I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 863

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:33 AM

Chapter 863: Fourth monk

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After Zi Feng spoke, Qianjun also looked at Lin Hang 1 with a puzzled look. He also heard Lin Hang 1’s statement regarding the fourth person in Lin Hang 1’s mouth that broke the ban on the mask. The monks of the realm are also very curious, don't know where or how they are to be produced.

Lin Hang No.1 and Yu Lingxian also looked at each other, and then Lin Hang No.1 also laughed, and said, "Purple Sealed Island Master, don’t worry! This fourth-ranked cultivator of the real fairyland still wants It's on you! That's why I asked you to master the process of cracking the mask just now. There is no need to wait a while and do it again!"

In fact, Zi Feng still has some strangeness in his heart. He originally thought that since the fourth realm of true fairy cultivator had not appeared yet, Lin Hang No.1 and Yulingxian let him directly start the process of learning. In fact, it is something that makes Zi Feng very puzzled. After all, if the fourth-ranked cultivator of the real fairyland appears later, he still needs to learn it again. Isn't it a bit of repetition and delay? Now when Lin Hang 1 talked about this, and said that the last monk was related to Zi Feng, Zi Feng's heart became even more confused. His original idea of ​​asking Jingjing to come and help was caught by Lin Hang. Number One refused, and apart from Jingjing, Zi Feng couldn't think of any other true celestial monks who could completely trust and help, so at this time Zi Feng and Qianjun looked at Lin Hang One and waited. Following his next explanation.

Lin Hang No.1 did not say much, but waved his hand, and saw a figure slowly appeared at the position pointed to by the right hand. After the figure was fully formed, both Zi Feng and Qianjun I was surprised to find that this figure was exactly the same as Linhang No.1, but the cultivation base was much weaker than that of Linhang No.1, only the level of cultivation at the tribulation period.

Lin Hang No.1 did not speak, but the newly appeared Lin Hang smiled and said, "Friend Qianjun, Master of the Purple Seal, this is a small ability underneath, that is the ability to clone randomly. Except for the cultivation base of the clone cannot surpass the deity, the others are not much different. Within a certain range, it can be said to share memories and perspectives. It is very convenient, and the key is my The ability of this clone is not limited to using it on myself. For other monks, as long as I don’t strongly resist my spellcasting, I can also complete such a process. So, the fourth I just mentioned A monk is a clone of you, the owner of Purple Seal Island!"

Under this newly-emerged Lin Hang avatar, it also made Zi Feng and Qianjun couldn’t believe it, and they couldn’t help but accept the fact that, the most important thing, Lin Hang’s avatar’s ability could actually be right. If other monks use it, then the scope of application of this ability will become wider.

At this time, Zi Feng finally got some formality. He found that although Lin Hang 1 had caused some shocks to him, it was only the shock from the external "Spirit Fruit" and treasures, plus Lin Hang himself. The power of the various laws of cultivation gave Zi Feng a somewhat different view of Lin Hang. However, from the current situation, the abilities that Lin Hang 1 mastered are definitely not only those in front of them, but also more comprehensive. And the deep Lin Hang is not known to him, so at this time, Zi Feng also put a question mark on his own judgment in the bottom of his heart. That is to say that characters like Lin Hang 1 will really be trapped in the virtual world. Can the fairyland not progress? Or does this Lin Hang use his talent and strength, coupled with the help of powerful foreign treasures, to break through such a bondage? Zi Feng became more and more curious about such possible changes.

Zi Feng also showed a look of admiration at this time, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you really surprise me time and time again! This kind of ability is indeed very powerful, and it allows you to take into account many things. , To help you solve all kinds of problems, otherwise, if you just leave it alone, you will definitely not have so much energy! I want you to create a long-term avatar for me after this time, Do things for me on "Purple Cold Island"! In this way, I can also have more time and opportunities to act freely. After all, in this piece of "Desolate Star Region", I should be able to and If my clone is in contact, I won’t be trapped on "Purple Cold Island" all the time!"

Lin Hang 1 knew that this was only a temporary thought by Zi Feng, and the cooperation between them is only at a preliminary level. Under such circumstances, even if Zi Feng wants to trust Lin completely On Hang One, the "Purple Cold Island" behind him would definitely not be allowed. Of course, in the later stage, as the cooperation between the two parties deepens, what Zifeng said just now is not impossible.

Lin Hang No.1 laughed, and then said, "About this, the owner of Zifeng Island will be able to talk in detail later. For now, let's invite the'fourth' true fairy cultivator out first!"

Zi Feng smiled and nodded, then came to the front of Lin Hang One, let go of his defenses, and waited for Lin Hang One to move.

Lin Hang One was actually a little nervous at this time, because he was also the first time to use this clone's power against a monk with a high level of cultivation like Zi Feng. Looking at Zi Feng who put down his defenses, Lin Hang One He took a deep breath, and then directly penetrated into Zifeng’s body, and then used the avatar’s ability to hook up a trace of spiritual power in Zifeng’s body, feeling the strength of these spiritual powers, plus Zifeng’s With the help of a trace of spiritual power, soon, this spiritual power was also mixed with a trace of Zifeng's spiritual power, which was directly brought out of Zifeng's body by Lin Hang's consciousness, and then after leaving Zifeng's body, it was also in Lin. Under the effect of Hang-1's clone ability, it slowly transformed into a human form, and then under Lin Hang-1's continuous efforts, it finally became the appearance of Zifeng, and all the auras on her body were exactly the same as Zifeng. There is no difference, only the level of cultivation is not as good as Zifeng, just similar to the Jade Spirit Immortal, just entering the realm of true immortality.

After completing such a process, Lin Hang 1 was also relieved. He thought it would be more difficult to use the clone ability this time, but he didn't expect it to be completed successfully.

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