I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 860

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:38 AM

Chapter 860: Zi Feng's interest

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Hearing this, both Linhang-1 and Yulingxian had some understanding of the experiences of the four major forces. In fact, they were similar to Linhang-1’s guesses. After all, he had entered the outer seas of the West Pole to explore. Naturally, he probably knew the situation. He knew that with the strength of the four major forces, he did not have the qualifications to step into the core of the West Antarctica. Once he was too arrogant to conquer, it would be very easy to cause the above situation, so Lin Hangyi After knowing the experience of these four major forces, there also appeared a lot of vigilance in his heart. In the future, he will inevitably enter the interior of the West Antarctica. Knowing more about the situation now can also help him. The explorations provide some warning functions.

At this time, after the introduction, Qianjun also showed a look of incomparable emotion, and said lonely, "It is also because of the heavy loss of expedition and exploration that made the four major forces in the inland enterprising. They were directly defeated, and most of the cultivators in the virtual fairy realm of the four major forces did not dare to recall this event, and even lost the determination to enter the starry sky to pursue a higher realm! I am also a special case. I forcibly suppressed the fear and anxiety in my heart, entered the starry sky, traveled to the point where I have been, finally achieved my wish and entered the realm of real fairy!"

When talking about this, Qianjun also reminded, "Friend Lin Hang, you can confidently explore this area outside the West Pole. I don’t think there is any problem, but you must do what you can! The monster beasts are very tyrannical, and there are many in number. At that time, my feelings were not very clear. I only knew that the monster beasts that appeared later were the cultivation bases of the realm of immortality. After thinking about it, that position seemed Those who have not yet entered the real core area of ​​the outer seas of the West Antarctica, under such circumstances, maybe there are monsters with cultivation bases higher than the realm of real immortals in the core area! So I think I think the outer areas of the outer seas of the West Antarctica If you have mastered the rules in the area, it is not particularly dangerous, but the real core area will not be able to be explored until the strength becomes stronger!"

Qianjun considered this issue from the perspective of Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian. Based on his previous experience in entering the outer seas of the West Pole, he must not be able to enter the West Pole until his strength is insufficient. Go to the core place outside the sea, where the monster beast is definitely not something Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian can deal with.

Hearing Qianjun’s reminder, Lin Hang No. 1 also nodded. In fact, after Lin Hang’s personal experiments on the powerful monsters in the West Pole, he has already come to the conclusion that these monsters There will be no threat to him at all, and he is basically in a state of ignoring. What Lin Hang is worried about is the other dangers that may exist in the core of the West Pole, and he also decided to at least cultivate. Only after reaching the level of the realm of real fairyland will you venture to explore the core place outside the western polar sea. Nowadays, you would not have such an idea.

Lin Hang 1 laughed, and then said, "Well, we also understand what fellow Taoist Qianjun said, so for the time being, our disciples are still practicing in the outer regions of the West Antarctica. Going deep into a place close to the central area, to start exploring there, I will wait for my strength to improve before I go back and consider it!"

On this side, Lin Hang No.1 and Qianjun are chatting very hotly here, while Zi Feng has been listening. When he heard that on the continent of the Ziwei Emperor Star, there was such a strange place as the West Antarctica. , Also came a lot of interest. The "Purple Cold Island" where Zifeng is located actually has a deep relationship with this continent of the Ziwei Emperor. After all, everyone was broken in the ancient Ziwei Emperor star. The existence that formed after that, can gather again in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" every thousand years. Before, these four forces on the star of Ziwei Emperor did not communicate with the forces in the starry sky, so Zifeng is not yet Knowing that there is such a place, in fact, within this "Desperate Star Territory", the fragments of Ziwei Emperor Star are only two of them, and the others are outside the "Desperate Star Territory".

And this time, when I first heard about the existence of the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent, I actually received such violent news. Zi Feng also had a lot of interest in his heart at this time, but the fear of Qianjun was still Unlike Lin Hang-1’s caution, Zi Feng’s heart is not very concerned. His cultivation is far beyond the realm of real fairyland. In this very remote piece of "Desolate Star Territory", he has always The words since then are still relatively invincible and lonely, and basically there is no opponent, but this time I heard this little-known Ziwei Emperor star continent, there will be such a strange piece of the West Antarctica. It has been confirmed that there are a large number of monsters in the realm of true immortals. This alone makes the intensity of the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent instantly increase. You must know that in this piece of "Desolate Star Territory", Except for "Purple Cold Island", among the other forces, the monks with the highest known cultivation level have only reached the realm of true immortals. Although they have some forces, relying on their heritage, they can match The ability of a monk at a higher realm, but in essence the highest cultivation level is still only in the realm of true immortality.

Moreover, according to what Qianjun said just now, it can be guessed that the central core area of ​​the outer sea of ​​the West Pole must have monsters or other things with cultivation bases exceeding the realm of immortality. It is precisely because of this situation that This greatly increased Zi Feng's interest, and he also wanted to see what the mystery was in the West Pole above the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent.

After Lin Hang 1 spoke, Zi Feng also smiled and said, "Lin Hang, do I have a chance to visit your Ziwei Emperor? There is such a mysterious and strange existence in the West Pole, and It can be considered to be able to bear its current name as the Ziwei Emperor! I was about to see the situation outside the West Pole. I wonder if I have this opportunity to travel together?"

In fact, it is a relatively rare situation for Zi Feng to leave "Purple Cold Island" this time. If it were not for Lin Hang's request, he would not leave this "Purple Cold Island" easily, but now he has finally left. , And without any problems in the operation of "Purple Cold Island", Zi Feng naturally wanted to stay outside for a while.

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