I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 861

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:38 AM

Chapter 861: Decide

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When Zi Feng just spoke, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian were obviously taken aback, because their hearts did not let Zi Feng return to the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent with them and explore the sea outside the West Pole. At this time, Zi Feng spoke to himself, and Lin Hang One also had some other thoughts in his heart.

Lin Hang 1 laughed, and then said, "Master of Purple Seal, if you leave from "Purple Cold Island" this time, don’t you need to rush back as soon as possible? If you have plenty of time, then your request What do I mean to refuse? It happens to take you to experience the scene above the Ziwei Emperor star. However, the area outside the West Pole is still a bit too weird. Although your strength is strong, If I rush into the deepest area, I can hardly guarantee what will happen!"

Zi Feng didn't expect that Lin Hang 1 would be worried that he would encounter some danger when he entered the outer sea of ​​the West Pole when he had a general understanding of his strength, and a hint of vigilance appeared in his heart. From his point of view, it is indeed a little difficult to solve the power of the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent in the outer seas of the West. The piles of true fairy cultivators are really not something ordinary forces can easily deal with, but listen to Lin Hangyi The meaning of the number, this is definitely not just such a simple situation in the outer seas of the West Pole. In the area of ​​the core land, the monster beast that has a cultivation base beyond the realm of the realm is already a certain thing. As for whether there is a monster with a stronger cultivation base, it is still unknown, so even if Zifeng's cultivation base is high, it is far beyond the realm of true immortality, but it does not mean that he will be able to be in this West Pole. Walked sideways inside the outer sea.

However, because of this, after Lin Hang 1’s reminder, Zi Feng became more interested in the sea outside the West Pole, but he would not be too arrogant and would follow Lin Hang’s arrangement. It is impossible to directly enter the core place in a rampage to explore with some information.

Zi Feng laughed, and then said, "Lin Hang, you have also seen the situation of "Purple Cold Island". Now Jingjing has successfully broken through and entered the realm of real immortals, and the "Sky Spirit Fruit" you provided, I am also assigned to some hopeful disciples in the realm of virtual immortality. Now the entire "Purple Cold Island" should be in the midst of intensive cultivation, especially those who have been assigned by "Sky Spirit Fruit". I must be suffocating enough energy to break through to the realm of real fairyland! Under such circumstances, the situation in "Purple Cold Island" does not have to worry me at all. I believe Jingjing and the others should be able to do so in a short time. What's the big problem, it is rare for me to get some free movement time, which is really not easy! So, if conditions permit, my trip to the Ziwei Emperor Star Mainland will be It is inevitable. As for whether to enter the sea outside the West Pole, I will not make a rash decision. I will definitely make some decisions after detailed thinking and exploration!"

Lin Hang No. 1 had already made a decision when seeing Zifeng, that is, he stopped persuading anything. Actually, Lin Hang No. 1 didn’t have much opinion about Zifeng’s visit to the Zifeng Emperor Star Continent, just fine. Taking advantage of this opportunity to increase some feelings with Zi Feng and "Purple Cold Island", and in the follow-up situation, whether to enter the sea outside the West, Lin Hang still has the confidence to convince Zi Feng, if it doesn't work, Lin Hang 1 can accompany Zi Feng to slowly enter the outer seas of the West Pole. With his characteristic that he will not be attacked by monsters, the danger will be greatly reduced at that time, so that he can see the outer seas of the West Pole In the situation, the security will be greatly improved.

Lin Hang 1 also smiled and said, "Well, since the owner of Zifeng Island has such an idea, you can't refuse it! When the Ziwei Emperor Star arrives, I will definitely welcome you! But now, we still have an important thing to solve, and that is the fragmented continent under our feet!"

After Linhang-1’s words prompt, Zifeng also began to look at this fragmented continent, and found that except for the open space where they are now located, other areas were sealed off by a huge mask. , Unable to see the scene clearly, and what surprised Zi Feng was that these light masks could not be easily broken in his perception. This situation seemed strange, that is, Even he couldn't violently break the light shield and enter the area inside.

Seeing such a fragmented continent, and then remembering the great mystery of the Western Polar Ocean that Lin Hang 1 introduced just now, Zi Feng’s heart was ignited with awe that had not appeared for a long time. His cultivation is indeed very high, absolutely in the top position of "The Wild Star Territory", but for so many years to stay on the "Purple Cold Island" without going out, it also made Zi Feng's exploration of the outside world very insufficient. Under such circumstances, he lost the meaning of exploring "The Wild Star Territory", so now that he saw these places that he hadn't noticed, Zi Feng's heart also had a long-lost urge to improve.

Although Zi Feng did not speak, Lin Hang One could see something from his expression, so at this time he also smiled and said, "Zifeng Island Master, the fragmented continent in this place is rather strange. , Because of the operation of some things in it, it can hide in the starry sky and drift continuously, and for so many years, Hei Jin and Ronghui have unintentionally discovered and occupied this fragmented continent until now, The area that can be explored is still only a small open space here! After years of research and exploration by Hei Jin and Rong Hui, they finally discovered how to enter the area that was shrouded by the light shield. It’s just that such a method requires the help of four true fairy cultivators, and you know that Hei Jin and Rong Hui’s reputation is definitely hard to find cooperation in this piece of "Desolate Star Territory" So it’s a coincidence that after they sealed and controlled the Daoist Qianjun who just broke through, they ran into me and Jade Lingxian by chance, and because of this, Jade Lingxian and I joined in this action. , In the case of acting with them, it can be regarded as a way for them to open this mask!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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