top of the Purple Emperor Star Continent! It's just that the next one is also very puzzled. The numbers of the two seem to be the same. The four major forces on our continent are not particularly the same, but the innate laws of Daoist Jade Spirit are somewhat close to the number of roads of the Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion, but they are not particularly the same, and Daoist Lin Hang is obviously with me. Ordinary human race, but my human race also has its own unique way of cultivation. Fellow Lin Hang, you don’t seem to come from my human race at all! Could it be that I haven’t returned for many years, which caused the situation in my hometown to have happened? Has the big picture changed? Is something that makes me unable to see the situation clearly?"

Lin Hang 1 laughed again, and then explained, "Friend Qianjun, you are really right about this sentence! The current Ziwei Emperor Star Continent is no longer the Inland Four The big power is in full control! In the West Polar Sea, we have also established a brand-new power called "Hua Xia Gate". It is a power that I developed after entering the Ziwei Emperor. Efforts can be regarded as unanimously recognized by the four major forces in the inland, and it can be regarded as the fifth major force on the Purple Emperor Star Continent! Other changes, I guess when I leave there with fellow Daoists, they should There is not much difference either. After a while, fellow Daoists will return to the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent with us, and we should be able to learn more about what happened!

Qianjun listened to the introduction of Lin Hang No. 1 and nodded here. He also keenly noticed the word West Polar Sea in Lin Hang No. 1’s discourse. Lin Hang No. 1 directly referred to the West Polar Sea. Rather than the West Antarctic Inland Sea, the difference is still very big, and Qianjun is very familiar with the four major inland forces' styles of work, knowing that with their temperament, it is absolutely impossible for the first time. Although the fifth force was allowed to develop on the Purple Emperor Star Continent, although Lin Hang No. 1’s words were very understatement, Qianjun was able to understand that Lin Hang No. 1 absolutely paid for such a step. A lot of effort, and the key to this is definitely not only hard to achieve. Linhang-1 either has a powerful means of power, or it has given the four inland powers the benefits or help that cannot be denied. Only in this situation can the four major forces in the inland agree to the new forces of Linhang-1 to coexist with them. It's just now Qianjun's own guess. For truly specific things, he only needs to return to the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent, and from the forces of the human race he belongs to, he should be able to get the answer he wants.

Qianjun thought for a while, and then said, "Lin Hang, fellow Jade Spirit Immortal Daoist, I don't know how the four major forces in the interior of the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent have developed? Have they broken through the previous restrictions? ?"

Lin Hang 1 laughed, and then said, "Friend Qianjun, what you want to ask should be whether there is a monk in the realm of real fairyland among the four inland forces? On this point, I can tell you very clearly that there shouldn't be one up till now. Fellow Daoist Qianjun, you should be regarded as the only true fairy cultivator among the four major inland forces today!"

Hearing Lin Hang-1’s answer, Qianjun also showed such a look, because it was because he was on the Purple Emperor Star Continent, he did not feel any hope of breakthrough, so he ventured into the starry sky. Among them, and after years of wandering and training in the starry sky, he finally crossed the realm that hindered him for a long time. Therefore, in Qianjun’s heart, he is actually very optimistic about those Now that the four major forces that were guarding the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent had heard of their current state, they were not surprised at all.

At this moment, Lin Hang 1 paused, and then continued, "However, they have not made any effort and progress in so many years! Fellow Daoist Qianjun, where did you come from? , I should also know the existence of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei"? Yes, since an accidental exploration of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" gave the four inland forces some clues to advance, follow-up once every millennium "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" has become the direction of the efforts of the four major forces in the inland. During the exploration of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" that has just ended, the four major forces in the inland finally got what they wanted. They have obtained a batch of "Sky Spirit Fruit"! Now, they should be intensively using the resources of this "Sky Spirit Fruit" to try to get a real cultivator in the realm of fairyland out of their own forces, so Said that the current situation should not have completed such a process, but is still in the preparation stage, but I estimate that after a period of time, the four major forces in the inland should gradually complete their plans. , And at that time, if it can go well, four brand-new cultivators of the realm of true fairyland will be born on the inland of the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent!"

Qianjun nodded somewhat clearly, and Zi Feng, who had been listening quietly by the side, also showed a thoughtful expression. According to Lin Hang No. 1, the latest edition of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" was opened. At that time, the four major forces in the interior of the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent received a batch of "Spirit Fruits" at the same time, which had to make Zifeng have some associations, he was wondering whether those in the hands of Linhang 1 "Sky Spirit Fruit", is it obtained through a similar way?

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