I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 86

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:39 AM

Chapter 86: Inheritance is on!

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Zhou Tong was a little surprised. In his eyes, Zhou Qiong had a very conservative character, but now he would actually agree with Lin Hang to make this bet with him. Although there are some meanings of riding a tiger, but more importantly, Zhou Qiong still has some confidence in the sudden emergence of Zhou Hang.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, but Zhou Tong didn't think that Lin Hang would be better than the elites in his village. It is not the time to retreat. He immediately said loudly, "Okay! Then we will make an ancestral contract now so that no one can Make trouble from it!"

Zhou Qiong explained to Lin Hang in a low voice, "The ancestral contract mentioned by Zhou Tong is an agreement passed down from our "Emperor Realm". This space is alive. You only need to bet that both parties appreciate the spirit of "Emperor Realm". Once the contract is concluded, the content stipulated therein cannot be violated once it becomes effective."

Lin Hang nodded lightly, expressing his understanding, and said with a smile, "Then please seniors, let's conclude a contract!"

Zhou Tong didn't believe that Lin Hang didn't know the binding force of the contract, but he still looked like an understatement, indicating that Lin Hang still had absolute confidence in himself. He gestured to the boy behind him and said, "Xu'er, Hao'er, let's get started!"

Zhou Xu and Zhou Hao stepped forward, and Lin Hang faced them at the sign of the village chief Zhou Qiong. The three of them all stretched out their right hands and put them together, silently sensing the existence of the'spirit'. Zhou Tong said loudly from the side, "The great spirit of "Emperor Realm", please accept my request and show the supreme contract Book it!"

As Zhou Tong shouted, something magical happened. A huge book appeared above the heads of the three people in the field, exuding a dazzling light. The three of them raised their right hands, and a page of paper flew out of the book. Lin Hang and the three began to say the content of the bet. It seemed that there was an invisible pen writing on the paper, and they wrote the words of the three. The three of them imprinted their own spiritual imprints, and the contract turned into a light spot into their bodies, and the contract came into effect.

It was the first time that Lin Hang came into contact with this thing, and it felt a bit strange. Feeling in his body, there was a little connection with the two teenagers opposite, Lin Hang knew the effect of the contract at this time.

Seeing the contract that had come into effect, Zhou Tong called back Zhou Xu and Zhou Hao, and solemnly said, "Xu'er, Hao'er, this time you must be twelve points. Although Zhou Hang didn't listen to it before. I said, but he has the confidence to compete with you two, he must still have some ability. I don’t believe that he will beat you, but you must show your own level, know? If you can successfully pass the second round , Our village can apply for more resources in front of the elders!"

Zhou Xu and Zhou Hao obviously understand the truth, and they nodded when they heard the words. Zhou Xu even said, "Village Chief, don't worry! Zhou Hao and I have been studying at the Zumiao Academy for so long, even if This week Hang Zhou has gotten a lot of chances outside, and it can’t compare with the training we received. He probably has the mentality of a frog in the bottom of the well. I don’t know how big the outside world is!"

Zhou Tong actually didn't think that Lin Hang could threaten Zhou Xu's strength, but he reminded them repeatedly to stabilize their mentality and try their best to exert their strength.

On this side, Zhou Qiong also asked Lin Hang with a hint of worry, "Lin Hang, are you really sure that you can beat those two boys? They have been in the Ancestral Temple for a long time, but there are still some things. of."

Lin Hang smiled and said, "The village chief, I don’t know anything about this heritage. Naturally, I can’t guarantee you that I will win. But even if I lose the bet in the end, the five thousand dollars I bet will be my own. Don't worry about it."

Zhou Qiong said with a stern face and said, "Lin Hang, do I feel sorry for the big money? To be honest, it is indeed a bit of a pain to let me take out five thousand at a time, but I am still afraid that you are too eager for quick success and quick gain. The battle for inheritance afterwards!"

Lin Hang knew that the village chief was also worried about him, so he comforted and said, "The village chief, don't worry! I have a sense of measure. This time I bet with Zhou Tong because I can't see his arrogance. To be honest, I am The only goal for this time was to obtain the option of inheritance. I did not consider the others, and the gambling agreement with them was only incidental."

At this point, Zhou Qiong could only choose to believe in Lin Hang's decision. Soon, it was late at night, and the two of them went to rest.

On a new day, about noon, Lin Hang felt the crowd around him start to commotion, Zhou Qiong whispered in his ear, "It's started! The energy layer that wraps the land of inheritance has loosened a little. According to the experience of previous years, this process will only last an hour at most, Lin Hang, you have to prepare!"

Lin Hang nodded and looked around, and found that all those who were about to enter the land of inheritance began to gear their hands, eager to try. When they glanced over the two Zhou Xu, they gave Lin Hang a provocative look. Lin Hang chuckled, ignoring it, and began to adjust his state.

When Zhou Qiong reminded him, Lin Hang opened his eyes, and the energy layer in front of him had opened a huge opening horizontally. From the outside, it was dark inside, and nothing could be seen at all.

Zhou Qiong came out in due course and explained, "Actually, according to the current situation, it is already possible to enter. However, the surrounding energy is still a little unstable, so generally everyone waits until the passage is completely stable before entering."

Although Lin Hang is confident, but he doesn't want to be an early bird, so he is also waiting for the time to enter with everyone.

It didn't take long for a figure to walk on the high platform behind, watching the appearance of this man, everyone put away the noise and waited to speak.

Zhou Qiong looked at Lin Hang with a bewildered look, and explained, "Lin Hang, the person on the high platform now is the great elder of our "Emperor Realm" ancestral temple. In his early years, he followed the ancestors in the battle and founded the "Emperor". After "World", here is silently guarding us. Therefore, for us, the great elders are like gods, respected by all people!"

After hearing the words of the village chief, Lin Hang couldn't help but admire this great elder. He silently guarded a race for thousands of years. Who could understand the loneliness in his heart?

The Great Elder was a little thin, but he was not old, with a kindly smile, watching the next generation of "Emperor Realm" exuding vitality in the underground, and said with a smile, "We have come to our "Emperor Realm" again. It’s a prosperous age! Looking at you, I know that the hope of "Emperor Realm" will never be cut off, and the glory of the ancestors will be restored! This time, people who hope to pass the fifth level will appear, so although they did not accept the complete inheritance, You can also get some good benefits! Now, children, enter this sacred place of inheritance and find your inheritance!"

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