I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 864

Published at 10th of June 2024 07:57:32 AM

Chapter 864: magical

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Before Lin Hang, he also created clones for monks whose cultivation bases were much higher than him. At that time, it was all in order to be able to replicate some of the abilities in these powerhouses, so that he meant to create clones, but in those few times During the production of the clone, Lin Hang only created a clone whose cultivation base was not much higher or lower than his own. He had never imagined that it would be like this today. He had to take his cultivation base in the realm of virtual immortality to be higher. A cultivator of the second order created a clone of the real fairyland, but Lin Hang was a little worried before and when it was made, but after really creating such a purple seal of the real fairyland, Lin Hang No. One also has no difficulties. At this time, he also understands that when he uses the clone powers on others, in fact, the object’s cultivation level does not make much difference to him. His The clone ability is more like a guide. As long as the monk who uses this clone ability does not resist, then Lin Hang, relying on the guidance of the clone ability itself, creates a cultivation base with strength far beyond his own. It's all possible, as long as the cultivation base of this clone is not higher than that of the monk whose clone power is cast.

At this time, as Linhang-1’s thoughts were flying, the purple-clad true fairyland clone that was just created also slowly opened his eyes, because there was a hint of spiritual power in the production. , So the Zifeng clone at this time also does not need the control of the Zifeng deity, and can act independently without any restrictions.

After Zifeng's clone opened his eyes and felt the situation at this time, he also exclaimed, "This is really a magical ability! The clone created in this way does not seem to have any special restrictions. Yes, I feel very comfortable and simple to control, and I completely inherit the memory and knowledge of the deity. It is amazing!"

Rao is the Zifeng who has seen many big scenes. When facing such a magical scene, he couldn't help but exclaimed. Lin Hang-1 was obviously very satisfied when he heard this. Look at the current situation. , They went to crack the ban on the light mask covering those areas together, there should be no problem!

Lin Hang 1 said with a smile at this time, "If the owner of Purple Seal Island is satisfied, after this time the event is over, you can consider setting up such a clone on "Purple Cold Island". It doesn't need to be too powerful. Cultivation, as long as you can handle the affairs on "Purple Cold Island" for you! After all, if you can communicate with each other, your consciousness can directly dominate the clone, so it is equivalent to your deity being there. On "Purple Cold Island", the effect is exactly the same. In this case, you can be considered as having more free time and other energy to accomplish many other things!"

After saying this, Linhang No. 1 also continued, "But for now, let’s start cracking those masks! Here I want to explain that although you all have mastered the method of cracking the masks, but also It's just a method, and the specific implementation has not been carried out yet, so we still need to practice it first, and finally reach a tacit understanding of agreement, otherwise, if there is a slight incompatibility, it will cause the failure of this process!"

After Lin Hang 1 said these words, it also attracted the attention of the few people present. Yu Lingxian also nodded and continued on Lin Hang 1's words, "Well, Lin Hang is right. We must maintain the same pace in such a process, so we need to have a spiritual leader in the process of operation. With the help of this leader, we can make the four of us move. The pace is completely above the same level. The last time the crack was made, the black brocade with the highest cultivation level played such a role. This time, I feel that the owner of the purple seal island will complete such a role. The role is the best choice. After all, at the end of the last time, a cultivator at the peak of the real fairyland like Hei Jin was a little overwhelmed, and we both almost broke through the real fairyland not long ago, compared to As far as Hei Jin is concerned, it must be quite inferior, and Zifeng Island's major cultivation level is superb, and it must be capable of such a task!"

Regarding this suggestion from Jade Lingxian, Qianjun did not have any opinion on the side. At this time, he was also looking at Zifeng’s deity position with Jade Lingxian. Zifeng passed by Lin Hang and Yulingxian at this time. Under the double introduction, he also understood the necessity of these two things. As the person with the highest cultivation level, he was still obliged to do so. Therefore, the deity of Zifeng nodded and said, "Well, well, I accept this. It’s not too late, let’s start the rehearsal now!"

After Zi Feng finished speaking, he and Yu Lingxian, Qianjun, and his clone began a trial operation of cracking the method. At this time, Linhang-1 was obviously a bit boring, watching quietly. Four people's movements.

In fact, in Linhang-1’s heart, there is another way that may have a better effect, and that is to create two more Zifeng's real fairyland clones, so that Zifeng can get together. Enough for the scale of four true fairyland cultivators. In this case, because they are all from the same source, they can also perform the same actions perfectly. The probability of mistakes is very low, and the maximum guarantee can be guaranteed. The conduct of cracking behavior.

However, the reason why Linhang No. 1 did not propose such a plan is because this matter, no matter from what perspective, is not suitable for Zifeng to do it alone. After all, they have several With the existence of the Fang forces, if Zi Feng is allowed to do it alone, if he encounters some resources at that time, how will he allocate it? Therefore, people from several of their forces are here, and if they are capable, they naturally need to participate in it. This is also a relationship that conforms to interest and cooperation. Another point is also more important. Zifeng can indeed make three clones with enough cultivation level with the help of Linhang-1, and can also crack it with the three clones under his own link. The mask is blocked, but this process is actually not easy. If Zi Feng completes this process by himself, it will definitely be difficult to support in the end.

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